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Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006. 2 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006. 2 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006

2 2 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

3 3 Staff Changes Stephanie Dennard will be the new Chief of Operations, dropping “Interim” from her title Sarah Hamilton will be the new IT Team lead in Operations, dropping “Interim” from her title Gary McGee from DOL is coming to Ron Brown’s Customer Satisfaction team in Operations on June 30, as a Purchasing Specialist We are recruiting an IT Sourcing Team Purchasing Specialist, and an Institutional Furnishings & Supplies Team Analyst We anticipate recruiting to fill Sarah’s former position on the IT Team (Computer Programmer Analyst I)

4 4 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

5 5 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Wireless Voice & Data, Purchasing Memo No. 3: 1.Verizon is the only voice provider on SP or EITS Contract 2.Voice contract exceptions must be documented in accordance with 60A-1.044(3) 3.Acquisition can then be by any 287.057 method, or alternate contract source 4.Other than Nextel voice, ACS requires SP approval case- by-case 5.Order Voice & Blackberry through MFMP or P Card, Air Cards/VPN WECM Services by CSA, payable to EITS

6 6 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

7 7 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Policy: Use GSA Schedule 70 without additional SP approval for most software and some other items not on STC; request ACS approval case-by-case for documented contract exceptions Approx. 24 agencies and 80 persons participated in GSA training May 4 In response to demand, another group of sessions was held May 30. Twenty three attended. Demand satisfied for now?

8 8 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Staff Changes Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

9 9 BUREAU UPDATES Ellen Potts, Chief, Bureau A, Transportation, Facilities & Supplies Charles Covington, Chief, Bureau B, Technology, Office Equipment & Services Stephanie Dennard, Chief, Purchasing Operations

10 10 Purchasing Operations VBS attachments should be 2.5MB or less. Multiple attachments can be loaded for an advertisement if it is necessary to split up a document. The DMS & State Purchasing websites are being reorganized so links/info may move around. There will be a new look and feel in the near future. We have approximately 85 suppliers registered for the FESN. Currently, eight volunteers have signed up for the Emergency Purchasing Network, need more... Reminder to check our website for State Term Contracts. Please don't take a vendor's word the vendor has a contract.

11 11 Purchasing Operations Currently working on informal audit of agency use of procurement method codes. Part of our effort to monitor generally how codes are used, not picking on any agency whose coding we may audit! Ron Brown, Customer Satisfaction Mgr, sends results to the agency Purchasing Director on an FYI basis. Remind agency employees, particularly P-card holders, of SPA's, especially the Quick Copy SPA with Kinko's and Modern Digital Imaging. 60A-1, Florida Administrative Code, rulemaking initiated. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published in the June 2, 2006, issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. Public hearing scheduled for 1 pm on June 23, 2006 (this is provided in the published notice). See, June 2, 2006 issue, pg 2511 if needed.

12 12 STATE PURCHASING PERFORMANCE MEASURES ECONOMY MEASURE: Savings from STCs and SPAs through April 30: $457,916,963, 35.87% (FY 05 total was $458.4MMM, 31.35%. We appear to be on track to strongly exceed both last year’s savings rate and absolute dollars saved.)

13 13 PERFORMANCE MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS MEASURE: Year-to-Date Total Purchases $ 1,070,660,191 Year-to-Date State Term Contracts/ SPA/ Purchase Orders $ 508,159,219 Percent State Term Contracts/SPA purchases to total purchases 47% (FY 05 was $473.5MM, 32% of PO spend.)

14 14 PERFORMANCE MEASURES EFFICIENCY MEASURES Year-to-Date State Purchasing Operating Budget: $3,100,031.26 Year-to-Date Cost of State Purchasing in respect to STC/ SPA Purchase Order spend:.61% (FY 05 was.85%.). For Every Dollar Spent Operating State Purchasing, the return was: $147.71, R.O.I. 14,771% (FY 05 was 11,400% ROI. Again, strong improvement.)

15 15 CUSTOMER SURVEY –Customer Satisfaction Survey Results (56 received) –Are we failing? –We have taken on the 16 hour goal for escalation, and…e.g. survey by team, telephone logs? –Any suggestions from the floor? Initial responses show sub-7 ratings Primary complaints and primary satisfactions on same issues, e.g. responsiveness Little confidence in savings

16 16 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy Recent Legislative Action: Negotiations, FL Efficient Govt. Act State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

17 17 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT INITIATIVE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT HISTORY Roadmap to Excellence in Contracting, 6/2003 State Term Contract Survey Tool Revision of Complaint to Vendor, and website Vendor Performance Tracking in MFMP Learning Ariba Analysis From STC management by exception to scheduled management review using the new tools

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20 20 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy Recent Legislative Action: Negotiations, FL Efficient Govt. Act State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

21 21 MyFloridaMarketPlace System Performance Change Review Board Approvals

22 22 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting June 8, 2006 Agenda Wireless Voice & Data Review of GSA Training & Policy Recent Legislative Action: Negotiations, FL Efficient Govt. Act State Purchasing Bureau Reports Contract Management Initiative MFMP update Whip Around Next meeting Thursday July 13, 2 PM

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