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The World By: Mrs. Brine.

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Presentation on theme: "The World By: Mrs. Brine."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World By: Mrs. Brine

2 Table of Contents Mapping- Mental map Cardinal and Intermediate directions Relative Location Oceans– Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic Vegetation

3 Physical Features Climate-Temperate, Polar and Tropical Continents- North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Australia Conclusion

4 Mapping Mental Map A mental map is a map you form in your mind about directions to a familiar place. For example, how to get from our classroom to the library.

5 Cardinal and Intermediate Directions
Cardinal directions are North, South, West and East. Intermediate directions are Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest.

6 Relative Locations Relative location is when you describe a place using cardinal or intermediate directions in relation to another place. For example North America is Northwest of Africa.

7 Oceans There are 5 oceans in the world Southern, Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic and Indian.

8 Vegetation Vegetation is the plant life of a particular place. Vegetation we have learned about are Rainforests, Deserts, Tundra, Grasslands, Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Near and in the Earth’s Ocean.

9 Climate There are 3 kinds of Climate, Tropical, Temperate and Polar. The temperate region has 4 seasons. The polar region is always cold. The tropical region has a rainy season.

10 North America Physical Features- Greenland is the largest island in the world, Mackenzie River, Mississippi River, Lake Superior, is 1 of the largest freshwater lakes and the Rocky Mountains.

11 North America Climate- mostly temperate, North is polar and the South is tropical. Vegetation- mountains, tundra, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, grasslands, and deserts.

12 South America Physical Features- the Amazon River and Andes Mountains. Climate- South is temperate and the North is tropical. Vegetation- desert, tropical rainforests, mixed and deciduous forest, grasslands, and mountains.

13 Asia Physical Features- Himalayas are the tallest mountains in the world, Lake Baikal, 1 of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, and the Yangtze River, is 1of the 3 largest rivers in the world! Climate- Mostly temperate, South is tropical and the Northern Edge is polar.

14 Asia Climate- Mostly temperate, South is tropical and the Northern edge is polar. Vegetation- desert, mountain, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, grasslands, tundra and tropical rainforest.

15 Europe Physical Features- Swiss Alps, Pyrenees Mountains and the Rhine River. Climate- Mostly temperate and the Northern edge is polar. Vegetation- tundra, coniferous forest, deciduous forest and grassland.

16 Africa Physical Features- Nile River, is 1 of the 3 largest rivers in the world, and the Sahara Desert it is the worlds largest hot desert. Climate- mostly tropical but the Northern and Southern Edge is temperate. Vegetation- deserts, deciduous forest, grasslands and tropical rainforests.

17 Antarctica Physical Features- Transantarctic Mountain is the worlds largest cold desert. Climate- polar. Vegetation- mosses, Antarctic hair grass, cushion forming pealwort, algae forms on the snow and fungi.

18 Australia Physical Features- Simpson Desert, is FAMOUS for its red sand dunes and The Great Dividing Range is a series of hills, mountains and plateau. Climate- mostly temperate but the North is Tropical. Vegetation- deserts, grasslands, tropical rainforests, mixed and deciduous forest.

19 Australia Climate- mostly temperate but the North is Tropical. Vegetation- deserts, grasslands, tropical rainforests, mixed and deciduous forest.

20 Thank you for listening!

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