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11 DoD Information Sharing Update for US-NATO Information Sharing (UNIS) TEM 6 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information.

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Presentation on theme: "11 DoD Information Sharing Update for US-NATO Information Sharing (UNIS) TEM 6 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 DoD Information Sharing Update for US-NATO Information Sharing (UNIS) TEM 6 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration OASD(NII) and the DoD Chief Information Officer Mr. Bill Barlow Deputy Director, Integrated Information Communications Technologies (ICT) Support (IIS) Directorate 2 DEC 2009 UNCLASSIFIED

2 2 Purpose Describe the US Department of Defense priorities that support interagency and international unclassified information sharing Share selected policy and programmatic efforts –Program Review – 2011 –DoD Information Sharing Implementation Plan (ISIP) Focus Area 6 –Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation (TISC) Joint Concept Technology Demonstration 2


4 44 IIS Vision 4 A DoD enterprise that enables rapid, agile, and persistent sharing of civil-military information and situational awareness to facilitate coordination and cooperation with the interagency and external mission participants across the full range of irregular warfare and stability operations. Develops and oversees policy that shapes ICT enablement of irregular warfare, stability operations, and theater security cooperation. IIS identifies ICT gaps, recommends solutions, and assesses the Department’s progress towards improved information sharing and more effective civil-military coordination, situational awareness, and decision making. IIS engages with the Joint Staff, Interagency, and external organizations to facilitate resolution of COCOM and Service contingency operations ICT support issues. IIS Mission Statement

5 UNCLASSIFIED 5 Identified Challenges That Impede Information Sharing Unclassified information sharing and coordination with non- DoD entities are problematic –DoD culture is “classify by default” rather than “share by default.” –Not everyone wants to share or cooperate with USG/DoD –Cumbersome, ad hoc networks; no sharing environment 5 Organizational cultures and stovepipes impede progress –Policies and procedures are unclear on release/sharing –Over classification and excessive caveats- i.e.. FOUO / SBU –Tactics, techniques, and procedures are not standardized or well known Information sharing is not always recognized as “good” –DoD organizations are concerned about information integrity –NGOs are concerned about neutrality and cooptation –Risk aversion Sharing must be bi-directional - DoD must offer what the Community of Interest requires

6 UNCLASSIFIED 6 Policy Priorities DoD Information Sharing Implementation Plan Focus Area 6 Lead (Unclassified information sharing) Inter-Agency Reconstruction and Stabilization (NSPD-44) Support –DoD technical representative to the S/CRS Knowledge Management Collaboration Office, DoS Humanitarian Information Unit (HIU), and USAID Office of Civilian Response –Support other interagency planning committees and working groups responsible for interagency processes Program Review (PR-11) enterprise solutions in support of non-classified information sharing for Irregular Warfare and Building Partnerships Provide ICT Policy support for Irregular Warfare and Stability Ops –Ensure ICT language is included in DoD Directives and Instructions –Architectural study for Unclassified Info sharing portals –Coordinate with Intelligence and Operations communities to clarify what we share “when, where, with whom” details during unclas info sharing operations (humanitarian assistance and disaster response) 6

7 UNCLASSIFIED 7 IIS Priorities Geographic Combatant Command (COCOM) and Service ICT support: –Provide oversight for Afghan Civ-Mil ICT sector –Advocate Unclas Info sharing in planning and programming process –Improve COCOM awareness of Sec 401, Title 10 provisions –Enable Theater Security Cooperation and Building Partnership Capacity (TSC and BP) – Regional International Outreach (RIO); Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation (TISC), etc Outreach within the Dept and to UN, NGOs, IOs and Industry on Civ-Mil info sharing –Encourage NGO participation in COCOM/Service interagency events –Dialogue/exchange with industry (new effort underway) with regard to security cooperation and capacity building

8 UNCLASSIFIED 8 PR 11 – Program Review for FY 11 Consider new funding requirements against planned FY 11 expenditures –Requesting central funding for FY 11-15 Stakeholders: –OSD ( Net Centric Capability Portfolio Manager (CPM); Command and Control CPM; Building Partnership CPM –All COCOMs, Services Intended outcomes –Seek DoD enterprise level solution for non-clas info sharing –Provides DoD entry point for external agencies to coordinate and collaborate on an unclassified level. PR-11 Non-classified information sharing for IW and BPC

9 UNCLASSIFIED 9 Task 6.1 - Develop an enterprise approach that enables the federation of existing COCOM, Service and Agency (CC/S/A) unclassified information sharing systems in support of civil support and SSTR operations Stakeholders: –USD (P) –USD (I) –OASD (Networks and Information Integration) –JS J5, J6 Intended outcomes –Modify policy, technology and cultures in order to improve unclassified information sharing –Conduct outreach and education of existing policy that may not be leveraged due to a lack of situational awareness DoD Information Sharing Implementation Plan (ISIP) Focus Area 6

10 UNCLASSIFIED 10 TISC Enable info sharing with external mission partners via the Internet in support of stability operations, humanitarian emergencies and reconstruction activities Stakeholders: –DUSD Advanced Science and Concepts –OASD(NII)/IIS –USEUCOM –USSOUTHCOM –DISA Intended outcomes –Provide external partners with collaborative environment that is local to their domain, releasable, affordable, scalable, modular, sustainable, customizable, and interoperable.

11 UNCLASSIFIED 11 Conclusion 11 Strive to improve or remove policy impediments to effective, unclassified information exchange Provide guidance and assistance to stakeholders with the mission to provide increased situational awareness to extended partners involved in stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations: – U.S. departments and agencies – Non US government and security forces – Other International Organizations (IO) – Non-governmental organizations (NGO) – Members of the private sector

12 UNCLASSIFIED 12 Contact Information Mr. Al Johnson Director, Integrated Information Communications Technologies (ICT) Support Directorate Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration 1235 S. Clark St., Crystal Gateway One, Suite 601, Arlington, VA 22202-4363 Voice Primary: +1(703) 697-8190 Voice Alternate: +1 (703) 601-2442 Fax: +1 (703) 601-2445 Mr. William (Bill) Barlow Deputy Director, ICT Support Directorate Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration 1235 S. Clark St., Crystal Gateway One, Suite 601, Arlington, VA 22202-4363 Voice Primary: +1(703) 601-2437 Voice Alternate: +1 (703) 601-2442 Fax: +1 (703) 601-2445 12

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