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9 th Grade Advisory Making The Most Of High School Fall 2014 – November 5 th.

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1 9 th Grade Advisory Making The Most Of High School Fall 2014 – November 5 th.

2 Week 11 of 9 th Grade….Are you making your time at FBHS count?  Grades are being computed, homecoming is done, parent conferences have faded away, and winter sports are HERE. Let’s decide if you are making the most of high school.  BTW…the semester ENDS the Friday before Winter Break! (December 19 th )

3 ABI  By now, you should have opened an ABI account (in Freshmen Seminar).  How often do you check your grades online?  Do you realize that your teachers are human and make mistakes too? Check your grades often and make sure what is posted in your grade book is correct.  Talk to your teachers about your grades. They are here to help.  If you need an ABI account, go the front office.

4 ASSETs  ASSETs is NOT the KUDOS program.  ASSETs provides after school tutoring in all the core subjects. You can attend an after school tutorial and leave when you are done.  All coaches are required to allow athletes to attend after school tutorials without penalty.  All teachers have an ASSETs policy. Ask your English, math, science, and P.E. teachers about their ASSETs policy.  Going to ASSETs after school to get help is SMART!

5 ASSETs Enrichment Classes  ASSETs offers fun classes as well as academic support.  Did you know you can take Driver’s Education FREE from ASSETs?  Who can name another enrichment class offered through ASSETs?  Did you know that ALL of the classes offered through ASSETs are FREE to all FBHS students?  Visit the FBHS website to view the current ASSETs schedule.

6 Computer Lab  Did you know that our the computer lab is open to all FBHS students EVERY SCHOOL DAY after school?  If you need to type an essay, work on a Power Point project, research a topic on the internet, or use a computer for school work, the computer lab is open during break, during lunch, and after school. Anna Borcich is in the lab ready to help!

7 9 th Grade Physical Fitness Test  All 9 th graders are REQUIRED to take the California Physical Fitness test.  Students not passing the Physical Fitness test are required to take P.E. in the 10 th grade.  Take the test seriously.  Lifelong fitness can lead to a long healthy life.

8 Athletics  Did you know that participating in a high school sponsored sport improves your college application?  Did you know that once you successfully complete 10 credits of 9 th grade P.E., you are eligible to earn athletic P.E. credit your sophomore, junior, or senior year?  If you want to participate in any of the remaining sports this year, be sure to complete all the paperwork and submit your physical to the front office SOON.  Once the season begins, you only have two weeks to join a team. After two weeks, the roster is officially closed!

9 Week 11 of 9 th Grade  Are you making the most of your FBHS experience?  Don’t wait until your junior or senior year to take high school seriously. By then you will regret that you wasted your time now.  We are in week eleven of school. It’s never too late to join a club, consider a sport, improve your grades, or attend an ASSETs class.

10 Your time is NOW. Make the most of FBHS.

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