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Kitchen Safety and Sanitation “Its just common Sense”

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1 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation “Its just common Sense”
Please have your Food Skills notebooks out on your desk with a heading for your first unit & date.

2 Unit One: Safety & Sanitation (3 Weeks)
More accidents happen in the Kitchen than any other room in the home. Why is this? Take 2 minutes to share an example at your table of an accident that has happened in your kitchen at home!

3 In your notes, record all the Kitchen Safety Hazards you can find (there are at least 20!)

4 In your notes, record all the Kitchen Safety Hazards you can find (there are at least 20!)

5 Kitchen Hazards: 1. Woman reaching for something on high shelf
2. Plates close to edge 3. Opening pan lid towards face 4. Woman’s hair down 5. Woman not using pot holders 6. Pot handles facing out 7. Towel next to burner

6 Kitchen Hazards: 8. Drawer left open 9. Woman barefoot
10. Trash left out 11. Spill not cleaned up 12. Too many plugs in one outlet 13. Knives in dish water 14. Pulling on cord 15. Toaster near sink 16. Food left in blender 17. Cords laying in water

7 Kitchen Hazards: 18. Can open on counter
19. Woman has baggy sleeves while cooking 20. Touching cords with wet hands Anything I missed?

8 Gina’s Mistakes: 7. Wiped hands on a dish towel after touching raw meat 8. Cut lettuce on dirty cutting board 9. Did not wash lettuce or tomatoes 10. Pets in the kitchen! 11. Left a spill without cleaning it up 12. Left the oven unattended while showering.

9 Kitchen Safety Basics:
1) Focus on What You’re Doing 2) Dress for Safety 3) Practice Safe use of all Tools & Equipment

10 Kitchen Safety Basics 4) Close drawers & doors completely
5) Store large pots & other heavy items within easy reach 6) Control Clutter

11 DOL: At the bottom of your notes, give 1 example of how each of the 6 Kitchen Safety Basics can be broken!

12 Preventing Kitchen Accidents
Have your notebooks out, dated and with the heading above.

13 Preventing Kitchen Accidents
Please record the following in your notes.

14 Preventing Falls: Clothing should fit & not be too long or baggy
Spills should be cleaned up immediately Use a sturdy chair to reach higher shelves

15 Handling Sharp Edges: Use sharp knives (not dull ones) ?
Store knives in safe place Wash sharp tools by hand and put away immediately Do not throw knives in dish water with other dishes

16 Handling Sharp Edges (cont.)
If a sharp tool starts to fall, LET IT! Do not try to catch it. If glass breaks, use a broom & dustpan. DO NOT pick up pieces with your hand!

17 Preventing Fires & Burns:
Always use potholders when touching pots, pans & taking things from the microwave Lift lids so the steam goes away from your face Keep flammable items away from burners on stove (towels, potholders, paper, plastic) Keep handles turned in Wear appropriate Clothing!

18 Preventing Fires & Burns: (cont.)
A fire extinguisher should be in every kitchen If a fire begins on the stovetop 1) turn off the heat 2) smother with a lid, salt or baking soda NEVER put water on a grease fire! Video

19 Using Electricity Safely:
Keep electrical appliances away from water Turn off & unplug appliances as soon as you are done using them Wash electrical appliances by hand with a sponge, not in the sink

20 Do we know about metal & microwaves??

21 In Case of Accident: Alert teacher immediately!
Heimlich Maneuver used to dislodge an object from the throat of a choking person CPR used to revive a person whose breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

22 Review: Read your strip of paper, decide if you believe it is a safe, or unsafe practice & why!

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