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SlovakiaCzech RepublicFinland Duration of compulsory education: 6 to 16 6 to 157 to 17 Structure of school system: Pre-school education Basic education.

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2 SlovakiaCzech RepublicFinland Duration of compulsory education: 6 to 16 6 to 157 to 17 Structure of school system: Pre-school education Basic education ( from 6 to 15) Basic education (from 6 to 15) Basic education ( from 7 to 16) Secondary education ( 15 to 19 ) Secondary education (15 to 19) Secondary education (16 to 19) University education

3 Basic School – first stage (1- 4 form) Basic School – second stage (5 – 9 form) 8-year course Upper Secondary education (4-5 yrs) Post-secondary /higher education Secondary education with apprenticeship certificate (2-3yrs) Conservatoires Upper Secondary General education 4-year course Bachelor's programmes Master´s programmes Doctoral programmes 15 - 6 19 -15 19+ Kindergarten – pre-school level 6-3

4 Czech Republic Basic School – first stage (1-5 form) Basic School – second stage (6-9 form) 8-year course 6-year course Secondary education with School-leaving exam general field other fields Post-secondary education Secondary education with apprenticeship certificate Secondary education Dance Conservatoires Conservatoires 4-year course Bachelor's programmes Master´s programmes Doctoral programmes 15 - 6 19 -15 19+ Kindergarten – pre-primary level 6-3

5 Pre-school education (1 year) Basic education (9 yrs) Upper stage (7-9 form) Lower stage (1-6 form) Vocational education (3 yrs) Upper secondary schools (3-4 yrs) Polytechnics (4 yrs) additional 10 th form Universities (3-5 yrs)

6 SlovakiaCzech RepublicFinland Základná školaZákladní školaPeruskoulu First stage 6 to 10First stage 6 to 11Lower stage 7-13 Second stage 10 to 15Second stage 11 to 15Upper stage 13-16 Voluntary one- year additional education (10th form)

7 SlovakiaCzech RepublicFinland Upper Secondary General education 4 /8 yrs (gymnázium) Upper Secondary General education 4/6/8 yrs (gymnázium) General Upper Secondary education 3 - 4 yrs (lukio/gymnasium) Upper Secondary education – 4 -5 yrs Upper Secondary Technical education 4 yrs Upper Secondary Vocational education and training– 3-4 yrs (ammatillinen oppilaitos) Secondary Vocational education – 2-3 yrs Upper Secondary Vocational education 2-3 yrs matriculation examination

8 Business Academy Ružomberok Masaryk Commercial Academy Jičín Finnish-Russian School Helsinki Type of the school Secondary professional school Secondary technical school Upper secondary school - gymnasium Students aged15 - 19 15 -18 Providesspecialized skills, specializes in economics, accounting, IT specialized skills, specializes in economics, IT, accounting general education Education based on compulsory and optional subjects ( year classes ) compulsory and optional subjects ( year classes ) compulsory and specialisation courses (min.72)

9 Maturita Slovakia TestsOral examination Compulsory33 General partmother tongue foreign language Specialized partpractical exam in specialized subjects (accounting, typing, IT) Economics Optional subjects voluntary Mathematics 2nd foreign language

10 Maturita Czech Republic TestsOral examination Common part Compulsory -2 mother longue foreign language or mathematics foreign language Elective subjects (no more than 3) foreign language or mathematics basics of civic and social sciences Informatics

11 Maturita Czech Republic TestsOral examination Profile part Compulsory - 3 Practical exam Economics Optional subject 2nd foreign language mathematics accounting Information technology

12 Ylioppilastutkinto Finland Tests Compulsory1 mother tongue Compulsory optional subjectsmin 3 the other national language foreign language Mathematics general studies Tests are arranged each spring and autumn, and candidates may complete the examination either entirely in one examination period or in parts within a maximum of three different examination periods.

13  The schools which participated in the Comenius project have some similarities as well as differences  The greatest similarities are between Masaryk Commercial Academy (MCA) and Business Academy (BA) as both schools have the same specialisation – in accounting, economics and IT  Finnish-Russian school is a school providing students with a general education ( gymnasium)  The system of education in MCA and BA is based on compulsory and optional subjects in year classes during 4-year study  In Finland year classes have been abolished in all upper secondary schools, which now function without fixed forms and the composition of teaching groups depends on the students' choice of courses  Matriculation examinations in both MCA and BA have two parts – written and oral. Written part takes place in March and oral one in May – June  In Finland students take just written exams – tests and they are paid  Differences in assessment –in Slovakia and the Czech Republic pupils are assessed by teachers on a scale 1-5 while in Finland on a scale 1-10

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