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S CHOLARSHIP POOLS AND WEBSITES Christy Nordmann University of Wyoming Financial Aid Specialist 307-766-3674

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1 S CHOLARSHIP POOLS AND WEBSITES Christy Nordmann University of Wyoming Financial Aid Specialist 307-766-3674

2 P RIVATE O RGANIZATIONS There are thousands of private organizations that offer scholarship awards, ranging from $50 to $20,000 and more. Within the "private" category there are many types of organizations to consider.

3 C ORPORATIONS Corporations offer scholarships to attract and retain employees, support the communities where the business is located and encourage entrants into the business' field of work. These are often the scholarships that go unawarded for lack of applicants. Search for corporation scholarships by checking with parents' employers for possible programs, researching businesses in your region and searching your newspaper's archives for award announcements. Students may have a much greater chance of receiving a private corporation award because geographic, employment and other restrictions narrow the number of candidates.

4 R ELIGIOUS O RGANIZATIONS Religious organizations often award scholarships to help their members afford the cost of college. If students and student families are affiliated with a specific religious group, check with your local groups about the availability of scholarships.

5 U NIONS Unions are a major source of scholarship funds. The AFL-CIO website offers a scholarship search service related to union-sponsored scholarships that includes $4,000,000 in available funds.

6 T HE M ILITARY The military is a well-known source of college scholarships. The Air Force ROTC program can pay up to full college tuition plus a stipend for books. Military scholarships are awarded in return for a tour of duty with the branch of the military supporting your education. Be sure you're prepared to fulfill the terms of your scholarship agreement. If the prospect of military service fits with your goals, a military scholarship may be an excellent way for you to underwrite your college education. Use the military link at to locate the sites that you should search for military scholarships, including special scholarships for veterans.

7 C LUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS There are local, state, and national clubs and organizations with a wealth of scholarships. Service clubs such as Rotary, Jaycee, Kiwanis, etc. These groups often offer scholarships on many levels. Fraternal clubs Specific membership; i.e. Journalism, Band, Tall Club International, Italian American Club,

8 S CHOLARSHIP W EBSITES Is the largest, most accurate and most frequently updated scholarship database. If you supply an email address, they will notify you when new awards that match your profile are added to the database. You can even submit an electronic application to some of the scholarships listed in the FastWeb scholarship database, saving you time and money. FastWeb also includes a college search and numerous other student resources. This interesting site offers a free search after registration and profile development. The search results include an indication of the value of the scholarship, maximum awarded, due date and relevance to your situation as well as a way to select offerings that are placed in a "my scholarships" folder.

9 S CHOLARSHIP W EBSITES This site has an option for parents and counselors you can view some scholarships immediately OR you can register for free to search over 24,000 scholarships. They are one of the most comprehensive free online scholarship searches available to students, parents, and educators. /Main.aspx

10 B OTTOM L INE There are hundreds and more likely thousands of scholarship websites. Please research them thoroughly before recommending them. Provide feedback and ask for feedback from the students. There should be no reason to pay a fee to apply for any scholarship. If you have concerns about a website or application feel free to contact myself or any of the Wyoming college financial aid representatives.

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