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Two parts 1.Trends survey 2.What you can do with trends.

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3 Two parts 1.Trends survey 2.What you can do with trends

4  Monthly environmental scan report  Trends identified, tested, projected


6 STEEP  Social  Technological  Environmental  Economic  Political


8  digital video  cloud wars  augmented reality  automation and artificial intelligence

9 social media triumphing


11  crowdfunding growing  copyright battles continue  durability of Moore’s Law  office versus Web office



14 Design for mobile *first *



17 Nicholas Carr, linked

18  New forms of creativity  Open source  The limits of the Web  Onshoring hardware production  Shopping continues to migrate online

19  New interfaces  Digital security threats  Device ecosystem keeps growing  Fragmented internet?  Internet of things.

20  Rise of the stacks  Post- Snowden  Hardware + networks: multiple ecosystems  Digitization

21 Results of some trends:  PCs getting crowded out  Mouse and keyboard declining

22 Education systems  Reform movements (K-12, higher ed)  Rising student debt  Alternative certification pilots (competency, badges)

23  International higher ed systems building up  More international students heading to the US  US campuses expanding overseas presence


25 200818,632 200919,764 201020,275 201120,397 201219,930 201319,467

26 Adjunctification rising


28  Inter-institutional collaboration (except SUNY)  Senior admin compensation  Intergenerational strife  Library budget massacre

29  Campuses and sexual assault controversy.  Racial inequality in/and education.  Alternative degrees  Remedial classes  Challenges to internships  K-12 and higher education.  Campuses and sustainability.

30 Demographics:  Increasing nonwhite population  Youth population shrinkage  Ballooning senior population…



33 US labor market changes › 1 job/career->many gigs › declining participation › Automation

34 manufacturing->service


36 Top and bottom vs middle


38  blended/flipped classroom  rise of the net.generation  distance learning grows  gaming in education

39  educational entrepreneurship  big data and data analytics develop  campus digital security threats growing

40  Uses of social media  Uses of Web video  Changes in the LMS world  Learning analytics  Changes in library role  Digital humanities (in classroom)  The rise of the Maker movement


42  Credit for MOOCs  STEM vs humanities  Sustainability?  xMOOC vs cMOOC  Liberal arts campuses entering


44  Badges  Ebooks in higher education  Shared academics  3d printing across the curriculum  Video and education

45  Crowdsourcing in academia  Faculty criticizing deployment of technology  Crowdfunding in academia  Automation in education.  Mobile devices in education.

46  How much reading is being done?  How is digital reading different?  Literacies changing?

47 Part 2: so what do you do with trends?

48 Which of these trends are the most powerful?

49 Which of these trends are the most unpredicatble?

50 Extrapolations:  Transnational campuses  Average student age: 40  Hourly faculty  Hogwarts vs CCs  Disintegrated computing as a service  Extensive surveillance, creativity  Student as producer

51 Example: the higher education bubble  Continued cost/quality anxiety  Student and parent anxieties about debt and employment  Grad school crises  Bipartisan political pressure

52  Endowments returning, maybe (11%+ in 2013)  Debt closer to car ownership



55  Content  Teaching  Access  Source

56  Rise of the sharing mindset  Gig economy: rapid switching, less employee loyalty

57  Global conversations increase, filter bubble pops  More access, more information  Lots of creativity

58  Information prices drop  Faculty creativity, flexibility grow  IT “ “ “  Academic content unleashed on the world

59  Industries collapse  Authorship mysterious  Some low quality tech (videoconf.)

60  Some higher costs  More malware + less privacy  Increased fallibility of scholarship

61  Tech challenges  Outsourcing and offshoring  PLE beats LMS  Crowdsourcing faculty work  Information literacy central

62  Internet has always been open  Web <> money  Online identity has always been fictional, playful



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