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Mealy Mountain Collegiate Grade 11 Presentation Spring 2015.

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1 Mealy Mountain Collegiate Grade 11 Presentation Spring 2015

2  Location  In Newfoundland  Outside Newfoundland  Outside of Canada  Type of School  University  College  Public or Private  What program?

3 You don’t need to go far away. 88% of high school students go to college in their home state.

4 If you don’t have a major, it’s OK. More than half of new college students say a very important reason for going to college is “to find my purpose in life.”

5 Look at Career Cruising to explore different career options. Search University and College sites. Develop a good post-secondary/scholarship resume. Look for three referees. Develop generic, editable cover letter. Begin Searching for scholarships and bursaries. Create Scholarship Schedule.

6   Username: mmcPassword: goosebay


8  Complete Login for My Plan  Complete Assessments  Matchmaker  My Skills  Interest Inventory  Begin Exploring careers that interest you or ones on your matchmaker you haven’t heard of before.  Look at Interviews, matches to yourself, descriptions  Begin developing list of potential careers for you  Look at requirements for these specific careers.

9  Using related college and university programs under the education tab on Career Cruising visit websites of schools with programs you are interested in.  Look at class size, location, program details, pictures of the campus.  If possible talk to someone who has gone there before.  If possible arrange to visit the campus.

10  When applying for post-secondary, scholarships and bursaries, ALWAYS include a resume, unless it specifically states not to.  A post-secondary/scholarship resume is very different from a job resume. Include everything you have done, it can be 5 pages. “ This is your chance to brag.”

11  Include information on:  Education  Work Experience  Community Involvement  School Involvement  Awards, Achievements and Certifications  Skills  Interests/Hobbies  Reference Contact  Consider:  Conferences attended  Fundraising efforts  Clubs and Teams you have been on  Tutoring and Mentoring  Leadership Initiatives

12  The sections you include will depend on your type of involvement.  Always include the dates of your involvement  Include your name and page numbers at the top of each page.  BE SURE IT IS ORGANIZED!!!!  Sample Resume Sample Resume

13 Begin by brainstorming all your involvements on the “Writing an Effective Resume” Sheet. “Writing an Effective Resume” Sheet Don’t even worry about the year first, just write what you have done. Stick to the last three years (grade 9)

14 YYou should have three people who will act as referees on your behalf. CCommunity SSchool WWork CCollect their contact information for your resume AApproach individuals ASAP and ask them if they will be a good reference for you. AAsk them to type a general letter and save it. YYou can also provide them with a copy of your resume for their reference purposes. FForward them information when applying for a specific scholarship so they can properly address it and “tweek” it slightly. BBe sure to give them as much time as possible.

15 Think of up to five people you could ask to be a good reference for you for scholarships. List these on the “Finding References” Sheet.Finding References Look at these five and decide on three that know you in the most of your involvements. Within in 3 days approach these three and ask if they will act as a reference, write a generic reference letter and ask for their contact information to complete the information section.

16  When applying for post-secondary, scholarships and bursaries, ALWAYS include a cover letter, unless it specifically states not to.  Needs to be concise – 1 page only  Format  Paragraph 1  Brief introduction to yourself and how you came across the opportunity (scholarship).  Paragraph 2  More in-depth discussion of yourself and why you are the person for the award or university/program (may be more than 1 paragraph).  Paragraph 3  Numbered list of the items you have included with your application.  Paragraph 4  Closing remarks, thank you for opportunity, and reminder of contact information.  Sample Cover Letter Sample Cover Letter

17  There are thousands of scholarships and awards available for students to support post-secondary costs.  Hundreds of scholarships go unclaimed every year because often students don’t know about them or because they take time and require more than a simple fill in the blank application.  Searching can be perhaps the MOST time-consuming and frustrating so take your time and do it bit by bit.  Remember that scholarships come in large and small amounts. Generally the largest scholarships are the ones everyone knows about and applies for. The smaller scholarships are generally easier to get as less people are aware of them and apply for them.  Most scholarships you will find are offered yearly. While the applications may not be up for your year yet, they generally do not change much from year to year so take note of it.

18  Student Awards Student Awards  Scholarships Canada Scholarships Canada  School Finder School Finder  Scholarship ExpertsScholarship Experts  Adventures in EducationAdventures in Education  YOUR UNIVERSITY WEBSITE!!!!

19  While you are searching for scholarships and bursaries, list those that you will apply for in the Scholarship Schedule and fill in the information.  This cuts back on time spend when completing the applications as you can be gathering material for several at the same time and you don’t need to go back to websites for contact information or deadlines.  Make note of the scholarships in your schedule that do not have current year deadline, information as you will need to periodically check on these before completing everything.

20  Stay involved in extra-curricular activities.  Speak to Guidance Counsellor to discuss career and post-secondary plans  Apply to college/university next year.  College – first day of high school.  University – look at university deadline.  Ensure your information (transcripts, fees, reference letters are submitted to post-secondary well before deadline).  Apply for scholarships on scholarship schedule.  Do not forget to continue to apply for scholarships one in post-secondary.


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