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Tools for national MDG monitoring Lao PDR
Country Presentation: Tools for national MDG monitoring Lao PDR Presented by : Thirakha CHANTHALANOUVONG Lao Department of statistics Ministry of Planning and Invetment The International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics (ICMDGS) October 19-21, 2011, Philippines, Manila
Country Background L a o P D R China Myanmar Vietnam Thailand Cambodia
Contents Back ground information of Laos MDG monitoring in Laos
Eases and difficulties in attaining MDG in 2015 Priorities given by Lao government. 3 3
Back ground information of Laos
Population (million) : 6.2 million Area ( : Population Growth Rate (percent): 2.5 Infant Mortality Rate (per thousand): 70 Under 5 Mortality Rate (per thousand): 97.6 Life Expectancy at Birth(year) Female : 63 Male : 59 4 4
Back ground information of Laos (Cont.)
Adult Literacy Rate (percent) Female : 63.2 Male : 82.5 Per capita GDP(US$) : 1 087 5 5
MDG Monitoring in Laos - Establishment of National Supervisory Committee (2003) - Membership at Ministerial level from line Ministries - Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs - Established MDG National Secretariat to monitor and report on MDG 6 6
MDG Monitoring in Laos (Cont.)
- MDGs incorporated into NSEDP - NSEDP is more ambitious than MDGs - NSEDP to halve poverty by 2005 and to fundamentally eradicate poverty by 2015 - Long term goal of exit the Least Developed Status by 2020 First National Report on MDGs in 2004 Second National Report on MDGs in 2008 7 7
MDG Monitoring in Laos (Cont.)
Government investment for data collection: Population and Housing Census: 1985, 1995, 2005. Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey: 1992/93, 1997/98, 2002/03, 2007/2008. Agricultural Census: 1997/98, 2010/2011. Lao Reproductive Health Survey: 1994, 2000, 2005. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey: 1994, 2000, 2006. Economic Census: 2006. Lao Social Indicator Survey: 2011/12. 8 8
Goal 1: Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
Proportion of population below poverty line 9 9
Goal 1: Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
Prevalence of underweight children under five years of age 10 10
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education
Some progress, but concern on disparity between boys and girls Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status for Lao PDR 006: Net enrolment % (1991) 84% (2005) 98% in primary school 007: Proportion of pupils % (1991) 62% (2005) 95% Starting grade 1 who Reach grade 5 008: Literacy rate in the age group year % (2001) % (2005) 99%
Net Enrolment Rate in Primary School
Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5
Goal 3: Promote Gender Equity & Empower of Women
Proportion of seats held by women in parliament
Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
There has been a gradual improvement but we are still among the poorest in the region. Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status for Lao PDR 013: U5 mortality rate 170 (1995) 98 (2005) 80 (deaths per 1,000 live births) 014: Infant mortality 104 (1995) (2005) 49 015: Proportion of 68% (1995) 69% (2005) 90% one-year old immunized against measles
Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
Infant Mortality Rate and Under 5 Mortality rate (per 1,000 LB)
Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health
The Lao PDR has made progress in MMR. Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status 5.1. Maternal mortality rate (1995) (2005) 5.2. Proportion of births (1994) (2005) attended by skill birth personnel Need more investment, particularly in the rural areas, in antenatal care, in the training of more birth attendants and in the promotion of maternal health at the community level.
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases
Low prevalence of HIV/AIDS, but remains at risk (National Policy on HIV/AIDS/STI and Introduced a second-generation surveillance system) Malaria has consistently been among the top three causes of reported morbidity and mortality. Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status 6.1. HIV prevalence among (2001) (2007) <1 general population (%) 6.2. Death rates associated (1990) (2006) with malaria
Goal 7: Esuring Environmental Sustainability (Cont.)
Lao PDR is not a major contributor to climate change, but concern on land forest cover. Recognition of the importance of forestry and biodiversity conservation: established 20 national Biodiversity Conservation Areas, plus two corridor areas, that cover 14.3 percent of the country’s area. Set the target for putting an end to slash-and-burn cultivation by 2010 and to establish 500,000 hectares of new tree plantation for the period from 2000 to 2020.
Goal 7: Esuring Environmental Sustainability (Cont.)
Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status 7.1. Proportion of land area (1992) (2002) Under considered covered by forests(%) 7.2. CO2 emissions, total, (1999) (2006) per capital and per US$1 GDP (PPP) and consumption Of ozone-depleting substances (metric tonnes) 7.3. proportion of total water 2 (1999) (2006) resources used (%)
Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership For Development
Target 8A. Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status 8.1. Average tariffs on exports (1990) (2005) of agriculture products, clothing and textiles to develop market with Which Lao PDR has - MFN status (1990) (2005) 8.3. The border cost related , (2005) to importing one container (US$ per container) 8.4. The border cost related , (2005) to exporting one container
Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership For Development (Cont.)
Target 8C. Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries Indicator Baseline for Most Recent Target Lao PDR Status 8.7. ODA received as Proportion of its GDP (2002) (2005) In US$ per capital (2002) (2006) Proportion of ODA (1990) (2006) Grants to LDCs that goes To Lao PDR Net ODA received (1995) (2006) From OECD/DAC donors By Lao PDR as percent of Its GDP
Eases and Difficuties in attaining MDG by 2015
Supportive conditions: Strong commitment from the government MDGs has been incorporated in National Socio-Economic Development Plan. Economic Growths at considerable satisfactory rates (at the average of 6.5% from ) Poverty incidence has been remarkably reduced.
Eases and Difficuties in attaining MDG by 2015
Constraints: Lack of fund and budget Low human resource development Low awareness on MDGs
Priorities given by Lao Government
To effectively implement National Socio-Economic Development ( ) Mobilize resources Mobilize participation of all governmental agencies and the public.
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