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Copyright Jennifer MacDougall 2001 This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial,

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Jennifer MacDougall 2001 This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Jennifer MacDougall 2001 This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.


3 The Value of High Performance Networking & International Distributed Learning Jennifer MacDougall Applications Coordinator MAGPI / University of Pennsylvania EDUCAUSE MidAtlantic Regional Conference Dec. 4, 2001

4 What’s MAGPI, you say?  MAGPI is A private network, created for the sole purpose of promoting education and research for its member institutions.  Operated by the University of Pennsylvania  Located in Philadelphia, PA  Current Subscribers = 3  Lehigh University  University of Pennsylvania  Chester County Intermediate Unit  Signed Subscribers (not yet connected)  Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals  Princeton University

5  Non-profit aggregator of education and research traffic for the region and Internet2  Provides backbone infrastructure services  Facilitates and supports regional and international collaborations  Promotes K-12 to higher education projects MAGPI is the Local Connector or “GigaPoP”

6 The (Changing) Role of “GigaPoPs”  Regional Aggregation Points for I2  Providing cost efficient access  Scalable, affordable bandwidth  Value added services  Commodity Internet  Peering Relationships with ISP’s  Facilitator of Regional Programs  Distance Learning, interactive video  Scientific, Social, research initiatives  And yes…government and commerce

7 Today’s Presentation Objectives  Demonstrate the value of international distributed learning using high speed networks  Show how Internet2 high speed connectivity is a key success factor  Discuss ways to use existing equipment and low or no cost solutions to build international distance ed into current curriculum

8 Some obvious high performance applications…

9 Teleimmersion

10 Digital Libraries

11 Virtual Laboratories

12 But also… the not so obvious high performance application

13 Distributed Learning!

14 “The French Project” A Videoconferencing Learning Experiment  Two business schools: France (ESA) and U.S.A. (Lauder Institute)  Foreign language and cultural Exchange  Using a business case scenario

15 Points de vente aux USA

16 The Project  Stated Objectives  Use of existing high performance networks  Development of language proficiency  Understanding different business cultures

17 The Project  Unstated Objectives  Team Building  Mixing central IT with academics in different disciplines  Technology as a tool, not for its own sake  Controlled, stable, and in support of the application  The value of documentation  Lessons learned are easily shared

18 Global Education magpi/french.rm

19 Collaboration: The People Process

20 People  International  Six hour time difference  French/English  Inter-disciplinary  Business, Language, Technology  Inter-departmental  School of Business  School of Arts and Sciences  College of General Studies

21 People  Technology Team  ISC Networking & Telecommunications  Internet2  STARTAP  Renater 2  Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble  Campus Pierre Mendes France

22 The Technology Process

23 Technology  Decisions Driven by Convenience Low Risk H.323 video Existing Equipment Tandberg 2500 Polycom Viewstation 512 Existing Nodes on Internet2 and Renater 2 University of Pennsylvania University of Grenoble

24 The Network Path

25 Renater2

26 International Network Partners

27 The Teaching Process

28 Methodology  Language proficiency and cross-cultural competence  Collaborative curriculum Use of “BlackBoard” as a coordination tool Face to Face Faculty Conference Face to Face Student Conference  The new classroom The roles of professor/students “from sage on the stage to guide on the side” Powerful learning moments  The motivational factor

29 “This is not e-learning, just Learning”

30 Other Current/Recent Projects  World Tour  K-12 teachers in Chester County  Connecting to other K-20 teachers and students around the world through high speed video  Building language learning curriculum using high speed video  Coping with Crisis: Effective Strategies for Educating During Difficult Times  International virtual panel  Experts from Tel-Aviv Israel, Northern Ireland, Texas and Chester County  4-way, continuous presence video panel

31 CCIU International Panel

32 Future Plans  Expansion to other languages with Lauder Collaborative business cases in several languages  Increased K-12 and K-20 Involvement Virtual - Language & Culture Immersion Partnered with International/Global Education  International Faculty Discussion Groups Planning, enrichment, collaboration  Student Self-Paced Interaction International Video from the Dormitories

33 Future Opportunities  Research and education networks of the world are growing  Possibility for collaborative efforts is only limited by the imagination of the educators  All areas of study can benefit using technology to reach out to the resources of the world  Set-up time will decrease as the technology matures

34 Challenges  Communication  Across time zones, international cultures, fields of specialty  Coordination  Set up a timeline of all critical dates (P.S. PAD IT!)  Establish and introduce the team, distribute emails, contacts, pagers, IP addresses, etc.  Testing – set dates, and test OFTEN!  The PEOPLE process  Be genuinely respectful of cultural differences Remember – we’re learning about each other, too!  Technical issues

35 Technical Problems  IP Route Announcements Grenoble - Renater2 – STARTAP Get Internet2, STARTAP, and Int. Network Contacts involved early  Penn On-Campus Distribution Switched 10 Mbps Segments  One Disconnect per Call Excessive packet loss 10-15 minutes into call

36 Benefits  Enhanced learning  Students loved it, more engaged  Truly global classrooms  The time is here, the technology is too  Global faculty  Collaboration and the shift in role  Good visibility for your school  Increased funding sources  NSF/NIH/L2L/etc./etc.

37 On the subject of visibility  French Project  PENN07.htm  Telechargement/432.pdf  Event was picked up by local radio stations  Great turnout at special viewing

38 Conclusion and Additional Resources      

39 Thank You for Your Time! and for not leaving early and for not leaving early

40 Questions / Comments  Jennifer MacDougall, Applications Coordinator, MAGPI  Greg Palmer, Director, MAGPI

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