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Why Can’t Johnny Read After 40 Years Can Family Literacy be the Answer? Gaye Horne © Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Can’t Johnny Read After 40 Years Can Family Literacy be the Answer? Gaye Horne © Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Can’t Johnny Read After 40 Years Can Family Literacy be the Answer? Gaye Horne © Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning April 2011

2 What Comes First the Chicken or the Egg? What does a newcomer need to know? How does a refugee and immigrant survive? Survey: April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning2

3 Survey (T or F) It costs 70 million dollars every year in medical costs because of illiteracy 75 % of Fortune 500 companies offer remedial skills Nearly 1/2 of America’s adults are poor readers, or “functionally illiterate” Meaning they can’t carry out simple tasks like balancing check books, reading drug labels or writing a letter of applications –46% of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine. –It is estimated that the cost of illiteracy to business and the taxpayer is $20 billion per year. April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning3

4 300,000,000 Americans 21 million Americans can't read at all, 45 million are marginally illiterate and one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas. In a class of 20 students, few if any teachers can find even 5 minutes of time in a day to devote to reading with each student. 60 percent of America's prison inmates are illiterate and 85% of all juvenile offenders have reading problems. 44 million adults in the U.S. can't read well enough to read a simple story to a child. April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning4

5 Our Inheritance 4 Things a person needs to be successful: 1-Confidence 2-Belonging 3-Identity 4-Purpose Literacy is inherited from parents Illiteracy is passed to children from parents who cannot ready or write April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning5

6 Goal Setting To improve parent's skills and attitudes toward education. To improve children's learning skills. To improve parent's childcare skills. To unite parent and children in a positive educational experience. April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning6

7 Unseen Outcomes Bonding Communication Joy & Happiness HOPE Belonging Confidence Identify Purpose April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning7

8 Music Making Employing Art April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning8

9 Story Telling/Making April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning9

10 Elements of Family Literacy Adult Class Parenting Class Early Childhood Class Parent & Child Together Time April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning10

11 What to Consider in an Adult Education Class –Competency –Objective –Pre-skills –Time Required –Materials –Lesson Direction –Activity –Evaluations –Integrations with other components April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning11

12 What to Consider in a Parenting Class Parenting Class –Objective/focus –Materials/time –Motivational Activity –New Information –Discussion/questions –Practice/application –Integrations with other components April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning12

13 What to Consider in an Early Childhood Class Children’s Class –Time –Focus –Experience/Developmental Objective –Materials –Observations/assessment –How does this work with the other components April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning13

14 What to Consider for Parents Teaching Children Parent and Children Together –Focus –Materials –Time –Activity (Circle, pairs) –Transfer to home –How does this integrate April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning14

15 Applying All Components at Home Home Activity April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning15

16 Lesson Planning Finding common theme –Suggestions from Adult Learners Activities that change my life Something I can use right away April 2011© Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning16

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