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AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate.

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Presentation on theme: "AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate (IRIS) J. Berger (UCSD) J. Collins (WHOI) W. Farrell (SAIC) J. Fowler (IRIS) P. Herrington (DoE) R. Hutt (USGS) B. Romanowicz (UCB) S. Sacks (Carnegie) F. Vernon (UCSD) E. Wielandt (Stuttgart)

2 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The future of the VBB sensor Should we worry? Yes!

3 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The VBB sensor is the cornerstone of the GSN Current research includes: “Hum” (fundamental mode peaks 2-7 mHz) Low & odd degree elastic structure (e.g., density, Q, etc) from free oscillations Tomographic models at level 2 & 4 heterogeneity from normal modes Lower mantle lateral density variations Rate of relative motion of inner core

4 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The Challenge

5 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Workshop! Broadband Seismometer Workshop Granlibakken Conference Center Tahoe City, California March 24-26, 2004 69 attendees Govt, industry, academe, NGOs US, Germany, Japan, Canada, France, UK, Russia Seismologists, physicists, engineers, inventors, managers, owners

6 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. The Real list of Authors Akito ArayaEarthquake Research Institute Bruce BanerdtJet Propulsion Laboratory Noel BarstowPASSCAL Intrument Center Anatoly Baryshnikov Res Inst. of Pulse Technique (NIIIT) Jon BergerSIO, University of California San Diego Rhett ButlerIRIS Stephane CachoKinemetrics Peter ChangUniversity of Maryland John ClintonCalifornia Institute of Technology John CollinsWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution Peter DavisUCSD Dan DeBraStanford University Riccardo DeSalvo Caltech Ronald DreverCalifornia Institute of Technology William FarrellSAIC Fred FollowillConsultant Jim FowlerIRIS/PASSCAL Josef FrischStanford Linear Accelerator Center Jeffrey GannonApplied MEMS, Inc. Ken GledhillInst. of Geol & Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand. Cansun GuralpGuralp Systems Ltd. Roger HansenGeophysical Inst., Univ of Alaska Fairbanks Chris HaywardSouthern Methodist University Pres HerringtonSANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES Gary HolcombAlbuquerque Seismological Laboratory Robert HuttUSGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Shane IngateIRIS Gray JensenU. S. Geological Survey Doug JohnsonLamont Doherty Earth Observatory (retired) Rick KelloggSandia National Laboratories Thomas KennyStanford Univ Design Division of Mech. Eng. James Kerr"Geotech Instruments, LLC" Alexei Kharlamov Moscow Inst. of Phys and Tech - MIPT/DPQE Richard KromerSandia National Laboratories Ogie KuraicaKinemetircs Inc Charles Langston CERI, University of Memphis Brian LantzStanford Univ. Gabi LaskeUniversity of California San Diego Philippe Lognonné Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris David McClungGeotech Instruments Gregory NeumanDepartment of Defense Yujii OtakeEarthquake Res. Inst., Univ. of Tokyo Jose OteroIGPP/UCSD Paul PassmoreRefraction Technology, Inc. Bruce PaulyDigital Technology Associates / Guralp Systems Randall PetersMercer University Physics Department Jay PulliamUniversity of Texas at Austin Barbara Romanowicz U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley Seism. Lab. Selwyn SacksCarnegie Inst. of Washington Vern SandbergCaltech LIGO Hanford Observatory John ScalesColorado School of Mines Robert Schendel Texas Components Corp. Joe SchrodtAFTAC Jim ScottUniversity of Nevada, Reno Andrei SeryiStanford Linear Accelerator Center Albert SmithLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-205 Neil SpriggsNanometrics Ian StandleyKinemetrics, Inc. Brian StumpSouthern Methodist University Akiteru Takamori Earthquake Res Inst, Univ of Tokyo Toby TownsendSandia National Laboratories Richard Warburton GWR Instruments, Inc. Spahr WebbLDEO Daniel WhangUCLA Erhardt Wielandt Inst. of Geophys, Stuttgart Univ, Germany Mark ZumbergeInst of Geophysics and Planetary Physics

7 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Breakout Group I Requirements, Needs, and Wants Geophysical (bandwidth, dynamic range, self-noise) Borehole or vault design? Life-cycle of system? Packaging (power, size, shape, operating temps) for different environments and survivability How many will be needed? By whom (e.g., GSN/FDSN, regional networks, Universities, etc)? What is threshold of pain for manufacturing cost? Use new technology, or is the triaxial still OK?

8 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Breakout Group II New Ideas, Concepts, and Designs Gather a summary of new ideas What is their potential? How much will it cost to develop? How long? Can they be manufactured reliably? At what cost? Other factors such as reliability, OBS use, O&M costs? Do they need to be complimented with other sensors? Life-cycle of components? Will they be unrepairable in 10 years?

9 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Breakout Group III Testing and Testing Facilities Who/where are current testing facilities? How to test new designs (e.g. SCG, laser designs, etc)? What is required to upgrade test facilities to support new designs? Should test data be made public? What are we missing (durability?

10 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Breakout Group IV Academic/Industrial Partnerships Who are the key players? What is an appropriate relationship? Who would be interested? If a graduate program in sensor design was develop, would industry be interested? How could they contribute? Cross-market utilization? Other programs such as NEES, LIGO, SLA?

11 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Breakout Group V Educational Perspectives and Funding Strategies Develop road-map for long-term research Which funding agencies to target? If NSF, how to engage ENG/GEO/OCE? Use of matched funding? Develop graduate program in sensor design. How to encourage industry to participate? Scale of graduate program? Duration, number of students, cost? Can new designs be used in other educational programs? Schools?

12 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Optical Displacement Transducers (Zumberge et al) Optical Tiltmeter (Araya) Laser Strainmeter (Araya) Laser Interferometer Seismometer (Araya) LIGO (DeSalvo) Michelson interferometer & pendulum designs have self- noise below NLNM 50mHz - 100 Hz. Also horizontal long-baseline strainmeter. Gravity wave detectors measure 10e-18 m.

13 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Other Technologies Magnetic Levitation By isolating barometric effects, should approach STS2 Folded Pendulums Used in accelerometers and gravity- wave detectors; need to minimise elastic contributions of flexures Ring Laser Gyro Installed at Black Forest, New Zealand and soon Pinon Flat, used to detect variations in G. UCSD will evaluate. Martian Seismometers Triaxials on a weight diet 20 cm Normal Pendulum Inverted Pendulum Payload Frame Flexures / Hinges

14 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Other Technologies II MEMS Full-scale 2 m/s/s, noise floor of 30x10e-9 g/√Hz, $2000 3-axis Electrochemical (MET) No springs, could be extended to 1000 sec with new “soft” membrane. Convective diffusion of electrolyte between electrodes is converted to electric current. Hydraulic impedance analogous to Nyquist noise of resistor. Superconducting Gravimeter Less noise than STS-1 (5e-3 nm/s), vertical, $100,000

15 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. Emerging Technologies SQUID Displacement Detector Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices offer 100 x sensitivity than capacitive devices. SLAC Strainmeter Uses 200 remote-controlled fresnel lenses along a 3 km light tube to detect deformations over its length. Available for experiments. Quartz Seismometer Suspension Operate in magnetic environments (SLAC), close to STS-2 performance Atomic Fountains Cold atom fountains have accuracy of 10e-9 G, need to scale for geophysical measurements Ferro-Fluid Suspension Suspends magnetic mass to measure ground velocity. Needs to incorporate force- feedback

16 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. What next? Report to NSF Arrange for a presentation to NSF Officers Within IRIS, continue to monitor emerging technologies Continue dialog between IRIS, NSF, industry and international partners

17 AGU Joint Assembly, 2004 5/20/04 - S44A-05 The Future of the Very Broadband Sensor S. Ingate, et al. More Information?

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