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District Modified Wednesday February 1, 2012 1. 2 Why do we study levels of questioning? * Good questioning techniques are very important in teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "District Modified Wednesday February 1, 2012 1. 2 Why do we study levels of questioning? * Good questioning techniques are very important in teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Modified Wednesday February 1, 2012 1

2 2 Why do we study levels of questioning? * Good questioning techniques are very important in teaching. * Effective teachers use questioning to help motivate students to pay more attention in class and to remember information better. * Questioning can be used to cause students to reason through problems and to put pieces of information together in new ways. * Levels of questioning are part of the way we communicate with each other. Jump Start: Think-Pair-Share

3 Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Level 1 Introduction of knowledge Level 2 Practice knowledge learned Level 3 Demonstrates mastery of knowledge learned 3

4 Students will… use learned material in new situations (Application) By doing the following… Demonstrating the material (Level 2 Practice knowledge learned) 4

5 5

6 * Watch the following clip. * Write the questions presented. 6

7 * Categorize the questions as Costa’s level one, two, or three. 7

8 Level One text explicit complete, count, match, name, define, observe, recite, describe, list, identify, recall Level Two text implicit analyze, categorize, explain, classify, compare, contrast, infer, organize, sequence Level Three experienced based imagine, plan, evaluate, judge, predict, extrapolate, invent, speculate, generalize 8

9 * Intent is important! * Just because a question starts with a certain verb doesn’t mean the question corresponds with a verb list. * For example… * Evaluate the following expression: (3x + 5) if x = -2 * The question uses the word evaluate, which is a level three verb. The question, however, is still a level one question. 9

10 One In the book The House on Mango Street, what type of neighborhood does Esperanza live in? Two Can you compare and contrast Esperanza’s character traits to those of another character in a different book? Three Can you predict what will happen to Esperanza as she grows up? How will moving change her perspective about life? 10

11 One Solve for x in the equation 2x + 5 = 10? Two Compare and contrast these problems. -1/3(-25x + 10) =19 2/3p – 2 = 10 Three You want to design a rectangular dance floor 90 feet long and 75 feet wide. You need to make a drawing with a scale of 1 inch equaling 9 feet. Can you fit the drawing on a standard piece of paper? Justify your response. 11

12 One Who was the first president of the United States? In what years did he serve? Two Did the first president have a desire to be president? Why or why not? Why did he decide to serve upon election? Three If he had not been the first president, would there be the same precedents that we follow today (two-term limit, president’s cabinet)? Are these models advantageous? 12

13 One What is a gene? What is a chromosome? Two Compare and contrast genes and chromosomes. Three Can you predict the traits of a child based on what you know about genes and chromosomes? What predictions can you make? 13

14 14 * Categorize the questions that you scripted from the video clip into levels. Make sure that you use the handout of Bloom and Costa. * Draw conclusions from the levels of questions, including the intent of each question. * Debrief the video: What were the levels of questions? What were the high level questions? What were the other levels of questions? Why were the questions asked at these levels?

15 Level One Name the elements that make up water.Name the elements that make up water. Level Tw0 ? Level Three ? 15

16 Level One ? Level Tw0 Distinguish one candidate’s platform from that of another candidate.Distinguish one candidate’s platform from that of another candidate. Level Three ? 16

17 Level One ? Level Tw0 ? Level Three Imagine that you are in the character’s position. How would you react?Imagine that you are in the character’s position. How would you react? 17

18 * What did you find you focused on as you wrote different level questions? 18

19 * What happens when a student has difficulty answering a higher level question? * Scaffolding is: * When a teacher supports the student with transitional questions/cues to help build the student’s knowledge * After you have initially described and modeled the instructional skill/concept a multiple number of times (“I Do”) * The “guided practice” part of the lesson (“We Do” and/or “You Do Together”) 19

20 20 * Increasing the number of and difficulty level of questions * Providing immediate and specific feedback (and positive reinforcement) with each student response * When students can independently demonstrate knowledge of the concept/skill (“You Do”) MathVIDS, 2012 20

21 21 * Watch the video clip, write down the questions that are asked by the teacher, and then determine how the teacher used “Scaffolding” to support the students. * Discuss how the teacher used scaffolding and how scaffolding can be helpful for students in the learning process. 21

22 22 * Take the Bloom and Costa handout and use it to write varied levels of questions for your lessons. * Bring in examples of how you used Higher Level Questioning and Scaffolding in your classroom. 1. What was the impact on student learning? Data? 2. What is easy/difficult when writing/asking High Level Questions? 3. What questions do you have about Scaffolding in the “We Do” and “You Do Together” portions of Gradual Release? 22

23 23 * Please fill out the Exit Slip and leave it on your table. 23

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