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CYC: The Common Sense Knowledge Base By: Jeremy Berman Alok Sahgal Dr. Reed CSC 550.

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Presentation on theme: "CYC: The Common Sense Knowledge Base By: Jeremy Berman Alok Sahgal Dr. Reed CSC 550."— Presentation transcript:

1 CYC: The Common Sense Knowledge Base By: Jeremy Berman Alok Sahgal Dr. Reed CSC 550

2 Intro History What is Cyc? How does it work? Applications –OpenCyc –CycSecure

3 History of CYC Douglas B. Lenat and MCC (1984) GOFAI at a massive scale Construct “Common Sense” knowledge –3 million rules of thumb (2002) –300,000 terms

4 The First 10 Years Initial Goals (1984) –r–representation language –I–Interface for browsing and editing –"–"cadre of lightly trained knowledge enterers" could easily use –h–hooks to other AI programs. Midpoint Report (1990) –C–CycL developed

5 Current State Now, anyone can be knowledge-enterer Web allows acceleration of knowledge entry Lenat claims human-level capacity in 5 years

6 How CYC Works Knowledge Server Knowledge Base Inference Engine CycL Cyc-NL Semantic Integration Bus

7 Knowledge Base Contains facts about everyday life (common sense) Terms written in CycL Assertions about terms –Entered by humans –Created by Cyc Microtheories

8 Inference Engine General logical deduction Best-first search Due to size, ordinary expert system methods of accessing data do not work. Cyc team developed new methods of retrieving data (secret)

9 CycL –Cyc representation language –variation of first-order predicate calculus

10 CycL Constant - #$OrganicStuff NAT - (#$FruitFn #$AppleTree) Variable - –(#$colorOfObject #$Grass ?someColor) Expression – –(#$colorOfObject #$Grass #$Green)

11 CycL Assertions “Animals sleep at home.” (ForAll ?x (ForAll ?S (ForAll ?PLACE (implies (and (isa ?x Animal) (isa ?S SleepingEvent) (performer ?S ?x) (location ?S ?PLACE)) (home ?x ?PLACE))))) if x is an animal and the performer of a sleeping event then the place where that event takes place is the home of x.

12 Cyc-NL Used to translate between English and CycL The man saw the light with the telescope. {:SENTENCE {:NP {:DETP {#$Determiner [the]}} {:N-BAR {#$SimpleNoun [man]}}} {:VP {#$Verb [saw]} {:NP {:DETP {#$Determiner [the]}} {:N-BAR {#$SimpleNoun [light]}} {:PP {#$Preposition [with]} {:NP {:DETP {#$Determiner [the]}} {:N-BAR {#$SimpleNoun [telescope]}}}}}}}}

13 Cyc-NL Fred saw the plane flying over Zurich. Fred saw the mountains flying over Zurich. Cyc “knows” that: – planes fly. –people fly in planes. –mountains do not fly. –Zurich is a city.

14 Semantic Integration Bus Makes data from a variety of sources usable to the Inference Engine.

15 Applications OpenCyc Uses Goals of Project Demonstration CycSecure

16 OpenCyc Uses Allows user to create applications that access and use data in CycKB Starting point for: –Speech understanding –Database integration –Email prioritizing –Game engines –Letting people develop their own “worlds”

17 OpenCyc Goals of Project Growth of Knowledge Base Establish CycKB as the standard for: –knowledge representation/management –database integration –intelligent software applications

18 OpenCyc Goals cont. Raise awareness for symbolic knowledge Help to combine symbolic systems with emergent ones (neural nets, genetic algorithms, etc)

19 OpenCyc Demonstration

20 CycSecure Automated network auditing service that simulates network attacks First real commercial application Complements other network security apps

21 Anatomy Of CycSecure Network Configuration Simulator –Inputs the data for security assessment CycSecure Knowledge Base –Contains knowledge of vulnerabilities and patterns of attacks AttackPlan Analyzer –Simulates a planned attack

22 How CycSecure Works Uses virtual network from NCS Finds vulnerabilities of network security DoD’s Information Assurance Vulnerability Assessment

23 More about CycSecure Evolved Scanner Costs Still in beta-testing

24 Future of Cyc Online brokering of goods and services "Smart" interfaces Advancement gaming AI Improved speech recognition Sophisticated user modeling Local consistency

25 Conclusion KB is already enormous and broad Large corporate support Largest GOFAI attempt

26 References Anthes, Gary H. Computerizing Common Sense, Computerworld April 8, 2002.

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