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Food Science. Jobs 20% of the country’s working population has to do with the food industry Developing Inspecting/safety Manufacturing Packaging Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Science. Jobs 20% of the country’s working population has to do with the food industry Developing Inspecting/safety Manufacturing Packaging Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Science

2 Jobs 20% of the country’s working population has to do with the food industry Developing Inspecting/safety Manufacturing Packaging Marketing Waitressing/Waiter Much much more!!!

3 Food Industry Food industry-involves the production, processing, storage, preparation, and distribution of food. In a poll The average United States family’s food bill 38% of it is spent away from the house (Fast Food) Look at page 654

4 American Family The US Dept of Labor did a survey and an average American family of 4 spends about $700 a month Or $8,000 a year!

5 Commondities an item that is bought and sold, especially an unprocessed material Can you name any?!?!

6 Climate Climate is important to keep in mind when talking about commodities! We obviously wouldn’t grow oranges in Wisconsin! More than one half of the fruit grown in the US is from Florida, California, and Texas

7 How does it get there? Retailer Consumer Distributor Wholesaler Packer/Processor Producer Harvester

8 Producer It all starts here! Often Producer and Harvester are the same person

9 Processing/Packer Processing plants clean, dry, weigh, refrigerate, preserve and store the crop. Make sure everything is up to code with USDA

10 Quality Assurance Sanitation – Inspectors – United State Department Agriculture Grades – Meat, eggs, wool, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.

11 Distributor Stores and transports the food for wholesalers

12 Whole Seller They buy food products form the processors and they in turn sell to the retailers, restaurants, schools ext Often called the “middleman”

13 Its all about the Label

14 Retailer to you! A person/company that sells directly to the consumer

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