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PLAGIARISM The UN-Academic Back-Stabber. PLAGER-WHAT?!  Plagiarism is stealing  Taking another person’s work and saying that it’s yours  Words, ideas,

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Presentation on theme: "PLAGIARISM The UN-Academic Back-Stabber. PLAGER-WHAT?!  Plagiarism is stealing  Taking another person’s work and saying that it’s yours  Words, ideas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PLAGIARISM The UN-Academic Back-Stabber

2 PLAGER-WHAT?!  Plagiarism is stealing  Taking another person’s work and saying that it’s yours  Words, ideas, works of art  When is it ok to steal?

3 WAIT, IS THAT REALLY PLAGIARISM?  Copying and pasting from a website and changing a few words  Getting an idea from a source and not giving credit to whose idea it was first  Quoting another person without giving them credit  Getting information from a source (book, website, newspaper) without citing it

4 WHAT HAPPENS TO ME IF I PLAGIARIZE?  A violation of academic ethics  Could result in:  Failing grade  Parent contact  Exclusion of activities  In-School suspension/Suspension  Parent conference  See RSA Handbook

5 FIDDLESTICKS! HOW DO I AVOID PLAGIARISM!?  Cite your source (give credit properly)  Keep your quotations of other sources short  When you take an idea from a book, magazine, newspaper, or website be sure to give credit to them  Talk to your teachers if you’re having trouble researching, coming up with ideas, or wording your ideas And most of all…

6 BE FOREWARNED:  We know plagiarism when we see it!  If we don’t catch it, there are ways of helping us catch you!  Plagiarism doesn’t help anyone; it only hurts those involved!

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