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EMTA European issues: Green Paper PSO EMTA General meeting 17-18 April 2008 TURIN.

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1 EMTA European issues: Green Paper PSO EMTA General meeting 17-18 April 2008 TURIN

2 Green Paper Extensive consultation of DG-TREN EMTA answer to the 25 questions sent on 13 March Action plan from EC to be released October 2008, could be presented at EMTA Seminar in November (see event format).

3 PSO REGULATION 1/4 New Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 « on public passenger transport services by rail and by road» issued on 23 October 2007. Expression of interest about implementation led to start a group of « experts » among EMTA members; Search for a consultant with best expertise to structure and provide guidance to the work of the working group Specifications for assistance validated early March 08 Proposal of T. Avanzata circulated early April 08.  Budget is €18,000 + VAT 21% =€21,780

4 PSO REGULATION 2/4 Consideration on hiring without competition process  The new regulation (EC)No 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road of 23 October 2007 sets the new rules to frame the relationships between transport authorities and operators.  Each metropolitan area across Europe is a different context and members of the EMTA network provide a wide variety of situations that have to adapt and adjust to the European Regulation. Therefore EMTA wishes to undertake a study.  The study will aim to clarify the Regulation with regard to the award procedure and to the content of the contracts between operators and authorities especially on public service obligations. Based on singled out European metropolitan transport authorities members of EMTA, it will highlight the main common issues and explore ways to best overcome them..

5 PSO REGULATION 3/4 Consideration on hiring without competition process.  In order to achieve best results in this study, the consultant is expected to have a precise knowledge and understanding of the different positions of the Member States that have been most active in the process of elaborating and discussing the Directive from the start.  It is important also that the consultant is as close as possible to the process of elaborating the legal text and for example by having taken part into the preliminary studies on the objectives and the context of this specific Regulation and possibly has also taken part into the writing of amendments.  Mr Thomas Avanzata as Seconded National Expert of the Commission at DG TREN from January 2004 to January 2008, responsible for delivering the draft of the revised proposal on public passenger transport services by rail and by road, and the following up of the legislative process presents a unique expertise that justifies the hiring of his competencies.. In.

6 PSO REGULATION 4/4 The working group will tune up selection of work cases from more centralised to more liberalised. Working group welcomes additionnal membres

7 EMTA External relations ITF CODATU EMTA General meeting 17-18 March 2008

8 International Transport Forum ITF ITF, Platform for Transport Ministers, Industry and Civil Society, to bring a global response to the Challenges of Transport. Recently transformed from the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) 24 January 2008 Consultation and information day on energy and greenhouse gas emission strategies in the transport sector to prepare the 2008 Forum. Over fifty international organisations express their positions, EMTA participated More : http://www.internationaltransportforum.org / The Forum will be held in Leipzig 28-30 May under the presidency of the Minister of transport of Finland Ms Anu Vehviläinen. EMTA is invited President and Secretary general. programme at

9 CODATU CODATU cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world based on sharing experience between older countries and developing countries by means of seminars and training with scientific and technical committees (Président Christian Philip, Secrétaire Général prof. Ziv – close cooperation with AFD agence française de développement and World Bank  Seminar in Skhirat (Marocco) on public transport and competitivity of cities and quality of life. EMTA was invited EMTA has been invited to join the expert committee along with Certu and CNAM (French technical Institute) for a study undertaken by CODATU and launched by French Minister of Transport and AFD french agency fo development Topic : « Who pays what in urban transport », from case-studies and thematic analysis. Deadline end of 2008.

10 EMTA EMTA working groups EMTA General meeting 17-18 March 2008

11 Accessibility Working Group Group will meet in June most probably in Berlin A leader voluntered (Manchester –GMPTE) European project AENEAS with Austria, Poland and Denmark derived from the study on Older population is in negociation phase with Intelligent Energy Agency of EC. Kick off foreseen early July. EMTA participation for dissemination work package (public dissemination concept, good practice guidance …alon with AGE platform) Group enlarged with CRTM Madrid

12 Group enlarged sifgnificantly Contributions to study from members outside of group Strong interest to continue the work at least careful monitoring of reviewed systems Next meeting foreseen early September at the kind invitation of Madrid- CRTM Possible co-leaders of group to confirm E-Ticketing Working group

13 Suggestion to merge with « PSO group » as contracts are a main commun topic Nb: PSO group = Paris-STIF, Helsinki-YTV, Madrid-CRTM, Barcelona-ATM, Etm Valencia, StadregioAmsterdam? Quality group= Ministère Region Bruxelles Capitale, CRTM; Barcelona-ATM; Montréal-AMT; Paris-STIF, Stuttgart Quality Working group

14 Event implies organisation & co-ordination 1 Committee on round tables  Round Table 1: on governance and sustainable public transport  Round Table 2: on financial issues 1 Committee on editorial/public relations/marketing  English native speaker among the group Ideally, each committee includes a member of the Board EMTA 10th Working committees

15 S Q

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