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Review Thesis Creation and Weaving. Thesis Creation  ALWAYS identify your overarching idea first! This is the WHAT?  WHAT is the author trying to communicate?

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Presentation on theme: "Review Thesis Creation and Weaving. Thesis Creation  ALWAYS identify your overarching idea first! This is the WHAT?  WHAT is the author trying to communicate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Thesis Creation and Weaving

2 Thesis Creation  ALWAYS identify your overarching idea first! This is the WHAT?  WHAT is the author trying to communicate? This is the overarching idea, theme, or message of the selection.  Next you need to identify the WHY?  WHY is the author trying to communicate this point? This will offer depth to your thesis statement AND your paper.  Finally consider the HOW?  HOW does the author go about the process of achieving the overarching idea? What literary devices are employed in order to communicate the OAI?  ALWAYS identify your overarching idea first! This is the WHAT?  WHAT is the author trying to communicate? This is the overarching idea, theme, or message of the selection.  Next you need to identify the WHY?  WHY is the author trying to communicate this point? This will offer depth to your thesis statement AND your paper.  Finally consider the HOW?  HOW does the author go about the process of achieving the overarching idea? What literary devices are employed in order to communicate the OAI?

3 Basic Format  In the novel _______________ written by ________________ the author uses ____________, ___________, and ____________ in order to (demonstrate) ____________________________________.  In the novel The Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, the author uses character, setting and symbolism to prove that anarchy breeds dysfunction and that we need social rules to survive.  In the novel _______________ written by ________________ the author uses ____________, ___________, and ____________ in order to (demonstrate) ____________________________________.  In the novel The Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, the author uses character, setting and symbolism to prove that anarchy breeds dysfunction and that we need social rules to survive.

4  This is basic and should be revised several times for depth, fluency and effectiveness. A second draft may look like this:  In the novel The Lord of the Flies, William Golding demonstrates that anarchy can breed dysfunction and social rules are imperative, through the use of setting, characters, and symbolism.  This is basic and should be revised several times for depth, fluency and effectiveness. A second draft may look like this:  In the novel The Lord of the Flies, William Golding demonstrates that anarchy can breed dysfunction and social rules are imperative, through the use of setting, characters, and symbolism.

5  A third and final draft may look like this:  Golding explores the idea that anarchy breeds dysfunction in his novel The Lord of the Flies. He effectively demonstrates humanity’s need for rules through the use of an unfamiliar setting, the juxtaposition of characters, and social symbolism.  Option (without SLE’s)  Golding explores the idea that anarchy breeds dysfunction in his novel The Lord of the Flies and effectively demonstrates humanity’s need for rules.  A third and final draft may look like this:  Golding explores the idea that anarchy breeds dysfunction in his novel The Lord of the Flies. He effectively demonstrates humanity’s need for rules through the use of an unfamiliar setting, the juxtaposition of characters, and social symbolism.  Option (without SLE’s)  Golding explores the idea that anarchy breeds dysfunction in his novel The Lord of the Flies and effectively demonstrates humanity’s need for rules.

6 Weaving Typical Mindset: 5 paragraphs – opening, closing, 3 points Looks like this: (Lord of the Flies) What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting Typical Mindset: 5 paragraphs – opening, closing, 3 points Looks like this: (Lord of the Flies) What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting Typical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Characterization Paragraph 3: Symbols Paragraph 4: Setting Paragraph 5: Closing Typical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Characterization Paragraph 3: Symbols Paragraph 4: Setting Paragraph 5: Closing

7 Weaving, cont.  Same Questions – changing up the format: What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting  Same Questions – changing up the format: What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting Less Typical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Social Anarchy Characters and Setting Paragraph 3: Rules Characters and Symbols Paragraph 4: Survival Setting, Characters, Symbols Paragraph 5: Closing Less Typical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Social Anarchy Characters and Setting Paragraph 3: Rules Characters and Symbols Paragraph 4: Survival Setting, Characters, Symbols Paragraph 5: Closing

8 Weaving, cont.  Same Questions – changing up the format: What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting  Same Questions – changing up the format: What? Social anarchy breeds dysfunction. Why? To prove we need rules to survive. How? Characters, Symbols, Setting Atypical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Social Anarchy Characters (Ralph/Jack) and Setting (Beach/Jungle) Paragraph 3: Social Anarchy Chaacters (Simon/Piggy) and Symbolism (Pig/glasses) Paragraph 4 Rules Characters (Ralph/Littluns and Jack/Bigguns) and Symbols (Survivial - allegorical) Paragraph 5: Survival Setting (Home/Island), Characters (Jack/Ralph), Symbols (Weapons/Warpaint/Officer) Paragraph 6: Closing Atypical Outline: Paragraph 1: Opening Paragraph 2: Social Anarchy Characters (Ralph/Jack) and Setting (Beach/Jungle) Paragraph 3: Social Anarchy Chaacters (Simon/Piggy) and Symbolism (Pig/glasses) Paragraph 4 Rules Characters (Ralph/Littluns and Jack/Bigguns) and Symbols (Survivial - allegorical) Paragraph 5: Survival Setting (Home/Island), Characters (Jack/Ralph), Symbols (Weapons/Warpaint/Officer) Paragraph 6: Closing

9 Sample Paragraph Paragraph 4 Rules Characters (Ralph/Littluns and Jack/Bigguns) and Symbols (Survivial - allegorical) Paragraph 4 Rules Characters (Ralph/Littluns and Jack/Bigguns) and Symbols (Survivial - allegorical) Paragraph 4 Rules The ability to establish, follow, and/or break rules is an important element in Golding’s novel. The use of specific and general characters is critical. Golding associates Ralph and Jack as leaders among the boys. Ralph seems to be predisposed to monitor the entire group, including the no-named “littluns” from the beginning. When they first gather on the island, he assigns, “the littluns the chore of gathering firewood” (36). As would be expected with age respect, the littluns follow Ralphs instruction. We can assume that they see it as imperative to their survival. Jack is also represented as a leader, however he seems more influential of the “bigguns”. Jack believes that the key to survival is hunting and quickly calls for a hunting party, shouting, “we need food to survive!” (38). This call to action is specifically directed to older boys capable of speed, agility, and most-likely, violence. Both boys can be seen as a symbol or allegory for survival. At this very early stage in the novel, Golding is already setting his readers up to make a moral choice – both of which will have social consequences. Paragraph 4 Rules The ability to establish, follow, and/or break rules is an important element in Golding’s novel. The use of specific and general characters is critical. Golding associates Ralph and Jack as leaders among the boys. Ralph seems to be predisposed to monitor the entire group, including the no-named “littluns” from the beginning. When they first gather on the island, he assigns, “the littluns the chore of gathering firewood” (36). As would be expected with age respect, the littluns follow Ralphs instruction. We can assume that they see it as imperative to their survival. Jack is also represented as a leader, however he seems more influential of the “bigguns”. Jack believes that the key to survival is hunting and quickly calls for a hunting party, shouting, “we need food to survive!” (38). This call to action is specifically directed to older boys capable of speed, agility, and most-likely, violence. Both boys can be seen as a symbol or allegory for survival. At this very early stage in the novel, Golding is already setting his readers up to make a moral choice – both of which will have social consequences.

10 Reread  Having reread the paragraph in the slide before, I can see that my intentions to discuss rules was not achieved. However, I do feel that I made a strong point for the characters of Jack and Ralph as allegorical figures for survival. I would most likely change my topic to focus on survival – rather than rules.

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