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Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

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Presentation on theme: "Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
Heat for welding generated by electric arc established between flux-covered consumable metal rod (electrode) and work Called stick electrode welding Combustion and decomposition of electrode creases gaseous shield (Gases given off) Protects electrode tip, weld puddle, arc, and highly heated work from atmospheric contamination Additional shielding provided by covering of molten slag (flux) Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 SMAW American Welding Society Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

3 SMAW Advantages Equipment less complex, more portable and less costly
Can be done indoors or outdoors, in any location and any position Electrodes available to match properties and strength of most base metals Not used for welding softer metals

4 SMAW Operating Principles
Sets up electric circuit Includes welding machine, work, electric cables, electrode holder and electrodes, and a work clamp Heat of electric arc brings work to be welded and consumable electrode to molten state Heat intense: as high at 9,000ºF at center Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

5 SMAW Operating Principle
American Welding Society Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

6 Steps to Setting Up Equipment

7 Safety Before We Go Everybody MUST wear GLASSES AND WELDING SHIELD
Stand back 6ish Feet Make sure you have your Shields DOWN and eyes are protected! I will warn you when to lower them

8 Application Activity Let’s review the SMW process … 1 = __________
1 = __________ 2 = __________ 3 = __________ 4 = __________ 5 = __________ 6 = __________

9 SMAW Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 6 3 2 5 Travel direction Electrode Arc
Weld Puddle 3 Shielding Gas 4 Solidified Weld Metal 5 Slag 6 Electrode 1 Travel direction Shielding Gas 4 Slag 6 3 Weld Puddle 2 Arc 5 Solidified Weld Metal

10 Parts of a Weld Arc – Flow of electrons through the electrode ?to the work. Creates heat for welding Molten Pool (puddle) – Melted metal pool formed from arc heat and the electrode and work Shielding Gas– Cloud of various gasses used to protect and shield arc and molten pool Slag – By product of welding process. Infused metals from electrode flux and work. Is on top of ?weld

11 Welding Power Sources Each type of power source has fundamental electrical differences that best suit particular processes Welding machine Must meet changing arc load and environmental conditions instantly Must deliver exact amount of electric current precisely at right time to welding arc Available in wide variety of types and sizes

12 Four Types of Power Source
1) Engine-driven generators Powered by gas or diesel combustion engine Can be found with a.c. or d.c. electric motor No longer being manufactured and rarely found 2) Inverters Increases frequency of incoming primary power Constant current, constant voltage, or both Produce a.c. or d.c. welding current

13 Four Types of Power Source
3) A.C. transformers Used to step down a.c. line power voltage to a.c. welding voltage 4) Transformer-rectifiers Use basic electrical transformer to step down a.c. line power voltage to a.c. welding voltage Welding voltage then passed through rectifier to convert a.c. output to d.c. welding current May be either d.c. or a.c.-d.c. machines

14 Bridge Rectifier CONVERTS AC to DC

15 Current Controls Amperage Voltage Quantity of current (flow)
Determines amount of heat produced at weld Voltage Measure of force of current (push) Determines ability to strike an arc and maintain its consistency

16 Output Slope Two basic types
1) Constant current – Total welding current(watts) remains the same. 2) Constant voltage – Arc voltage remains constant at the selected setting even if arc length and amperage increase or decrease

17 Affect Arc Length What would effect the temperature of a welding arc?
Voltage Arc Length Atmosphere

18 Arc Length Shorter Arc = Lower arc voltage = Lower temp
Longer Arc = more resistance (atmosphere) = higher arc voltage and temp

19 Heat and Amperage Amount of heat produced by Arc = Amperage
Why is the heat important? Amperage Heat Produced

20 Lets see it in the shop Effects of amperage and arc length in shop

21 Electrodes and Amperage
Each electrode (diameter) has recommended minimum and maximum amperage range Amperage = heat, so they have a heat range

22 Nature of Welding Current
Two types of welding current produced by welding machines Alternating current Direct current Influences selection of electrode E6010 and E7015 designed for d.c. E6011, E6013, E7016, E7014, E7018, and E7028 designed for use with a.c. Perform adequately with d.c.

23 Thickness and Shape of Material to be Welded
General rule Never use an electrode having diameter larger than thickness of material being welded Light gauge sheet metal work 1/32-inch or thinner E6013 electrode designed for this type of work Least penetration of any electrode in E60XX series

24 Factors Affecting Selection of Electrodes
Type of joint and position of welding Type of welding current Properties of the base metal Thickness of the base metal Depth of penetration desired

25 Factors Affecting Selection of Electrodes
Weld appearance desired Whether the work is required to meet code specifications Tensile strength, ductility, and impact strength required of the weld deposit Design and fitup of the joint to be welded Nature of slag removal

26 E7014 Electrode All-position, alternating current and DCEN or DCEP (fast-fill type) Covering similar to E6012 and E6013, but thicker due to addition of iron powder Suitable for welding mild steel in all positions Weld beads have smooth surface with fine ripples, slag easily removed Fillet welds flat to slightly convex Good for production welding on plate of medium thickness

27 E7018 Electrodes All-position, alternating current and DCEP
Low hydrogen, iron powder Coating contains high percentage of iron powder (25 to 40 percent) Slag heavy, friable, and easily removed Deposited metal flat; slightly convex in fillet or groove weld Welding done in all positions Electrodes sizes up to 5/32-in

28 E7018 Electrodes (cont.) Larger diameters used for fillet and groove welds in horizontal and flat positions Short arc must be held at all times Strength of deposited weld metal can be improved through addition of certain alloys to coverings Usually require specific mechanical and chemical properties to meet requirements of base metal

29 Constant Current Welding Machines
Used for shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding Available in both d.c. and a.c. welding current Current remains fairly constant regardless of changes in arc length Total Wattage stays the same Voltage drops as amps increase (dropping arc voltage (DAV) machine) Enables welder to control welding current in specific range by changing length of arc

30 Open Circuit and Arc Voltage
Open circuit voltage runs between volts (no welding being done, volts high, no amps) Drops to arc voltage when arc struck Arc voltages (Voltage generated between electrode and work during welding, voltage lower, amps higher) Range: 36 volts (long arc) to 18 volts (short arc) Determined by arc length held by welder and type of electrode used Arc lengthened, arc voltage increases and current decreases

31 Polarity Electrode negative and electrode positive used in d.c. welding DCEN (d.c. electrode negative) Electrode connected to negative terminal of power source and work connected to positive terminal (current flows from neg to pos) flow from electrode to work = more electrode consumption. 1/3 of heat on electrode. 2/3 on work High electrical melting rate

32 Polarity DCEP (d.c. electrode positive)
Electrode connected to positive terminal of power source and work connected to negative terminal 2/3 of heat on electrode. 1/3 on work

33 Polarity AC (Alternating Current):
Electrons change direction (alternate) every 1/120th of a second Electrode and work alternate between anode (+) ?and cathode (-) Welding heat evenly distributed

34 D.C. Transformer-Rectifier Welding Machines
Have many designs and purposes Flexibility one reason for wide acceptance Deliver either DCEN or DCEP May be used for: Stick electrode welding Gas tungsten arc welding Submerged arc welding Multi-operator systems Stud welding The Lincoln Electric Co. Miller Electric Mfg. Co. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

35 Transformer-Rectifier Machines
Have two basic parts 1) Transformer for producing and regulating alternating current that enters machine 2) rectifier that converts a.c. to d.c. Third important part is ventilating fan Keeps rectifier from overheating Design improves arc stability and makes it easy to hold short arc which is soft and steady No major rotating parts so consume little power

36 A.C. Transformer Welding Machines
Most popular a.c. welding machine Function of transformer Step down high voltage of input current to high amperage, low voltage current required for welding Especially suited for heavy work The Lincoln Electric Co. Miller Electric Mfg. Co Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

37 Advantages of a.c. Power Sources
Reduces tendency to arc blow Can use larger electrodes Resulting in faster speeds on heavy materials Lower cost Decreased power consumption High overall electrical efficiency Noiseless operation Reduced maintenance

38 D.C. and A.C.-D.C. Inverter Welding Machines
Portable, lightweight, and versatile May be either constant current, constant voltage or both Can perform several different processes Miller electric Mfg. Co. The Lincoln Electric Co. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

39 Duty Cycle Percentage of any given 10-minute period that machine can operate at rated current without overheating or breaking down Rating of 100% means machine can be used at rated amperage on continuous basis Required by continuous, automatic machine welding Rating of 60% means machine can be used at its capacity 6 out of every 10 minutes without damage Satisfactory for heavy SMAW and GTAW

40 Twin Carbon Electrode Holder
Metal shield to protect welder's hand from intense heat. Two leads are required because the arc is created between the two electrodes. Larger than the metal electrode holder The Lincoln Electric Co. Holder is water cooled Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

41 Atomic-Hydrogen Arc Welding
Process in which electric arc surrounded by atmosphere of hydrogen Gas shields molten metal from oxidation and contamination from the air Transfers heat from electrode to work Arc formed between two electrodes Temperature produced by arc: 7,500ºF Current supplied by a.c. welding transformer Hydrogen supplied in cylinders

42 Atomic-Hydrogen Electrode Holder
General Electric Co. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

43 Atomic-Hydrogen Arc Welding
Metal of same analysis as being welded can be deposited Welds may be heat treated Unusually smooth, ductile, nonporous and free from impurities Surface free from scale May weld hard-to-weld metals Advantages: increased production, low operating cost, and low maintenance cost


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