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Resistance Training: Benefits present and future BY: Ryan Sickles.

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Presentation on theme: "Resistance Training: Benefits present and future BY: Ryan Sickles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistance Training: Benefits present and future BY: Ryan Sickles

2 Do You Really Know??? Which of these are resistance exercises? (may be more than 1 answer. – A. Free Jogging – B. Climbing stairs – C. Push-ups – D. Lifting How do you think your muscles grow? What will training your muscles do for your health?

3 What is Resistance Training What is it? – Defined - any method or form of strength training used to resist, overcome, or bear force. – Free weights, resistance bands, your own body, anything that makes your muscles contract from an external force Types – Power lifting - a weight-lifting competition composing of squats, dead lifts, and bench pressing – Olympic weight lifting – lifting the weight overhead – strength training – lifting weights to get stronger

4 Hypertrophy The process of building larger muscles – 3 stages Equilibrium – neither working nor recovering, Catabolism – the workout stage where you use energy and damage muscle fibers Anabolism – the recovery stage where you recover energy and restore your muscle fibers

5 Immediate Benefits Increased muscle mass and tone – Increased physical performance – Injury prevention maintain body weight through increased metabolism – Increased weight from muscle leads to higher need for energy to keep body standing – Leads to better body composition with proper nutrition

6 Benefits For Future helps fight osteoporosis (RESEARCH)

7 Now do you know??? Which of these are resistance exercises? (may be more than 1 answer. – A. Free Jogging – B. Climbing stairs – C. Push-ups – D. Lifting How do you think your muscles grow? – Through the exercise period called catabolism and then the recovery period called anabolism What will training your muscles do for your health?

8 Works Cited aining/article_em.htm p?sheet=20&section=129 http://medical- aining bench.html

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