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Lead Engagement Process

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1 Lead Engagement Process
Course Instructor: John Fretty

2 Course Instructor: John Fretty
address: Phone: (407)

3 The Lead Mindset Why would a person submit a request for information about a franchise company or request expert advice?

4 Lead Evaluation General Research Steps to take before you call your lead: Google the phone numbers area code Google the leads name and city local Research the brand specific concept

5 Lead Categories Franchise Specific Leads (Tier 1 Leads)
These are produced simply by advertising a specific brand on one of the major portals. Each lead indicates a specific franchise brand.

6 Franchise Specific Tier 1 Lead
Franchise:          Jan-Pro Franchising Int'l. Inc. First Name:         Brittany Last Name:         Birch Address:              5555 W Melody Dr City:       Laveen State:    AZ Province:             Zip Code:             85339 Country:              US Day Phone:         (555) Available Capital:              $100,000 - $250,000 Time Frame:       Immediately  

7 Before You Contact Franchise Specific (Tier 1) Leads
Research This Specific Brand: FranServe Directory Franchise Brand Website Google Search: Better Business Bureau / Entrepreneur Magazine Top 500 / / Franchise Business Review / SBA Loan Failure Report

8 Before You Contact Franchise Specific (Tier 1) Leads
Pre-Qualifying Your Candidate : Send the franchisor the candidates name, address and phone number and let them know that you will be presenting their brand today

9 Before You Contact Franchise Specific (Tier 1) Leads
Hello Franchise Development Manager, I will be presenting the ABC franchise brand to my qualified candidate, Bill Schreider, tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know promptly if my candidate would like to move to the next step in process and schedule an initial conference call with you. Below you will find my candidates contact information for your records and review. I will look forward to talking with you again soon. William (Bill) Schreider 1234 Oakdale Dr. Whitefish Bay Wi (414) Best Regards, FranServe consultant

10 Franchise Specific (Tier 1) Leads
Your Initial Contact Hi, I represent ______ franchise and I received your request for information. Discuss territory needs Why the interest in this specific brand? Listen for opportunities to discuss other brand types or categories Keep in mind that qualifying begins immediately

11 Lead Categories General Consulting Leads (Tier 1 Leads)
These are non-franchise specific leads that in one form or another have indicated interest in speaking with a franchise consultant.

12 General Consulting (Tier 1)
First Name:       larry Last Name:         billingsley Address:              5555 colfax ave City:       North Hollywood State:    CA Province:             Zip Code:             91601 Country:              US Day Phone:         (555) Available Capital:              $50,000 - $100,000 Time Frame:       Immediately 

13 Lead Categories General Consulting Leads (Tier 2 Leads)
These are leads that are generated strictly around a FranServe branded campaign. These are people who have indicated that they “do” wish to speak with a FranServe affiliated consultant.

14 General Consulting (Tier 2)
First Name:       jon Last Name:      kosselman   Address:              6109 N. Kent St. City:       Milwaukee State:    Wi Province:             Zip Code:             53217 Country:              US Day Phone:         Available Capital:              $150,000 - $200,000 Time Frame:       Immediately

15 Before You Contact General Consulting Leads
(Tier 1 leads) and (Tier 2 Leads) Before You Contact Follow your general lead contact protocol: Carefully review each lead for content and errors Google search the area code then the contact name by location If possible call each new lead within the hour

16 Lead Categories Call Verified Leads – Clique, 5th Ave and Executive Leads (Upper Tier leads) These are a combination of general consulting and franchise specific leads. Call verified leads normally provide more “in depth” information about the candidate, and sometimes a pre-introduction to the consultant can also be made.

17 Calling Protocols / Apply Your Phase 1 Training
Whenever possible, call the lead within a 60 minute time-frame Utilize you rehearsed opening introductory message and a “One Minute Bio”. Help will be provided here by your new “One on One” mentor. If you don’t connect live, leave a message and a follow-up …repeat…repeat

18 Ask Open Ended Questions / The 80/20 Rule
Tell me, what business are you currently involved with or have been involved with in the past? Please explain to me what your roles are (or were) in this position? My wife’s name is Tyra and I have three boys ages 23, 25 and 27….do you have a spouse and family?

19 Taking Successful Notes
Utilize a short handed note taking approach Don’t let note taking detract from proper qualifying and relationship building Complete your note taking after the call ends

20 Other Means Of Communication: Text, Instant Messaging, Emails

21 Forwarding Follow-up Materials Creating an overview presentation

22 Managing Your Leads New Leads in process: Best practices will be to reach out to a newly received lead within minutes First Level: Active leads that are currently in process. Review each lead sheet daily. Second Level: Dormant leads that are not currently active in your pipeline but monthly or quarterly contact continues in the case that something may change and the candidate may again become active Third Level: Closed file / random list

23 Process Steps Franchise Consultant Process
The consultant follows a process path which includes initial contact, qualifying, matching, presenting, pass off to franchisor and follow-up calls between the candidate and franchisor while the discover process proceeds forward.

24 Process Steps Franchisor Process
The candidate is introduced to the franchisor. This begins the candidates discovery process. It is important for the consultant to fully understand this franchisor process and the events and time-lines associated with the franchisors process. The final step in the Franchisors process will be the actual agreement signing.

25 Wishing You Much Success!

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