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Mgr. Katarína Balážiová. 1. State National Curriculum 2. School National Curriculum Curriculum Focus on Reading and Writing Literacy in Slovakia.

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1 Mgr. Katarína Balážiová

2 1. State National Curriculum 2. School National Curriculum Curriculum Focus on Reading and Writing Literacy in Slovakia

3  Developlment of National Curricula falls under the competence of Ministry of Education  The Slovak government introduced new national curriculum in 2007. It gives teachers and subject commissions more possibility to adapt educational programmes to the conditions of individual schools and teachers  Each school follows National Curriculum but also has its own State School Curriculum which reflects individual orientation and objectives of the school and profile of their graduates State National Curriculum

4  New school curriculum allows schools to adapt their school educational programme based on state, regional, market demands, school conditions, development of school plans, students´ abilities and interests  The aim is to ensure that all students will be provided with comparable education corresponding to their personal and work needs State National Curriculum

5 In terms of reading and writing literacy, according to New Education Act of 2008, the aim of education is:  acquire competencies, especially communication skills, oral and written skills, the ability to use communication and communication technologies in the national language, mother language and foreign language  learn how to identify and analyze problems, know how to solve them  develop cultural competencies and respect for other cultures Reading and Writing Literacy in Slovak Curricula

6 International research executed by international research shows that Slovak learners have low reading lieteracy Reasons:  at lessons teachers prefer transmissive model to productive model of of  teaching (passive transfer of information to their productive exploration by learners)  lack of creativity at lessons  teachers pose questions and often answer them...  teachers focus on meeting their lesson plan and forget to develop students´ competencies  teachers do not devote enough time to individual needs of students and do not motivate them adequately Trainings for Teachers to Promote Reading Literacy in Slovak Learners

7 The graduate of the school is able to:  use/process this information correctly and draw conclusions  interpret and integrate the ideas and information from the text  solve tasks  apply these skills also in his further life  lead a successful communication with others  understand a text he is reading and look up any information he needs Reading Literacy in School National Curriculum at Golianova Gymnasium

8  Established school library available for all students of the school  So called literaure spots as parts of individual units of English textbooks  For 2 nd year students there is subject: Literature of English Speaking Countries Promotion of Reading Literacy at Golianova Gymnasium

9 Aim of the subject:  actively use the knowledge of English language in reading literature  develop reading literacy: deduce main ideas of the text, connect the ideas together  match newly gained information with the old information  familiarise with the culture of English speaking countries  develop positive attitude towards literature Aim of the Subject: Literature of English Speaking Countries

10  students´ presentations  dramatization of literary texts  creative tasks about texts  role-playing of characters  retelling the text Methods used at lessons

11 Thank you for your attention!

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