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The nature of concrete can be determined through petrographic examinination.

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2 The nature of concrete can be determined through petrographic examinination.

3 Defects in Concrete

4 Physical Signs of Defects “Corrosion occurs quite simply because sometimes the steel reinforcement within the concrete is not properly protected against the effects over time of water, acids and salts.”

5 Chemical Attack

6 Chloride Diffusion

7 Why Membranes Are Becoming “Old School Waterproofing” Concrete Needs to Breath

8 What does Xypex do? Provides resistance against aggressive chemicals Increases the structural strength and durability of concrete Seals concrete from the penetration of water

9 Xypex’s Unique Crystallization Process

10 Chemical Diffusion


12 Admix Projects

13 Repair Projects


15 Japanese Bridge Deck



18 CONCLUSION From this experimental investigation, it was clear that the Xypex Concentrate crystalline treatment was effective in improving the durability of the concrete deck plates that are stressed by continuous and repeated load. It was confirmed that cement crystals are increased in the cracks of the bridge deck and hence a waterproofing effect has resulted.

19 Ten Year Warranty Available Engineering Required Review By IMX Personal Certified Application de neef joint details required

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