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Hot Springs: Nature’s Wonderland Where are they Located? How are hot springs formed? What are the Health benefits?

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2 Hot Springs: Nature’s Wonderland Where are they Located? How are hot springs formed? What are the Health benefits?

3 Hot springs occur in many Thermal areas where the surface of the earth intersects the water table, the temperature and rate of discharge of the hot spring depends on the factors such as the rate at which water circulates underground, the amount of heat supplied at depths, and the extent the hot water mixes with the cool ground water.

4 A.Hot spring are found on land. B.Most spectacular ones are located on the ocean floor. C.North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Iceland D.All the above

5 There are over 1500 hot springs in the United states, What are you waiting for?

6 Hot Spring Diagram

7 Formation of Hot Springs Rainwater penetrates into the Earth’s surface, collecting minerals as it goes. The water heats up toward the center of the earth, and finds a thrust fault where the force of cold water coming down will push the heated water up.

8 Formation of Hot Springs Cont.  The faults act as a pipeline for the water. As water continually flows through, it hollows out the fault, creating a direct line for the water to travel.

9 Formation of Hot springs  As the water constantly flows, it hollows out the ground which creates a pool where people can come and enjoy the benefits hot springs have to bring.  At the surface, the temperature of the hot springs can only reach 212  before turning to steam. However, water under the Earth’s surface can reach 752  when it is near subsurface molten rock. This is due to hydrostatic pressure which allows the water to reach high temperatures, without changing over to steam due to the downward pressure of gravity on the water.

10 Arsenic - While arsenic in larger doses is toxic in the human body, minute amounts may assist the body with plasma and tissue growth. Foot bathing in mineral waters with a high content of arsenic is used to address fungal conditions of the feet. Boron - Boron builds muscle mass, increases brain activity and strengthens bones. Magnesium - Magnesium converts blood sugar to energy and promotes healthy skin. Potassium - Potassium assists in the normalization of heart rhythms, assists in reducing high blood pressure, helps to eliminate body toxins and promotes healthy skin. Sodium - Sodium and natural salts assist with the alleviation of arthritic symptoms, and may stimulate the body's lymphatic system when used in baths. Some Minerals Found in Hot Springs and their Effects

11 There is nothing quite like a relaxing sock in naturally heated mineral water to ease muscle tension and soothe aches and pains. For centuries people have searched out hot springs for pleasure and for treatment of a variety of ailments.

12 Fun Facts Did you Know… Water emerging from the hot springs in Hot Springs National Park fell as rain when the pyramids of Egypt were built— 4400 years ago!

13 ??Trivia Question?? What term do scientists use to describe water that can remain in liquid form when reaching temperatures above 212  ? A. Hydrothermal Pressure B. Hydrostatic Pressure C. Hydromantic Pressure

14 ZERO IMPACT is the goal!! Three principles of zero-impact camping 1) Leave with everything you brought in. 2) Leave no sign of your visit. 3) Leave the landscape as you found it. No-trace camping Drink lots of water, lots!!

15 References

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