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KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Pricing and Liberalisation Pricing in a Liberalised Energy Market Guido Pepermans Economics Department.

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Presentation on theme: "KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Pricing and Liberalisation Pricing in a Liberalised Energy Market Guido Pepermans Economics Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Pricing and Liberalisation Pricing in a Liberalised Energy Market Guido Pepermans Economics Department and Energy Institute K.U.Leuven

2 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Structure of the Talk l The liberalisation process l The general principles of pricing l Stranded costs l Cross-subsidies l Transmission pricing

3 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE The Liberalisation Idea Generation Transmission Distribution Customer One vertically integrated company BEFORE LIBERALISATIONAFTER LIBERALISATION GenCo Transmission Grid Company Distribution Company Distribution Company Distribution Company Regulated

4 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Before the Liberalisation - Belgium Electrabel 92% SPE 4% Autoproducers 4% Generation Transmission Distribution CPTE Mixed Intermunicipalities 80% Pure Intermunicipalities 20% Customer Direct Customers 33% SME Industry 47% Households 20% Regulator CCEG

5 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE After the Liberalisation - Belgium ElectrabelSPEAutoproducers Generation Transmission Distribution CPTE (ELIA) Mixed Intermunicipalities 80% Pure Intermunicipalities 20% Customer Direct Customers 33% SME Industry 47% Households 20% Regulators CCEG for the Captive customers (SME, Industry, Households) CREG for the Eligible customers (Direct customers) Competitors

6 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE General Principles of Pricing - 1 l Desirable criteria for a pricing rule Provide incentives for efficiency(p = MC) Allow suppliers to cover their costs(p > AC) Non-discriminating Transparent l PROBLEM: Natural monopoly match efficiency and cost recovery  Solutions  Ramsey pricing  Two-part tariffs  Peak-load pricing

7 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE General Principles of Pricing - 2 quantity price pRpR O C Market Demand O Market Supply quantity price O B Market Demand O


9 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 1 l Problem What to do with past investments?  Were ‘guaranteed’ to be recoverable through price increases  In an open market, this ‘guarantee’ falls away Problem mainly for private monopolists l Definition is important As recovery of stranded costs is foreseen in the European Directive

10 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 2 Fixed or sunk costs that were imposed (  approved ) by the regulator and that cannot be recovered via the market if the market is opened up for competition


12 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 4 Price covers the average costs Average variable cost Average fixed non-strandable cost Average fixed strandable cost Price of electricity generation = Average cost = Average economic profit

13 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 5 Price covers average variable costs and average fixed non-strandable costs Average variable cost Average fixed non-strandable cost Average fixed strandable cost = Average cost = Average economic profit (= loss) Price of electricity generation

14 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 6 Price covers average variable costs but not average fixed non-strandable costs Average variable cost Average fixed non-strandable cost Average fixed strandable cost = Average cost = Average economic profit (= loss) Price of electricity generation

15 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Stranded Costs - 7 l Conclusion From the point of view of efficiency  Stranded cost recovery is not necessary If recovery is allowed  It should be competitively neutral  An upper limit on allowable recovery  Size of the strandable cost

16 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 1 l General pricing principles Should reflect marginal costs Should allow to recover total costs l Misunderstandings Uniform pricing may imply cross-subsidies Price differentiation does not necessarily indicate cross-subsidies

17 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 2 l Definition of cross-subsidy-free prices For all customers  Price is below the average stand-alone cost  The cost of self-providing the good or the service  An upper bound on cross-subsidy free prices  Price not lower than the average incremental cost  A lower bound on cross-subsidy-free prices l Why is there a problem? Wrong incentives Distributive considerations

18 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 3 Assume a given revenue requirement : 190 Bln = (25.000+50.000) x 2 BEF + 40 Bln BEF Variable costs 2 BEF/kWh Variable costs 2 BEF/kWh Liberalised market (25.000 GWh) Regulated market (50.000 GWh) Joint costs 40 Bln ABC A : Joint costs fully allocated to the regulated market p L =2 BEFp R =2,8 BEF B : Joint costs evenly allocated to both markets p L =2,8 BEFp R =2,4 BEF C : Joint costs fully allocated to liberalised market p L =3,6 BEFp R =2 BEF

19 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 4 l Where can they occur?

20 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 5 l Cross-subsidies in a partially liberalised belgian electricity market Intentional misallocation of joint costs in generation Transmission tariffs l Why do they occur? Historical reasons Unintentional misallocation of joint costs Stranded costs Predatory pricing Intentional misallocation of joint costs

21 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Cross-subsidies - 6 l How to reduce the potential for unwanted cross- subsidies Price cap regulation or yardstick competition Speed up the liberalisation process Better control of cost allocation exercise

22 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 1 l What makes transmission pricing of electricity difficult? Fixed transmission capacity Cost recovery Some physical laws apply to electricity transport  Law of least resistance Belgium is part of a European network in which it cannot control flows  Dutch import from France via Belgium or via Germany? l Transmission costs and capacity limits will play an important role in the competitive process

23 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 2 l Alternative pricing systems for transmission  Cost coverage  Incentives for optimal siting of generation and consumption  Incentives for efficient operation, investment and cost minimisation by the transmission company Postage stamp  Fixed fee per MWh  Simple cost recovery  No incentives for correct siting of generation and consumption  No incentives for cost minimisation of system operator

24 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 3 Distance related tariff  Fee proportional to distance  Cost recovery easy  No perfect incentive for siting generation and consumption  No incentives for cost minimisation of system operator Marginal cost pricing  Cost recovery not guaranteed  Good siting incentives if also future tariffs are announced  Better incentives for cost minimisation

25 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 4 l A proposal for Belgium (Energy Institute) Mixture postage stamp and marginal cost pricing  Postage stamp  Individualised costs  Non-individualised costs  Costs not directly linked to actions of generators and consumers  Congestion correction for some sites (discount or extra margin)  Incentive for overall cost efficiency  based on yardstick competition

26 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 5 l The fixed component Covers  Individualised costs  Reactive power for outlyers, connection costs, metering and billing  Non-individualised costs  Allocation based on last year’s  Peak demand: grid maintenance,black start capacity, personnel and operating costs and return on investment  Energy use: reserve capacity, reactive power and voltage control and grid losses  Avoid cross-subsidies


28 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 7 l Incentives for optimal grid use and siting A grid quality charge (GQC)  Based on typical and critical load flows of previous year  Nodes are evaluated w.r.t. Congestion, loss, stability and reliability problems  Nodes causing extra problems get a surplus charge  Nodes relieving problems get a negative charge  Overall the net revenue from the GQC for the system operator is zero  Avoid incentives to create congestion

29 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN ENERGY INSTITUTE Transmission Pricing - 8 l Incentives for efficient grid operation and investment SO is rewarded or penalised for delivering good or bad quality (measured by overall system reliability)  Benchmarking  Compare with neighbouring countries  Investing improves quality of the service  Avoid over-investment  Make the SO the residual claimant for a share of grid investment

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