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Andy Chang National Instruments Brittany Killen Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Chang National Instruments Brittany Killen Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Chang National Instruments Brittany Killen Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab

2 Background  Simulations for Mini-Hubo in Virtual Environment  Humanoid Manipulation Challenge  CAD Design

3 Background  Trip to South Korea  -KAIST  -ROBOTIS  -ETRI  -DGIST  -KIST  -Hanyang University

4 Co-op at National Instruments  Objectives: -Enable NI Software to work with Darwin-OP -Develop walking algorithms and programs that the Darwin-OP can use

5 Co-op at National Instruments  Motivations: -Learn and educate others about the PIRE Project and its goals -Get to work with industry/corporations to develop humanoid research -Get a “real-world” approach to project -Work with a platform based off of the Mini-Hubo project -Use PIRE research to help create this new product

6 Co-op at National Instruments

7 Approach This image shows a LabVIEW program developed at National Instruments to control the Robotis RX-28 Dynamixel actuators. A LabVIEW code developed that allows multiple motors to run automatically based on the function of a sine wave.

8 Approach An image of a LabVIEW program that can control position of the new MX-28 Dynamixel Actuators.

9 Approach 4-Pin Readout (RX-28) vs.3-Pin Readout(MX-28) 300 Degrees Rotation(RX-28) vs. 360 Degrees Rotation(MX-28) Main Differences Between RX-28 and MX-28

10 Approach Communication to Darwin-OP

11 Results One of the subVI’s used to control the position of the motors at one point in time Getting the Darwin-OP to Work in LabVIEW

12 Results A sample of the code used to get the Darwin-OP to work with a game console

13  Communication lines with the sub-controller  Take already made code and port over to internal system  Generate autonomous control (compared to game console control) Current Work On Darwin-OP

14 NIWeek  “NIWeek, the annual customer and technology conference held at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas is the industry's premier event on graphical system design, bringing together over 3,000 of the world's brightest engineers, educators, and scientists.” -National Instruments

15 NIWeek  Pu95KXA8uDw&feature=related Pu95KXA8uDw&feature=related

16 NI Experience with PIRE Partners

17 Future Aspirations With PIRE Simulated Robotics SoftwareReal-time Robotics Software Simulated Sensor Driver Simulated Actuator Driver Software Simulator Simulated Sensor Model Simulated Actuator Model Real-time Sensor Driver Real-time Actuator Driver Software Hardware Robotics Sensor Robotics Actuator FPGA Real-time Sensor Drivers Hardware Abstracted I/O Layer Robotics Software File I/O, VISA I/O, DAQ I/O, …

18 Future Aspirations with PIRE


20 Thank You!

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