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T HURSDAY, M ARCH 27, 2014 Directions: Please come in and get your journal. Title: Calculating Volume using Area of the Base “B” Challenge Question : What.

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Presentation on theme: "T HURSDAY, M ARCH 27, 2014 Directions: Please come in and get your journal. Title: Calculating Volume using Area of the Base “B” Challenge Question : What."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HURSDAY, M ARCH 27, 2014 Directions: Please come in and get your journal. Title: Calculating Volume using Area of the Base “B” Challenge Question : What does the B in V=Bh represent? How do we calculate it? Warm-Up: Complete the warm-up in your journal with 0 noise level! (1)Get out your homework on 3D Nets. Check to see if you named the Nets correctly. Then fold the paper in half and glue on the next blank page in your journal. (1)You have 5 minutes to review your notes from Tuesday on naming 3D shapes and Nets. You will be given a short quiz in 5 minutes (no notes!!)

2 I DENTIFYING 3D S HAPES AND N ETS Q UIZ Please get your clicker. Put your name on the top of your quiz. You have a choice of answers A, B or C for every question. 1 st page (Name each shape)… on numbers 1-10 If you checked the first (or top) box, your answer is A If you checked the second (or middle) box, your answer is B If you checked the third (or last) box, your answer is C **If you need help entering your answers in the clicker, please complete the entire quiz and then raise your hand and I will help you.** When you are finished, keep your quiz and return your clicker. We will go over the correct answers!

3 C ALCULATING V OLUME FOR 3D S HAPES Look at your STAAR reference materials. What do you notice about the formulas for calculating volume of 3D shapes? Now, go back and re-read the title of todays notes. What do you think the “B” in V=Bh represents? I want you to re-read the CQ for today. Please answer the first question in your journal.

4 “B” IS THE A REA OF THE B ASE On Tuesday, we spent all class period naming 3D shapes. Remember: 3D shapes are named based on 2 characteristics… (1) the shape of the base (2) prism or pyramid A prism has 2 flat bases that are parallel A pyramid has 1 flat base and comes to a point at the top

5 V = Bh Volume = Area of the Base x Height Steps to calculate volume: (1) Decide what the shape of the base is (2) Calculate the area of that shape (3) Multiply the Area of the Base “B” by the Height of the shape

6 V OLUME OF A R ECTANGULAR P RISM V = Bh Volume = area of the base x height The shape of the base is a rectangle so… B = length x width A cube is a rectangular prism!

7 V OLUME OF A T RIANGULAR P RISM V = Bh Volume = area of the base x height The shape of the base is a triangle so… B = ½bh

8 L EARNING T OGETHER Take the Measurement Challenge. You and your partner will rotate through 9 stations and work together to: (1) identify the shape of the base (2) calculate the area of the base (3) calculate the volume of the shape by applying the formula V = Bh

9 J UST F OR M E Calculate the Volume of Prisms on your own using your notes, the STAAR reference materials and what you have learned from the Measurement Challenge! If you finish early, you will continue to work on the STAAR packet. You should now be able to complete the 3D questions about volume.

10 W RAP -U P If you did not finish the Calculate the Volume of Prisms practice page, it is homework due on Monday at the beginning of class. Take your journals home to help you and so that you have a copy of the STAAR reference materials. If you have finished, please put the assignment in the box and return your journals to your class bin.

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