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2 Michael Phelps’s First Photo

3 Sperm: the microscopic cells which can fertilize the female’s ovum.
MALE SEX CELL Sperm: the microscopic cells which can fertilize the female’s ovum. Men create millions of sperm every day

4 female sex cell Ovum (egg): a mature female reproductive cell that can divide to develop into an embryo once fertilized. Women are born with the amount of eggs that they will have for their whole life. At the time of birth, most females have about 1 to 3 million eggs, which are gradually lost throughout a woman's life. By the time of a girl's first menstrual period, she has an average of about 400,000 eggs. By the time of menopause, a woman may have fewer than 10,000 eggs. A small percentage of these eggs are lost through normal ovulation (the monthly cycle). Most eggs die off through a process called atresia (the degeneration and subsequent resorption of immature ovarian follicles - fluid filled cysts that contain the eggs).

An egg is fertilized when it is penetrated by a sperm

6 Male Anatomy 6

Sperm are produced in the male’s testes Sperm are stored in the epididymis

8 Terms to know Semen: the thick, sticky fluid which contains sperm ejaculated by the male from the penis during orgasm (climax) Ejaculation: the action of ejecting semen (sperm) from the body The average ejaculation contains close to 100 million sperm Why so many? Sperm can live up to 5 days in the woman’s body Maturation: 72 hrs

9 May the best sperm win!


11 Terms to know: Ovaries: female reproductive glands in which ovum are produced and stored Fallopian tubes: pair of long slender ducts that transport ova to the uterus, and transport sperm cells from the uterus to the ova. Uterus: pear shaped organ that holds the growing fetus. Contracts during labor to deliver the child. Endometrium lining: the lining of the uterus. Where a fertilized egg implants and starts to grow.

12 Terms to know: Cervix: lower, narrow part of the uterus that uterus that dilates and opens to allow passage of menstrual blood and during birth Vagina: muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix (also known as the birth canal) Vulva: the opening to the vagina Perineum: surface area between the anus and the vulva




16 Front View Conception or Fertilization Fallopian or Uterine Tube
Uterus – 2” wide x 3” long Ovary Cervix Endometrium

17 Label the parts


19 CONCEPTION of FERTILIZATION Sperm Penetrating the Ovum

20 If more than one ovum is present they may BOTH be fertilized resulting in…
Fraternal Twins

21 IDENTICAL TWINS occur when the fertilized egg splits.
Babies will be the same SEX and will look very much alike.

22 Videos Q

23 Menstrual cycle

24 Definition: Menstrual Cycle: The monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and lining of the uterus (endometrium) in preparation for a fertilized egg Menstruation: a woman’s monthly bleeding when the body sheds the uterine lining and removes it from the body

25 MENSTRUATION – Ist day of cycle

26 Fertilized egg IMPLANTS in uterine lining
IMPLANTATION – takes place between 6 – 10 days after fertilization, usually 7 days If Fertilized egg IMPLANTS in Fallopian tube it is called an Ectopic pregnancy Fertilized egg IMPLANTS in uterine lining Endometrium – another term for uterine lining

27 Menstrual Cycle Day 1 – Menstruation begins (bleeding)
Day 1-5 – Bleeding Continues Day Ovum is maturing and endometrium lining is thin Day 10 – 14 - Endometrium lining thickens and hormones rise. Around Day 14 – Ovum bursts out of the ovary Must be fertilized within hours Day – Egg travels down to thickened lining and either is implanted or it dissolves or passes naturally Day 26 – In the absence of fertilization, hormone levels drop and the endometrium lining breaks down Day 28 – Menstruation prepares to begin again. 27

28 Related Menstrual Terms
aries: organs holding a woman’s eggs. Estrogen: the hormone responsible for secondary sex characteristics and for the sex drive in females. The “egg producing” hormone. Progesterone: builds up the lining of the uterus to prepare it for the fertilized ovum.; the “egg- setting” hormone. Ovulation: time when the egg is released from the ovary.

29 Tubal Ligation: an operation for sterilization of women.
PMS: premenstrual syndrome. Toxic Shock Syndrome: caused by bacteria that live in the vagina, which then multiply and causes infection. Menopause: the remaining ova no longer ripen or develop.

30 OVARY – Ovulation takes place about day 14 of the menstrual cycle


32 PREGNANCY Amniotic Fluid Placenta Amniotic Sac Umbilical Cord



35 Pregnancy takes about 40 weeks and is divided into three trimesters

36 ZYGOTE – Conception to 3 weeks

37 EMBRYO – 3 to 8 weeks

38 FETUS – 8 weeks to birth Fetus at about 16 weeks

39 IN VITRO FERTILIZATION – Sperm and ovum are mixed in lab
IN VITRO FERTILIZATION – Sperm and ovum are mixed in lab. Fertilized egg is placed in woman’s uterus to grow, as in a normal pregnancy.

40 GIFT – Gamete IntraFallopian Transfer

41 ZIFT – Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer

42 FETUS – 8 weeks to birth


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