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Why study Covenant? Promise 1: We will obtain a deeper grasp and understanding of God’s Word. How? 1. Examine all the various covenants between God & man.

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Presentation on theme: "Why study Covenant? Promise 1: We will obtain a deeper grasp and understanding of God’s Word. How? 1. Examine all the various covenants between God & man."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why study Covenant? Promise 1: We will obtain a deeper grasp and understanding of God’s Word. How? 1. Examine all the various covenants between God & man and man & man 2. Reach a deeper understanding through making associations * The earthly is a pattern of the true. Result: reveals what entering the New Covenant is all about gives a better understanding of what’s happening in our lives Promise 2: Studying covenant will give you ▪ absolute assurance in Christ ▪ freedom from past sin/failures … ▪ power to live out our lives in Christ ▪ confidence to lean on God’s covenant promises ▪ deep gratitude to God for all He has done so that we will never break covenant * Everything God does is based on covenant. * Covenant is like the missing piece in the whole picture of our so-great-a- salvation. Definitions 1. covenant = beriyth – used 298 X in OT = a compact (made by passing between pieces of flesh); a treaty, a pledge = a contract accompanied by signs, sacrifices & a solemn oath which sealed the relationship with promises of blessing for obedience & curses for disobedience 2. made = karath = to cut (off, down or asunder); by impl. to destroy or consume; spec. to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain; orig. by cutting flesh & passing between the pieces) 3. diatheke – used 33 X in NT – completely unilateral = a disposition (spec.) a contact (esp. a devisory will); covenant, testament = in NT, a solemn disposition, institution or appointment of God to men, a promise, an agreement Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004

2 Covenant 1285 tyrIB. beriyth {ber-eeth'} Meaning: 1) covenant, alliance, pledge 1a) between men 1a1) treaty, alliance, league (man to man) 1a2) constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects) 1a3) agreement, pledge (man to man) 1a4) alliance (of friendship) 1a5) alliance (of marriage) 1b) between God and man 1b1) alliance (of friendship) 1b2) covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges) 2) (phrases) 2a) covenant making 2b) covenant keeping 2c) covenant violation Origin: from 01262 (in the sense of cutting [like 1254]); TWOT - 282a; n f Usage: AV - covenant 264, league 17, confederacy 1, confederate 1, confederate + 01167 1; 284 H1285 בּרית ber-eeth' From H1262 (in the sense of cutting (like H1254)); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh): - confederacy, [con-]feder[-ate], covenant, league. 1242 diaqh,kh diatheke {dee-ath-ay'-kay} Meaning: 1) a disposition, arrangement, of any sort, which one wishes to be valid, the last disposition which one makes of his earthly possessions after his death, a testament or will 2) a compact, a covenant, a testament 2a) God's covenant with Noah, etc. Origin: from 1303; TDNT - 2:106,157; n f Usage: AV - covenant 20, testament 13; 33 G1242 διαθήκηak dee-ath-ay'-kay From G1303; properly a disposition, that is, (specifically) a contract (especially a devisory will): - covenant, testament. Made / Cut 3772 tr;K' karath {kaw-rath'} Meaning: 1) to cut, cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to cut off 1a1a) to cut off a body part, behead 1a2) to cut down 1a3) to hew 1a4) to cut or make a covenant 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be cut off 1b2) to be cut down 1b3) to be chewed 1b4) to be cut off, fail 1c) (Pual) 1c1) to be cut off 1c2) to be cut down 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) to cut off 1d2) to cut off, destroy 1d3) to cut down, destroy 1d4) to take away 1d5) to permit to perish 1e) (Hophal) cut off Origin: a primitive root; TWOT - 1048; v Usage: AV - cut off 145, make 85, cut down 23, cut 9, fail 6, destroy 4, want 3, covenanted 2, hew 2, misc 9; 288 08804 Stem - Qal (See 08851) Mood - Perfect (See 08816) Count - 12562 H3772 כּרת kaw-rath' A primitive root; to cut (off, down or asunder); by implication to destroy or consume; specifically to covenant (that is, make an alliance or bargain, originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces): - be chewed, be con- [feder-] ate, covenant, cut (down, off), destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hew (down), make a league ([covenant]), X lose, perish, X utterly, X want. Mizpah 4709 hP'c.mi Mitspah {mits-paw'} Meaning: Mizpah = "watchtower" 1) a place in Gilead north of Jabbok and location of Laban's cairn 2) a place in Gilead south of Jabbok; site unknown 3) a place near Mount Hermon 4) an old sacred place in Benjamin Origin: from 04708;; n pr f loc Usage: AV - Mizpah 18, Mizpeh 14; 32 Copyright © Jeffrey Loh 2004

3 Covenants between God and Man 1. Noahic Covenant (Gen 6-8) Who: God + Noah Why: 1. judgment 2. to keep Noah + family + animals alive What: 2. Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12,15,17) Who: God and Abraham What:  confirmed to Isaac (Gen 26:23-25)  confirmed to Jacob (Gen 28:10-22) 3. Mosaic Covenant (Ex 24:1-11) Who: God and Israel What: Covenants between Man and Man Genesis 21:22-34 Who: Abraham + Abimelech What: Genesis 26:26-31 Who: Isaac + Abimelech What: Genesis 31:44-55 Who: Jacob + Laban What: The New Covenant (Mt 26:20-29) Who: Jesus + disciples What: Luke 22:17-20 Isaiah 42:5-9 Isaiah 49:5-9 Malachi 3:1-2 Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004

4 Genesis 6: The Setting 1. Overview v1-4The Multiplication of Men v5The Wickedness of Man v6-7The Grief of Man v8-10 The Man who Pleases God v11-12 The Corruption of the Earth v13The Judgment of the Earth v14-16 The Instructions for the Ark v17The Reason for the Ark v18-21 The Covenant to be Established v22The Obedience of Noah 2. The Pronouncement of Judgment Gen 6:3120 years before Noah = 480 yr old Gen 6:10 (5:32) Born to him: Shem, Ham + Japheth 20 years later Noah = 500 yrs old Who: God – initiator Noah + his descendants (6:18; 8:9,11;9:12,14) + every beast of the earth (8:10;9:12-17) Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004 Genesis 7 – The Universal Flood 1. Overview Gen 7:1-9 The Preparations before the Flood Gen 7:10-16 The Entrance into the Ark Gen 7:17-24 The Destruction of the Earth 2. Review of Events Noah was 600 years old when he entered the Ark (Gen 6:6). 600.2.10 v4 after 7 more days & I will send raincf Gen 2:5-6 600.2.17 v11 600 th year of Noah’s life 2 nd month, 17 th day 600.3.27 Flood came (v11-12, 17-24) v12 40 days and 40 nights v19-20 all high mountain covered v21-23 all flesh on the earth perish 600.8.27 Water prevailed upon the earth 150 days (Gen 7:24)  the LORD closed the door (v16)  Methuselah = when he dies, it shall come (Gen 5:21-27) = 969 years – oldest man in the Bible  from Adam to Methuselah = 1656 years Noahic Covenant (Genesis 6-8)

5 Gen 9 – The Post Flood World Overview Gen 9:1 New Blessings for New Life on New Planet Gen 9:2 New Relationship to Animals Gen 9:3 New Provision for Man Gen 9:4-7 New Legislation Given Gen 9:8-17 New Covenant Established * Sign of the Covenant = Rainbow (v12-17) Gen 9:18-29 New Life in the Post Flood World  Fermentation of Grapes (v21)  Curse on Canaan (v33)  Blessings of Japheth and Shem  Noah lived 350 years after the Flood (950 years old)  1656+350 = 2006 years after Creation Genesis 8 – God and Noah 1. Overview Gen 8:1-19 God Remembers Noah Gen 8:20 Noah Remembers God Gen 8:21-22 God’s Covenant with Noah 2. Review of Events v1 wind came, water subsided (Psa 104:6-9) v4 7 th month, 17 th day, Ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat600.7.17 v5 10 th month, 1 st day, tops of the mountains became visible600.10.1 v6 40 days later, raven sent and it flew here and there 600.11.11 v7-9 dove sent, dove returned 600.11.18 v10-11 dove sent 7 days later and dove returned with an olive leaf 600.11.25 v12 dove sent 7 days later, dove did not return 600.12.2 v13 601 st year, 1 st month, 1 st day, the water was dried up601.1.1 v14 2 nd month, 27 th day, earth was dry 601.2.27 v15-19 exodus from the Ark Stay in Ark 370 days = 1yr 10 days v21 “I will never again curse the ground on account of man” “I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done” (s. 2 Pet 3:7, 10, 12) v22 Cycle of Seasons established Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004

6 I. Preparation of Abram (Gen 12-14) A. Abram’s First Call (Ac 7:2-4) – from Ur B. Abram’s Second Call (Gen 12:1-3) – from Haran C. Abram in Canaan (Gen 12-14) – 75 years old  to Egypt because of famine (Gen 12:10-20)  to Oak of Moreh (Gen 13:4; 12:6); back in Canaan  separation from Lot (Gen 13:5-13)  God’s promise to Abram (Gen 13:14-18)  Battle of the Kings (Gen 14) - Lot captured (Gen 14:1-2) - Lot rescued (Gen 14:13-16) - Melchizedek blesses Abram (Gen 14:17-24) II. The Covenant Cut (Gen 15-16) God promises Abram (Gen 15:1-7)  an heir of from his own body (Gen 15:4)  an innumerable number of descendants (Gen 15:5) * Abram becomes a believer (Gen 15:6)  the land of Canaan (Gen 15:7, 18-21) God confirms the covenant with Abram (Gen 15:8-17) The Birth of Ishmael (Gen 16) – 86 years old III. The Sign of the Covenant (Gen 17) A. Abram’s name was changed (Gen 17:1-8) – 99 years old B. The Sign of Circumcision given (Gen 17:9-14) * penalty of breaking covenant = death (Gen 17:14) C. Sarai’s name changed (Gen 17:15a) D. The covenant to be established with Isaac NOT Ishmael (Gen 17:15b-21) * Ishmael was 13 years old E. Abraham circumcised his household (Gen 17:22-27) The Abrahamic Covenant h w h y H W H Y Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004 ~ r' b. a; ~ h' r' b. a; y r; f'h r' f'



9 Gen 12:2 I will make you a great nation I will bless you & make your name great You shall be a blessing Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you & the one who curses you I will curse in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed Gen 15:4 a son from his own body Gen 15:5innumerable descendants Gen 15:18-21the land from the river of Egypt as far as the river Euphrates Gen 17:2 I will multiply you exceedingly Gen 17:4,5 I will make you the father of a multitude of nations Gen 17:6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful I will make nations of you, & kings shall come forth from you Gen 17:7 I will be God to you & your descendants for an everlasting covenant Gen 17:8 I will give to you &your descendants after you, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession God promises to be his God (17:7-8) God promises a seed (12:3; 15:4-5; 17:2, 4-6) God promises a land (15:7, 18-21; 17:8) God promises a great blessing (12:3) Abraham’s part: to keep God’s covenant (17:9-10) to walk before him (17:1) & be blameless (17:1) Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004 Terms of the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12-17)

10 Abrahamic Covenant confirmed to: A. Isaac (Gen 26:23-25)  altar built (v25)  God’s presence (v24)  God’s blessing (v24)  multiplied descendants (v24) B. Jacob (Gen 28:10-22)  pillar set up (v22)  the land given (v13)  multiplied descendants (v13-14)  a blessing to all the families of the earth (v14)  God’s presence (v15)  God’s protection (v15)  God’s promise to bring him back to Canaan (v15)  Jacob’s oath: in return for protection, provision & return then 1. the LORD will be my God (v21) 2. this pillar will be God’s house (Bethel) (v22) 3 tenth of all to be given (v22) Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004 The Mosaic Covenant (Ex 24:1-11) Who: God & Israel What: 1. people vow to obey (v3, 7) all the words of the Lord (v3, 7) 2. altar built at foot of mountain + 12 pillars for 12 tribes of Israel set up (v4) 3. burnt offerings + peace offerings offered (v5) 4. blood sprinkled on the altar (v4) & on the people (v8) 5. book of covenant read to the people 6. covenant meal eaten in God’s presence (v9-11) Yet He did not stretch out His hand against them. Ex 34:27-28 Moses with the Lord 40 days + 40 nights wrote on the tablets the words of the cov, the 10 commandments

11 The New Covenant Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004 Mt 26:20-29 Institution of the Lord’s Supper Who: Jesus + His disciples When: the night of His betrayal, Passover What: the covenant meal eaten * this is My body – eat (v26; Lk 22:19) * this cup is My blood of the covenant (v23) is the new covenant in My blood (Lk 22:20) Isaiah 42:5-9 Jesus appointed as: v6 a covenant to the people a light to the nations His commission: v7 to open blind eyes to bring out prisoners from the dungeon Isaiah 49:5-9 Jesus = God’s servant (v5-6) = a Light to the nations (v6) = the despised One (v7) = the One abhorred by the nations (v7) = the Servant of rulers (v7) = a covenant of the people (v8) His commission: v5 to bring Jacob + Israel back to God v6 to raise up the tribes of Jacob to restore the preserved ones of Israel to take God’s salvation to the end of the earth v8 to restore the land to make them inherit the desolate heritages Malachi 3:1-2 Jesus = the Lord whom you seek (v1) = the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight (v1) = like a refiner’s fire, like fuller’s soap (v2) None can endure; None can stand 1st Coming 2nd Coming

12 Abraham and Abimelech (Gen 21:22-34) Initiator: Abimelech Basis: fear What: v22 God is with you in all that you do v23-24 oath taken v23 swear to me by God that you will not deal falsely with me, my offspring or my posterity but according to the kindness that I have shown you, you shall show to me, & to the land you sojourn v25-26 oath worthless v27-32 Covenant Made  sheep + oxen given to Abimelech (v27)  7 ewe lambs as a witness that Abraham dug this well (v28-30)  oath taken (v31) v33 tree planted v33 Abraham calls on the name of the Lord, El Olam Isaac + Abimelech (Gen 26:26-31) 90 years later Initiator: Abimelech Basis: fear v28 we see plainly that the Lord has been with you Terms of Covenant v29 you will do us no harm, just as we have not touched you + have done nothing but good + have sent you away in peace What: v30 feast given v31 exchange of oaths v1-6 famine, Isaac to Gerar v7-11 Isaac lies about Rebekah v12-17 Isaac prosperity arouses Philistines’ envy - told to depart v18-23 quarrels over the wells v24-25 to Beersheba / God appears; altar built, well dug Jacob + Laban (Gen 31:44-55) v1-21 Jacob flees from Laban v22-43 Laban pursues Jacob v24 God in dream to Laban “Be careful that you do not speak to Jacob either good or bad.” (v29) - why did you steal my gods? (v30) not found (v35) v43-55 The Covenant Cut  stone pillar (v45,51,52)  heap of stones (v46-49, 51-54) = Jegar-sahadutha (Aramaic) = Galeed.(Hebrew) = Mizpah (v49) Terms: 1. don’t mistreat my daughters (v50) 2. no other wives (Gen 31:50) 3. no passing over to harm each other (v52)  oath taken (v52)  sacrifice offered (v54)  meal eaten (v54) Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2002

13 2025 - Isaac marries Rebekah 2095 - Esau and Jacob born 1990 - Abraham dies 1928 - Jacob flees to Haran 1921 - Reuben born 1914 - Joseph born 1897 - Joseph sold into slavery 1885 - Isaac dies 1875 - Jacob and family enter into Egypt 1858 - Jacob dies 1804 - Joseph dies 1703 - A new king arose (Ex 1:8; Hyksos control Egypt) 1700 - Intense bondage 1570 - Hyksos rulers deposed Egypt's New Kingdom (18 th Dynasty) King Amose I (Egypt's most powerful years) Creation 0 130Adam930 130 Seth912 1042 235 90Enosh905 1140 Kenan 325 70 1235 65 395 Mahalalel 910 895 1290 460 162Jared962 1422 874 622 Enoch365987 687 187Methuselah 777 1656 100 200 30040050060070080090010001100 130014001500160017001800190020001200210022002300 0 105 Kenan Jared 65 182 Methuselah 969 1651 Lamech 1056 Lamech Noah 2006 Noah950500 Shem 100600 2156 2094Arpachshad 1556 1656 35 2124 Shelah 433 438 30 1691 1721 34 Eber 464 2185 1755 30 Peleg 239 1994 1785 Reu 239 2024 32 1817 30 Serug 230 2047 1847 Nahor 148 30 1995 1876 70 2081 Terah 205 1946 2125 100 Abraham 175 Isaac 2046 60 180 2226 2253Jacob 2106 147 91 23072197Joseph BC 2165 - Abram born 2090 - Abram reaches Canaan 2089 - To Egypt because of famine 2066 - Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed 2065 - Isaac born 2028 - Sarah dies 1525 - Moses born 1485 - Moses in exile in Midian 1445 - EXODUS FROM EGYPT 1405 - Moses dies Pre-FloodPost-Flood 110 Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2002

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