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HIV Self-Testing Increases HIV Testing Frequency among High Risk MSM: A Randomized Controlled Trial  230 HIV-negative MSM at high risk for HIV acquisition.

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1 HIV Self-Testing Increases HIV Testing Frequency among High Risk MSM: A Randomized Controlled Trial  230 HIV-negative MSM at high risk for HIV acquisition in Seattle randomized for 15 months to: HIV self-testing (HIVST): access to self-tests at no cost Standard Testing: testing as usual  Aim 1: Compare number of HIV tests during follow-up among men randomized to HIVST vs. standard testing  Aim 2: Determine whether HIVST is non-inferior to standard testing with respect to markers for risk of HIV acquisition  HIV self-testing = OraQuick on oral fluids, written instructions & counseling, kits available upon request by mail/pick-up  All participants recommended to test quarterly & offered reminders to test per standard of care David A. Katz, Matthew R. Golden, James P. Hughes, Carey Farquhar, Joanne D. Stekler

2 Access to HIVST increased HIV testing Arm Number of HIV tests Mean (95% CI) ≥1 HIV test N (%) ≥Quarterly testing N (%) Self-testing5.3 (4.7-6.0)96 (98%)74 (76%) Control3.6 (3.2-4.0)92 (93%)53 (54%) P<0.0001P=0.17P=0.001

3 Effect on HIV risk & Conclusions Median ( ) and interquartile range ( | ) of male condomless anal intercourse (CAI) partners reported in last 3 months 9 months15 months Risk difference -6.8% (-16-1.6%) Odds ratio 1.08 (0.61-1.90) Incidence rate ratio 0.92 (0.64-1.33) Conclusions  HIV self-testing programs may ↑ awareness of HIV status without affecting HIV risk  Research necessary to:  Determine effect of self-testing in other settings/populations  Ensure timely linkage to HIV care  Identify cost-effective methods for implementation Poster MOPDC0103; Funded by NIMH (R01 MH086360); NCT01161446

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