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The unintended impact of consent forms on motivation to participate in web studies ARIEL AYALON & RUVI DAR WEBDATANET, SALAMANCA 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The unintended impact of consent forms on motivation to participate in web studies ARIEL AYALON & RUVI DAR WEBDATANET, SALAMANCA 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The unintended impact of consent forms on motivation to participate in web studies ARIEL AYALON & RUVI DAR WEBDATANET, SALAMANCA 2015

2 Intro Informed consents in the social sciences were developed in response to ethically problematic studies that were conducted in the 1960s and 1970s (e.g., Milgram’s obedience studies). Current consent forms, however, have become quite lengthy and are formulated in a legalistic language which may have unintentional negative consequences.

3 Goal In the present study, we examined whether a lengthy and legalistic consent form might deter participants from participating in an internet survey and reduce their willingness to self-disclose.

4 For example… 1 st consent form Dear Participant, This questionnaire is about thoughts, feelings and behaviors that disturb various people. There are no correct or incorrect answers to these questions; the correct answer is whatever you find most appropriate. For this study, please write the number 7 in the last question. Thank you for your cooperation.

5 For example… 2 nd consent form Head researchers: This study is being conducted by two Israeli researchers, Dr. Ariel Ayalon, the CEO of the The Midgam Project, and Professor Reuven Dar of Tel Aviv University’s School of Psychological Sciences. The objective: We invite you to participate in this study. By participating, you can help researchers understand how common certain behaviors, thoughts and feelings are in Israel. Four hundred subjects will participate in the study. ……

6 For example… 2 nd consent form (Part 2) …. The process: On average, the survey takes 5 minutes to complete. If you choose to respond to the survey, you may also choose to stop at any time. You many not skip questions you don’t wish to answer. Risks: To the best of our knowledge, this survey does not expose you to any special risks beyond everyday risks. ….

7 For example… 2 nd consent form (Part 3) …. The benefit: You are invited to share your disturbing thoughts, behaviors and feelings with us. This process can help you familiarize yourself with disturbing issues and create a sense of release. However, there is a chance that you will not benefit from this study. Generally speaking, we hope to learn about how common these disturbing phenomena are in the daily lives of people living in Israel. Participation and willful termination: Participation in this survey is of your own free will. You do not need to participate in this study. If you decide to participate in the study, and change your mind later, you have the right to terminate your participation at any time. You may end your participation at any point in time.

8 For example… 2 nd consent form (Part 4) … Confidentiality: We will preserve the confidentiality of your records to the extent that the law permits. The data will be stored on computers equipped with software designed to protect data. The data may be shared with others whose role is to ensure that the study is being conducted properly. The results will be summarized and reported as a group. You will not be personally identified. The results (again, only on a group level, not on an individual level) will be shared at scientific conferences or papers meant to be published in scientific journals. Contact us: If you have any questions about the study, please contact Ariel Ayalon at Please write the number 7 for the last question of this survey.

9 For example… 2 nd consent form (5 Part) Your help is very important to us. We thank you again for devoting your valuable time to help us complete this survey. By clicking on the “yes” button below, you indicate that you agree to participate in this study. - Yes, I agree to participate in this study.

10 Method Web experiment using Midgam Project Web Panel (Israeli, opt-in panel) 398 participants completed 28 dropped out during participation Representing Israeli-Jewish population ages between 15-74

11 Measurements OCI Sense of agency Satisfaction with current participation Willingness to participate in future studies Memory Check

12 Legalistic CF are related to study withdrawal ( χ 2 = 5.035; p < 0.05 )

13 Legalistic CF are related to less self disclosure - OCI *( t = 2.1; p < 0.05 )~( t = 1.7; p < 0.1 )

14 Legalistic CF are related to less self disclosure – Sense of Agency ( t = 2.01; p < 0.05 )

15 Legalistic CF are related to less attention to the instructions in the form ( χ 2 = 16.87; p < 0.000 )

16 Conclusions and Recommendations Informed consent should be kept as simple and minimal as possible. In case of web panels – researchers should consider the agreement to the terms and conditions of the panel during registration to fulfill most of the requirements of informed consents.

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