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Connecting Bluetooth GPS to APIC Step 1: Pairing the Bluetooth GPS With Your Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Bluetooth GPS to APIC Step 1: Pairing the Bluetooth GPS With Your Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Bluetooth GPS to APIC Step 1: Pairing the Bluetooth GPS With Your Computer

2 To connect your Bluetooth GPS to APIC, you first need to “pair” the device with your computer. The following are instructions on how to do this.

3 Under the Start menu, Open the Control Panel

4 NOTE: Depending on your computer It may also be called Bluetooth Manager In the control Panel, open Bluetooth Devices

5 In the Bluetooth Devices menu, start by clicking the Add button

6 Then click the Next button This starts the Add Bluetooth Wizard. Follow the instructions, and make sure your GPS is turned on

7 The Wizard will then search for your Bluetooth Device

8 Once it has found your device, highlight it, and then click next

9 Some GPS devices require a passkey. (usually 0000, or 1234) Look up your product info to find out if you need one, and what it is

10 The wizard will then connect and configure your computer to communicate with the GPS

11 Take note of the Outgoing COM port number, you will need it later Next click Finish

12 Open the Devices tab to verify that the GPS is paired with your computer

13 Repeat the same process to connect your WxWorx receiver You will want to use the passkey number 9679 for WxWorx

14 Step 2: Connecting a Bluetooth GPS to APIC Now that the GPS is paired with your computer, you can connect it to APIC.

15 On APIC’s main page open the Settings menu

16 Open the Connections button

17 Select the corresponding COM Port identified in the Bluetooth Manager Next select the Reset button The Baud Speed is typically 4800, but consult the GPS’s documentation to make sure Then click Done

18 The Satellite Information Screen will also contain satellite connections status and real-time GPS information Upon successful connection with your GPS, your current location will be projected on the moving map Sattelite Connections will also be shown in the PFD

19 A Green bar means that APIC is receiving and using GPS data from that satellite to determine your location A Black bar means that APIC is receiving GPS data from that satellite but is not using it Note: You need at least 3 green bars to calculate your location, and at least 4 green bars to calculate your altitude Other navigation data received from the GPS satellites is also found here This is the Satellite Information Screen

20 In the event that your GPS loses power…

21 …and APIC will wait until the GPS is powered up again… The moving map will blank out …and the moving map and all other instruments will come back online… Upon powering up, APIC will automatically reconnect to the GPS

22 For any other questions regarding APIC or contact Approach at

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