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Design Workshop Multi-stakeholder Assessment 1 [Enter names of facilitators]

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Presentation on theme: "Design Workshop Multi-stakeholder Assessment 1 [Enter names of facilitators]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Workshop Multi-stakeholder Assessment 1 [Enter names of facilitators]

2 Slide 2 To identify opportunities to improve knowledge and information systems with the aim of supporting decision-making; the exchange of information; and increasing the potential for learning and innovation To create awareness among stakeholders of the opportunities and constraints that affect their performance Identify innovative solutions that could effectively remove constraints and take advantage of opportunities A more comprehensive understanding of how we organise and exchange information Suggestions for improvement Commitment from stakeholders to implement change

3 Slide 3 TimeDetail 8.00Arrival and Registration 8.30Introductory Session 9.00Background to Multi-stakeholder Assessment 9.15The Assessment Process 9.45Introducing Workshop 1 10.10Morning Comfort Break 10.30Workshop 1: Problem Tree Analysis 12.00Introducing Workshop 2 12.30Lunch 14.00Workshop 2: Creating an Innovation Tree 15.00Afternoon Comfort Break 15.20Workshop 3: Reviewing Innovations & the role of [organisation] 16.20Reflections 16.30Close

4 Problem tree analysis 4

5 Slide The problem tree establishes cause and effect to ensure that root problems are identified and then addressed The main steps are: 1. Identify one or two initial core problems 2. Identify related problems/constraints 3. Analyse and identify cause and effect relationships 4. Check the logic 5. Draft the problem tree diagram 5

6 Slide Rising CHD DietSmoking Fast Foods Availability of fresh produce Habit Forming Peer Pressure Angina Heart attack Increased Dependency on services & family members Reduce CHD Mass media campaign to promote healthy eating Cookery Classes Fresh food delivery in poor areas Increase awareness of dangers of smoking via campaign Nicotine Replacement Therapy Peer education programmes Reduction in patients reporting symptoms of angina Decrease in prevalence of heart attacks 25% increase in people living independent lives Core Problem Causes Effects Aim Activities Objectives

7 Sample Problem Tree Analysis

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