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Increasing Student Success: What the Data Shows Serkan Celtek Director Office of Research & Analytical Services South Texas College February 25, 2013 S.J.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Student Success: What the Data Shows Serkan Celtek Director Office of Research & Analytical Services South Texas College February 25, 2013 S.J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Student Success: What the Data Shows Serkan Celtek Director Office of Research & Analytical Services South Texas College February 25, 2013 S.J. Sethi, Ph.D. Executive Director Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness The University of Texas-Pan American

2 Outline High School to College in Texas and Local Counties High School Graduates from Local ISDs Enrolled in Higher Education UTPA and STC Profiles Reflecting Success Success Strategies at STC Success Strategies at UTPA STC and UTPA Collaborations for Success

3 From High School to College 2002-2010 Source: HS graduates enrolled in Texas higher education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

4 HS Graduates Enrolled in Higher Education 2002-2010 Source: HS graduates enrolled in Texas higher education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX. 58% 63% 60% 66% 62% 68% 59% 64% 68% 70%

5 High School Graduates from Cameron County ISDs Enrolled in Higher Education – Fall 2011 Source: HS graduates enrolled in Texas higher education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX. 83% 62% 87% 59% 56% 52% 56% 52% 56% 59% 2,5901,0012025371201355983188502

6 High School Graduates from Hidalgo County ISDs Enrolled in Higher Education – Fall 2011 Source: HS graduates enrolled in Texas higher education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX. 42% 73% 57% 60% 57% 66% 64% 62% 57% 54% 85% 59% 61% 54% 51% 5883221,738531,2831462171,2952667941,7441156192641,007

7 High School Graduates from Starr County ISDs Enrolled in Higher Education – Fall 2011 Source: HS graduates enrolled in Texas higher education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX. 67% 60% 579 353

8 Institutional Profiles

9 UTPA Profile 19,302 Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

10 UTPA Profile 75.3% Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

11 UTPA Profile 3,165 Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

12 UTPA Profile Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

13 Percentage of entering freshmen enrolled in developmental coursework UTPA Profile Source: Office of Admissions, UTPA, Edinburg, TX.

14 UTPA Profile Baccalaureate Graduates Employed in 4th quarter in which program year ends Enrolled in graduate or professional school in TX in fall of next FY Employed in TX and enrolled in graduate or professional school Employed in TX and/or enrolled in graduate or professional school 65.90%5.20%9.3% 80.3% Graduate Success FY 2010 Source: Texas Almanac, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.


16 STC Profile 30,824 Source: Office of Research & Analytical Services, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.

17 STC Profile Source: Office of Research & Analytical Services, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.

18 STC Profile Source: Office of Research & Analytical Services, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.

19 STC Profile 3,967 Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

20 STC Profile 18.8% Source: Accountability System, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX. Highest among Very Large Colleges in TX for three consecutive years.

21 STC Profile Source: Office of Research & Analytical Services, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.

22 STC Profile Percentage of students enrolled in developmental coursework Simultaneously, Total Enrollment Increased by 75%. Source: Office of Research & Analytical Services, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.

23 Graduate Success FY 2010 STC Profile Academic ProgramsTechnical Programs Employed Enrolled 4- Yr or 2-Yr Employed and Enrolled Total Academic Employed and EnrolledEmployed Enrolled 4- Yr or 2-Yr Employed and Enrolled Total Technical Employed and Enrolled 34.3%27.6%33.4% 95.3% 72.0%14.2%2.9% 89.1% Source: Texas Almanac, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX.

24 Some Initiatives at STC for Student Success A Large & Comprehensive Dual Enrollment Program:  Served over 67,000 students since 2003  Tuition Free  6 Dual Enrollment Academies  15 Early College High Schools  21 School Districts  68 High School sites

25 Some Initiatives at STC for Student Success Accelerated Developmental Education:  Quality Enhancement Plan  New Mathways Project  Puente Project – Integrated Reading and Writing  Non-Course Based Remediation

26 Some Initiatives at STC for Student Success Completion Strategies: Provides Academic Support, Advising, Coaching, and On-Campus Work Opportunities Swift Entry into Programs of Study Provide Students with Consistent Feedback Along Each Step of their Way Reduce Time Spent in Pre-Collegiate Coursework New Technology Solutions


28 Some Initiatives at UTPA for Student Success Student Engagement and Experiential Learning Undergraduate Research Scholars Initiative Publishing Opportunities Tutoring Services in Critical Thinking and Critical Reading Workshops Service Learning

29 Some Initiatives at UTPA for Student Success Centralized Advising Advisement Mentoring Academic Resources Early Warning System

30 Some Initiatives at UTPA for Student Success Student Employment Office

31 Some Initiatives at UTPA for Student Success Map and Progress Report to Success Degree Works

32 Collaborations between UTPA and STC for Student Success STC and UTPA advisors work together 2 +2 Articulation Agreements

33 Collaborations between UTPA and STC for Student Success Fifty-seven cities have registered to compete ! McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX Metro Area

34 Collaborations between UTPA and STC for Student Success Courageous Data Discussions with Regional Partners: Summit on College & Career Readiness Leadership Alliance P-16 Initiatives Rio Grande Valley Pathways

35 Contact Serkan Celtek S.J. Sethi

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