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EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER AT FOREST GLEN Ilene Cloughley, supervisor of special services.

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Presentation on theme: "EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER AT FOREST GLEN Ilene Cloughley, supervisor of special services."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER AT FOREST GLEN Ilene Cloughley, supervisor of special services

2 Program comparison 2013-2014 ◦ 1.5 psD-Berkeley, Watsessing ◦ 2.5 PSI-Berkeley, Watsessing, Carteret ◦ 1 Transitional K -Berkeley ◦ 2 PSD ABA- Oakview, Watsessing ◦ 1 PSD ABA split - Berkeley Total-8 classes 2014-2015 ◦ 1 PSD-ECC at FG ◦ 4 PSI-ECC at FG ◦ 1 Transitional K-ECC at FG ◦ 2 PSD ABA-ECC at FG ◦ 1 PSD ABA split-ECC at FG ◦ 1 k ABA-ECC at FG Total 10 Classes

3 Flexibility ◦ Children enter at age 3 with limited background information available ◦ NJAC Code 6A: 14-4.2 dictates “students shall be educated in the least restrictive environment” ◦ Full continuum of placements in one location- enabling movement to occur on an as needed basis=compliance w/LRE regulations ◦ Students begin program in LRE- and move to a more restrictive classroom if needed ◦ Movement from more restrictive to less restrictive classrooms as well ◦ To Date: at least 8 moves have occurred since September

4 Speech/OT/PT increase in Push in services ◦ support of other therapists as a new service model is explored and utilized ◦ 3 of the 4 therapists only service ECC at FG. ◦ All their time is spent at FG- they are in the classrooms all the time, thus enabling them to integrate into classroom activities, as opposed to providing services in isolation. ◦ This will translate into student increase in transfer of skills into classroom learning

5 Teaching of Skills ◦ Students are actively being taught to navigate a school building (as opposed to being kept separate from the older students)- building independence, coping skills, and problem solving skills. ◦ Attendance messenger ◦ Classroom to classroom messages ◦ Eating in a lunch room ◦ Use of the gym ◦ Navigating a hallway (walking in a line) ◦ Use of a building bathroom

6 Professional Development 2013-2014 ◦ Monthly Department Meetings ◦ Creative Curriculum Themes ◦ Standards Review ◦ Progress Reports 2014-2015 ◦ Monthly Department Meetings and Weekly PLC meetings- as well as daily informal curricular conversations ◦ 2014 Preschool standards ◦ Handwriting without tears initiative ◦ Creative Curriculum thematic Units ◦ Reggio Emilia Philosophy ◦ Standards Based Report Card update ◦ Portfolio Assessment

7 Student Teachers/ Field Experience students/SLE students ◦ Bloomfield College ◦ Montclair State University ◦ Seton Hall University ◦ Bloomfield High School

8 Creative Curriculum 38 Learning Objectives Aligned with NJ 2014 Preschool Standards (aligned with common core) Designed to offer Individualized instruction Appropriate for all learners

9 Handwriting Without Tears KinestheticVisual Tactile

10 Mat Man Introduces students to large and small curves and lines used in writing, as well as teaches and reinforces body parts

11 Reggio Emilia ◦ Teacher PD through Bloomfield College ◦ 3 Teachers/1 administrator ◦ Friday-11/14 and Saturday 11/15 ◦ 2 day conference at the NYC 92ST Y


13 Next Steps ◦ PLC/Job Embedded Professional Development on student centered instruction. ◦ Formalize/standardize portfolio collection as a means of assessment. ◦ Continue to promote and increase LRE opportunities for students whenever appropriate.

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