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Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Queued... HTTP IPX,SPX Component Client Component Client COM Component Client COM DCE-RPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Queued... HTTP IPX,SPX Component Client Component Client COM Component Client COM DCE-RPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Queued... HTTP IPX,SPX Component Client Component Client COM Component Client COM DCE-RPC Client Process Server Process Accessing COM services In the same Process: direct function calls On the same machine: secure IPC Across machines: secure DCE-RPC based DCOM protocol Component TCP, UDP Multiple network Transports COMCOM COMCOM Client MachineServer Machine COM/DCOM Basics Security:  NT Security  SSL Certificates  Kerberos  IP Security

2 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Data access overview  Windows OS offers several Database Client technologies  OLE DB - recent technology, replacing former ODBC standard  growing choice of commercial OLE DB providers  OLE DB OS ( NT, UNIX, VMS ) interoperability  OLE DB provides highest performance compared to other (here discussed) technologies  ADO - provides object model for the database access

3 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava MS Access as a Database Example

4 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Virtual Instruments Software Architecture - VISA  NI-VISA - National Instruments implementation of industry standard  package for configuring, programming and troubleshoting of instrumentation systems based on VXI, VME, GPIB and Serial interfaces  unified program acces to all interfaces  LabWindows, LabView, C, C++, Visual basic interfaces  set of libraries, interactive tools and configuration utilities

5 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Bundled Tools Test and Measurement Explorer VXI Interactive control VIC - Visa Interactive Control

6 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Test systems for the Alice1 chip  Verification tests with IMS IC tester –system setup –software components  DAQ test system for detector prototypes –hardware setup –backup options –status of software components DAQ software software for JTAG control data logging evaluation of results

7 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Software for the Test Campaign Tester Setup Lab Setup Testbeam Setup Non portable setup - for use only at CERN Primary task: Chip debugging Based on commercial software (IMS Screens, IMS-Link, TESTview People involved: Sajan Easo (LHC-B), P. Chochula (Alice) + chip developers, Mike Burns (Verilog JTAG model) Non portable setup - for use only at CERN Primary task: Chip debugging Based on commercial software (IMS Screens, IMS-Link, TESTview People involved: Sajan Easo (LHC-B), P. Chochula (Alice) + chip developers, Mike Burns (Verilog JTAG model) Currently developed and used at CERN LabView + VISA +COM based Primary tasks: Chip characterization, debugging of VME electronics People involved: P. Chochula, P. Rosinsky (Bratislava) Currently developed and used at CERN LabView + VISA +COM based Primary tasks: Chip characterization, debugging of VME electronics People involved: P. Chochula, P. Rosinsky (Bratislava) Currently “under study” Based on Motorola and DATE Primary task: test beam data taking Special requirement: must be compatible with Lab Setup at least at the data level People involved: Anton Jusko, P. Chochula Currently “under study” Based on Motorola and DATE Primary task: test beam data taking Special requirement: must be compatible with Lab Setup at least at the data level People involved: Anton Jusko, P. Chochula

8 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Pilot-Serlink Test System PCI-VME Data Logger Error Analyzer Test Panel VISA Layer Ethernet HP16500C GPIB RX FiFo TX FiFo C/SR Test Run Test? VMEBUSVMEBUS VMEBUSVMEBUS LinkLink LinkLink YesNo Mode?

9 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Pilot-Serlink Test Panel  Software components: –Event generator –VME control –Event analyzer –Error analyzer –Data logger  Tests with external PG –TCP/IP communication –Program generator

10 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava SUN Solaris VXIpc-850 Win. NT VIM IMS Link SCREENS IC Tester Setup Available software tools:  SCREENS - package for the control and execution of digital tests on the IMS tester  IMS-LINK - translation of test patterns (Verilog interface)  SEQUENTEST - LABview compatible test sequencer  LIMITEST - tool to define acceptance limits for analog measurements  VIM - Virtual Instrument Manager, handles communication between Slot0 controller and SUN  WAVEMAKE - generation and analysis of analog and digital signals

11 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava Interfacing with IC tester  Software interface : –Screens will be used to debug the chips –TestView based programs will be used to characterize the chips (complicated measurements requiring multiple runs and data evaluation)  Possible test enhancements: –Connection Wafer Prober - IC tester exists, but was not yet tested –need to synchronize with a PC controlling the prober (using LabView and BusLab)  There is no JTAG controller attached to the tester. To overcome this limitation one can:  Emulate JTAG controller with the tester: Use Verilog Simulation or an vector generator to prepare patterns which will be scanned to the chip. Reloading of patterns might be slow!  Use external PC equipped with F100 board. This task involves synchronisation of PC and SUN over TCPIP, which should be fast. However there is a risk of inducing new problems while using additional hardware and software

12 Peter Chochula CERN-ALICE / Dpt. Of Nucl. Physics MFF UK Bratislava TestView  Programming environment using LabView  Provides the same tester control capabilities as Screens &Co.  Handles communication with the LogicMaster TestModules/TestLITE IMS Applications TestLITE “C”library IMS Applications MATTS Server Interface LM Command language TestVIEW TestEnvironment Tester Firmware

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