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Results of Pennsylvania’s early learning programs, 2011-2012.

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1 Results of Pennsylvania’s early learning programs, 2011-2012

2 Access to quality early education for Pennsylvania’s young children can: Reduce public costs for special education, public assistance prisons and health care High quality pre-kindergarten can decrease special education rates by 50% and grade repetition by 33% Source: Pew Center on the States

3 Facilitate job growth Every dollar Pennsylvania invests in early childhood programs generates $1.06 in the local economy through local hiring and purchasing local goods & services. Source: America’s Edge

4 Effectively prepare students for new workforce demands 63% of jobs in the next decade will require some post-secondary education. “Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements through 2018,” Center on Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University, June 2010.

5 More than half of PA’s young children at risk of school failure

6 38% of PA’s children under 5 served

7 Children making progress, entering Kindergarten ready to succeed

8 Children succeeding in kindergarten and beyond Pottstown School DistrictHarrisburg School District

9 Families making solid choices for their children’s early learning

10 Families engaged in their children’s early learning 96% of parents use information on their child’s performance to support their child’s learning at home OCDEL Family Survey, 2011-2012 450,000

11 Families gaining access to high quality early learning programs

12 Why has Pennsylvania improved? High quality, coordinated programs to best serve families Providing high quality services early for the greatest impact Aligning early childhood education with K-12 for lifelong achievement Embracing accountability for results

13 OCDEL’s mission The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) promotes opportunities for all Pennsylvania children and families by building systems and providing supports that help ensure access to high quality child and family services. The office is a joint initiative between the Departments of Education and Public Welfare.

14 OCDEL programs Child Care Certification Child Care Works Children’s Trust Fund Early Head Start Early Intervention Head Start Healthy Families America Keystone STARS/ PA Early Learning Keys to Quality Parents as Teachers Parent-Child Home Program Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Nurse-Family Partnership Public-private partnerships

15 Effective teachers and leaders Early Childhood Education Career Lattice Professional Credentials Supports to earn credentials and degrees

16 Quality early learning environments 320 children at risk of expulsion remained in quality STARS programs thanks to Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

17 Specialized supports and technical assistance The odds of a STARS provider advancing a STAR level is 4.3 times greater when they receive STARS Technical Assistance than when they do not.

18 Providing high quality services early for the greatest impact Nearly 5,000 infants and toddlers who received Early Intervention services in 2011-12 no longer required these services by the end of the year

19 Aligning early childhood education with K-12 for lifelong achievement

20 Embracing accountability for results 95% STARS Designator reliability in 2011-2012 Increase in classroom assessments for quality High reliability among staff designating STAR levels

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