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SPECIAL EDUCATION IN NORTHERN IRELAND A SHORT OVERVIEW Childhood & Disability: Inclusion in the mainstream.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECIAL EDUCATION IN NORTHERN IRELAND A SHORT OVERVIEW Childhood & Disability: Inclusion in the mainstream."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN NORTHERN IRELAND A SHORT OVERVIEW Childhood & Disability: Inclusion in the mainstream


3 Context: Where are we now? Code of Practice: 6 years on 53,164 pupils on SEN registers 4,986 pupils in special schools £83m>£150m 49 special schools,172 units Unmet need remains:- CI report SEND: inclusion issue

4 DE Endorsement “In 2003-4 to take forward a review of special education provision in N. Ireland to include a range of ETI reports/surveys, research projects, information gathering both at local and international level, and a review of the use of resources in order to provide evidence to inform policy development and produce recommendations regarding future policy, strategy and provision to reflect the concept of inclusion.” May 2003

5 Emerging Strategy Key Strategic and Policy Objectives a costed policy for special education and inclusion recognise the broader role of special schools develop a culture to promote inclusion place resource at the fore of progressive development

6 Key Activities A Review of Provision for pupils with statements of Sp. Ed. Needs in Primary and Post-primary schools in N. Ireland A Review of the Role of Special Schools Survey of Minority Groups Leavers survey ( MLD):Key stage 4 Flexibility Promoting Sp.Ed. In Early Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development Improving inclusion in Pre-school Education Working Group Research Partnerships: regional secondments Four Nations Sp.Ed. Stock-take Autism & Dyslexia Report recommendations Speech and Language Projects Camera Mouse Challenging Behaviour Survey

7 Survey of Mainstream Schools KEY ELEMENTS ARISING committed leadership whole school acceptance high profile SENCO agreed standards training self-evaluation system

8 ROLE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL Report findings  strategic shortfall  imbalance of resources and expertise  variation in access to provision  limited transdisciplinary planning  untapped skills  changing pattern in pupil profile  areas of expertise in special schools  trend toward connectivity

9 ROLE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL Report recommendations  strategic and corporate view for special education and inclusion defining role of special school  framework/training to improve special school practices to address changing needs  commonality of funding  collaborative working arrangements with health and social services

10 The Way Ahead for schools Towards a set of guiding principles:- all children matter barriers to learning are identified positive action is taken to remove them a sense of community education prevails

11 The Emerging Outcomes Four Main Areas  Training INCLUSION  collaborative working &  Improving qualitySP.ED. POLICY  Matching Resources

12 The Enriched School Early intervention Less bureaucracy SEN friendly: partnership networks Parent friendly Improved access Inclusion policy /development programme Leadership standards

13 The Way Ahead Securing entitlement/Supporting Learning “ There should be a continuum of support and services to match the continuum of special needs encountered in every school.” UNESCO Salamanca Statement 1994

14 And Finally, No-one said it was going to be easy!


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