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Congratulations What are Stamps? Time Line Now and then Why do we use stamps? How much do stamps cost? Increase in stamp price Are you ready? Who is your.

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations What are Stamps? Time Line Now and then Why do we use stamps? How much do stamps cost? Increase in stamp price Are you ready? Who is your."— Presentation transcript:


2 Congratulations What are Stamps? Time Line Now and then Why do we use stamps? How much do stamps cost? Increase in stamp price Are you ready? Who is your hero? Picture of your hero Resources

3 Your group has been selected to create a brand new stamp for the United States Postal Service!! Click below to receive your instructions and to learn all you can about stamps…. CLICK HERE!! Table of Contents

4 Take a moment and answer these questions in complete sentences in your journal. What kind of stamps have you seen before? What pictures were on the stamps? Do your parents use stamps on their envelopes? Take a minute to write down some examples in your writing journal. A stamp is a small gummed label issued by postal authorities that can be affixed to an envelope, post card or package as evidence that postal charges have been paid. Stamps usually depict a social or cultural interest such as heroes, hobbies and sports. Table of Contents

5 1852 - US issues its first stamped envelopes 1847 - 1 July The United States issues its first stamps. 1864 - United States establishes railroad post offices 1918 - United States issues its first airmail stamps 1941 - United States creates highway post offices 1968 - United States initiates priority mail as a type of first-class mail 1982 - United States introduces E-COM, an electronic message service. Table of Contents

6 Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Heat, Nor Gloom of Night…Stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds….. Table of Contents

7 Click on the dog stamp below to find out!!! Click Me!! Table of Contents

8 The price of stamps has increased over time. Check out the bar graph below to see: Price of stamps over time Table of Contents

9 As the popularity of the Internet and e-mail increased, the use of the United States Postal Service and its stamps has decreased. The chart to the right shows the percentage of companies that chose to increase their E-mail volume during 2005 and 2006. Table of Contents

10 Now, you are ready to create your own stamp for the United States Postal Service. Think about a person in your life who is a hero to you. This can be your mom, dad, or any person you know. It can also be a sports star or someone you learned about in our history. IT CAN BE ANYONE YOU WANT…EVEN YOU!! Take a few minutes to think about who this person will be…… Table of Contents

11 In your writing journal, write down who your hero is and three sentences explaining why they are your hero. Don’t forget to include the character traits you have learned about!! When you are finished, take a few minutes to talk with your partner about your hero and why you chose them for your stamp. Table of Contents

12 Now, using the art supplies available, draw what you think your hero would look like on a stamp. After you have finished your drawing, attach your picture to the top portion of the construction paper. On the bottom portion of the construction paper, write the character traits your hero possesses. Table of Contents

13 Google images Id=C5CE37F2-757C-46E6-A55B-3F4ADBFA2198 Id=C5CE37F2-757C-46E6-A55B-3F4ADBFA2198 Back to Turbo Quest

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