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Presentation on theme: "CHRISTINA SPECTOR WENDI SCHREITER ERIN ARANGO-ESCALANTE IDEA Part C to Part B Transition."— Presentation transcript:


2 GoToWebinar Attendee Interface 1. Viewer Window 2. Control Panel

3 Agenda Introduction IDEA Part C to Part B Transition Timeline Late Referrals Timeline Timeline Changes & Practice Reminders Questions Resources & Contact Information

4 Acronyms IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act OSEP: Office of Special Education Programs DPI: Department of Public Instruction DHS: Department of Health Services LEA: Local Education Agency IEP: Individualized Education Program IFSP: Individualized Family Service Plan TPC: Transition Planning Conference PPS: Program Participation System NECTAC: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

5 IDEA Part C to Part B Transition Timeline Purpose  Technical assistance  Clarity  Identify next steps How the timeline is organized  Federal and State Law  Wisconsin Policy Important Considerations  Each child has a different path Where you can find the timeline

6 The Federal & State Law Side- Page 1

7 By 3 years 2 years Entered WI Early Intervention System Transition Process Discussed LEA Notification- Shortly reach 3 B-3 must notify the LEA that a child who receives Part C services will shortly turn three years old unless the parent has opt-ed out of notification. (20 U.S.C. §1437 (a)(9)(A)(ii)(I); Wis. Admin. Code § DHS 90.10(5)(f)3.; 34 CFR §303.148(b)(1))

8 Transition Planning Conference (TPC) LEA Notification- REFERRAL ●TPCs and referrals occur only for potentially eligible children that did not opt-out. ●If a child is potentially eligible for Part B services, B-3, with parental approval, convenes a TPC between B-3, the family, and the LEA to discuss the Part B services the child may receive. ●The TPC occurs when the child is between the ages of 2 years, 3 months and 2 years, 9 months. ●Each LEA must participate in the TPC. ● B-3 makes a referral to the LEA. ●With written parental consent, B-3 forwards specific information (IFSP, area of concern, child outcomes, etc.) to the LEA. ●Within 15 business days of the referral receipt, the LEA must request parental consent for evaluation or notify the parent that no additional data is necessary. ●At the request of the parent, an invitation to the initial IEP team meeting must be sent to the service coordinator or other representative of the Part C system. (Wis. Admin. Code §§ DHS 90.10(5)(f)3. & 4.; Wis. Stats. §§115.77(1m)(c), 115.777(3)(e), 115.782(1)(b); 20 U.S.C. §1437(a)(9)(A)(ii)(II); 34 CFR §§300.124(c), §303.148(b)(2)(ii)) Up to 15 business days (referral to consent or notice)

9 Evaluation Process Eligibility Determination Up to 60 calendar days (evaluation to eligibility) Within 30 calendar days (eligibility to IEP/placement) ●The IEP team shall review existing evaluation data on the child. ●The LEA must notify the parent of any evaluation procedures the agency proposes to conduct. ●The IEP team shall conduct an evaluation that conforms to federal and state law. (Wis. Stats. §§115.782(1)(a); 34 CFR §§300.304, 300.305) The IEP team must determine if the child is a child with a disability and eligible for Part B services within 60 days after the LEA receives parental consent for evaluation or provides notice that no additional data is needed. (Wis. Stats. §§115.78(3)(a) & (b), § 115.782(3))

10 3 years IEP Implemented IEP Developed IEP Meeting ●The LEA or the parents may invite any individual that has knowledge or special expertise about the child to participate on the IEP team. ●The LEA must inform the parents of the purpose, time, location of the IEP meeting, and who will be in attendance. ●The LEA shall conduct an IEP team meeting, develop an IEP, and determine placement within 30 days of a determination that a child is a child with a disability. (34 CFR §§ 300.321(a)(6) &(f), 300.322(b); Wis. Stats. §§115.78(1m)(f) &115.78(3)(c)) ●Children who are referred by B-3 and found eligible for LEA special education services must have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday. ●If there is no referral and the LEA has reason to believe a child is a child with a disability; the LEA makes its own referral (DPI form R-1). (Wis. Stats. §§115.77 (1m)(c), §115.777(1)(b); 20 U.S.C. §1412 (a)(9); 34 CFR §300.124 (b))

11 Poll Question #1: True or False? Both the typical evaluation, eligibility, IEP development (15-60-30) timelines AND the Indicator 12 requirement that all children served in Part C who are eligible for Part B have an IEP implemented by the child’s 3 rd birthday apply.  True  False

12 The Wisconsin Policy Side- Page 2

13 By 3 years 2 years 2 yrs, 3 mos Entered WI Early Intervention System Transition Process Discussed LEA Notification- Shortly reach 3 B-3 shares information with the parent on LEA Notification, opt- out, and TPC. ● B-3 discusses the transition process with the parent and may add transition steps to the IFSP. ● B-3 provides information about Part B services. ●If parent opts out, B- 3 documents this in the child’s file. ● Parent period to opt-out of LEA Notifications expires. ● B-3 sends information to the LEA about all children it served that did not opt-out (child’s name, date of birth, parent contact information). ●The LEA uses this information for child find purposes and sends the parents an introductory letter. ●This notification is NOT a referral for Part B services.

14 Transition Planning Conference (TPC) LEA Notification- REFERRAL ●If the IFSP team determines the child is potentially eligible for Part B services, B-3 schedules a TPC and makes a referral to the LEA unless the parent has opted-out. ●If the IFSP team determines the child is not potentially eligible for Part B, B-3 sends DHS form F-00043 to the LEA unless the parent has opted-out. Potentially eligible determination ●TPCs and referrals occur only for potentially eligible children that did not opt-out. ●The TPC occurs when the child is between the ages of 2 years, 3 months and 2 years, 9 months. ●B-3 documents the day that they invite the LEA to the TPC and the LEA documents their own attendance. ●Using PPS, B-3 makes the referral at least 90 days prior to the child’s third birthday. ● LEA processes the referral within 15 business days, and asks the parent for consent to invite B-3 to the initial IEP.

15 Evaluation Process Eligibility Determination ●The IEP team reviews any information provided by the parent or through the B-3 referral. ●The LEA provides notice that no additional information is needed or requests parental consent to proceed with additional evaluation. ●If the parent declines consent to evaluate, the LEA provides information about how to make a referral in the future. ●The IEP team must meet to determine eligibility within 60 calendar days from the receipt of parental consent for additional testing or notice that no additional data are needed. ●The IEP team must develop the IEP (determine services), and determine placement within 30 calendar days of the eligibility determination. ●These decisions can occur in the same or separate meetings. ●If the parent declines special education services; the LEA provides information about how to make a referral in the future. 3 years IEP Meeting IEP Developed IEP Implemented ●The IEP is implemented if: 1. The IEP is developed and the services in place by the child’s third birthday; or 2. The child’s third birthday fell on a day when school was not in session and the IEP does not include Extended School Year (ESY) services and the child will begin IEP services once the school year resumes. ●LEA completes PPS LEA information page on or before child’s third birthday.

16 Poll Question #2: Choose the best answer If a family chooses to opt out, what is the family opting out of?  A LEA Notification (shortly reach age of 3)  TPC  LEA Notification (referral)  All of the above

17 Late Referrals to Part C Chart Foundations Purpose Local communication is particularly important when it comes to children who are coming into the system near their 3 rd birthday

18 Late Referrals to Part C: B-3 and LEA Roles

19 Late Referrals: 90-45 days prior to 3 rd birthday 90 days before 45 days before 3 rd birthday Child is referred to B-3 more than 45 days but less than 90 days prior to the 3 rd birthday Birth -3: Provide parents with information on the B-3 and LEA processes for determining eligibility. If parent gives consent for B-3 evaluation, conduct evaluation, assessments, determine eligibility, and develop initial IFSP with transition steps. If eligible and receiving any service(s), the child is considered served by Part C. Completes transition process to LEA (unless parent opts out): Determine if child is potentially eligible for Part B. Provide LEA notification: 1) for all children who will shortly reach age three; and 2) for children who are potentially eligible as soon as possible. Transition Planning Conference NOT required. Obtain parental consent to share additional information (evaluation IFSP, area of concern) with LEA. LEA: Provide procedural safeguards notice to parents upon initial referral to LEA. Review existing evaluation data on the child, including B-3 evaluation, if available. Provide prior written notice and obtain parental consent for initial evaluation. Conduct initial evaluation within 60 days of parental consent and determine eligibility by 3 rd birthday. Inform parent that with their request, B-3 coordinator or Part C representative and others with knowledge or special expertise about the child must be invited to initial IEP meeting. Invite B-3 and others with knowledge if requested and written consent provided. Develop IEP, obtain parental consent for services and implement IEP by 3 rd birthday.

20 Late Referrals: 45 days prior to 3 rd birthday 45 days before 3 rd birthday 3 rd birthday Child is referred to B-3 less than 45 days prior to the 3 rd birthday Birth - 3: Provide parents with information on the LEA programs. Assist individuals to make their own referral directly to the LEA. Child not considered served by Birth to 3. LEA notification- shortly reach 3, LEA notification- REFERRAL and Transition Planning Conference NOT required. LEA: Provide procedural safeguards notice to parents upon initial referral to LEA. Review existing evaluation data on the child, if available. Provide prior written notice and obtain parental consent for initial evaluation. Conduct initial evaluation within 60 days of parental consent and determine eligibility by 3 rd birthday. Inform parent that with their request, others with knowledge or special expertise about the child must be invited to initial IEP meeting. Invite others with knowledge if requested and written consent provided. Develop IEP within 30 days of eligibility determination (or sooner if 30 days expires after 3 rd birthday), obtain parental consent for services and implement IEP by 3 rd birthday.

21 Poll Question #3: True or False? The transition process for children referred to Part C 85 days prior to their 3 rd birthday will always be identical for children referred to Part C 24 days prior to their 3 rd birthday.  True  False

22 Timeline Changes & Practice Transition Planning Conference What do the timeline changes mean? Purpose of TPC Scheduling TPC

23 Considerations of Practice There may be more time in between referral and IEP implementation than you are used to. Use this time for:  Keep current on child’s status  Contact Birth to 3  Contact Parent  Reconvene IEP if necessary  Child has exceeded expectations  Child has markedly decreased skills  Make sure the IEP is appropriate!

24 Interagency Agreements Detailed or Specific Reviewed at least annually Keeps lines of communication open

25 Reminders Timeline begins when? No referral via PPS…what to do? Incorrect referral…what to do? Summer/vacation-who receives referrals? Print Student Referral Form instead of completing LEA referral form Transferring records in PPS LEA that had record on child’s 3 rd birthday needs to enter data into PPS

26 Questions Please type your questions in the Question Pane

27 Indicator 12 Webpage

28 Links on Indicator 12 Webpage Revised timeline Late referral information

29 Links on Indicator 12 Webpage Indicator 12 Reason Selections PPS Directions PPS FAQs Common Problems and Solutions

30 For information on B-3 and 3-5, visit… Collaborating Partners http://www.collabora abilities-indicators-8- 12.php

31 Poll Question #4: Choose one or more answers I am interested in participating in another webinar that will focus on:  Program Participation System (PPS)  Interagency Agreements with community partners  Review timeline and changes in LEA practices  All of the above  Other (enter topic in question pane)

32 EC Spring Indicator Trainings CESA 12/23/11CESA 103/25/11 CESA 22/17/11CESA 115/10/11 CESA 34/19/11CESA 123/3/11 CESA 44/8/11 CESA 5 3/14/11 CESA 65/2/11 CESA 73/1/11 CESA 82/28/11 CESA 92/18/11

33 Poll Question #5: Choose one or more answers Of the choices below, which topic(s) would you like more information on during Spring Indicator Trainings?  Indicator 6: Preschool Environments  Indicator 7: Child Outcomes  Indicator 12: Transition  All of the above Suggestions for specific ideas (e.g., review Preschool Environment Code Decision Tree) can be submitted in the question pane.

34 Contact Information Wendi Schreiter 920-841-2555 Christina Spector 608-267-3747 Jill Haglund 608-267-9625 Nancy Fuhrman 608-267-9243 Erin Arango-Escalante Erin.arango- 608-267-9172


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