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Ashley Kerekanich James Dockery Alex Linnenkohl. “No developing country has had more success in tackling AIDS than Brazil” -The Economist.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Kerekanich James Dockery Alex Linnenkohl. “No developing country has had more success in tackling AIDS than Brazil” -The Economist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Kerekanich James Dockery Alex Linnenkohl

2 “No developing country has had more success in tackling AIDS than Brazil” -The Economist

3  According to the World Bank 1.2 million people were estimated to be living with HIV in Brazil by 2000  The actual figure was half that estimate of 600,000  By the end of 2007, 730,000 people were living with HIV

4  Social Marketing for a better world  Since 1989, the nonprofit organization has been promoting family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention through social marketing in the developing world.  DKT operates in 14 countries and last year sold over a half-billion condoms, almost 60 million cycles of oral contraceptives, over 11 million three- month injectables, and over 600,000 IUDs.  Every year DKT's innovative programs are saving more lives and improving the health of more families in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

5  BRAZIL: Started by DKT in 1991: Managed by DKT do Brazil  Product Sales in 2008  Condoms: 91,610,551  Female Condoms: 303,656  Percent Change from 2007: 1%  DKT International spends 98% of its operating budget on programs.

6  Since DKT do Brazil began marketing low- priced, high-quality condoms for HIV/AIDS prevention, total condom sales have more than tripled in Brazil, which once had one of the lowest national condom use rates in the world.

7  Condom Social marketing is helping to protect people around the world protect themselves against HIV/AIDS  Through the use of  Targeting  Commercial distribution channels  Privet-sector marketing  Various advertising techniques to sell condoms at subsidized prices  Full Time consumer marketing  Promotions and special campaigns

8 Agency: Escala Communication and Marketing, Brazil.

9  AIDS prevention programs in Brazil have proven to be effective do you believe the U.S. could do a better job at promoting condom use?  Do you think that social marketing efforts like the previous slide are effective?

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