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Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 1 BCTE Overview of Program of Study (POS) K.C. Simchock.

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Presentation on theme: "Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 1 BCTE Overview of Program of Study (POS) K.C. Simchock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 1 BCTE Overview of Program of Study (POS) K.C. Simchock Division Manager for Professional Development & Support Services Bureau of Career and Technical Education

2 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 2 The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of Education is to lead and serve the educational community, to enable each individual to grow into an inspired, productive, fulfilled lifelong learner.

3 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Office of Basic Education Amy C. Morton, Deputy Secretary Bureau of Career & Technical Education Dr. Lee Burket, Director

4 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 4 Updates with Include: Websites to assist school educators Data to support career pathways for PA HPO Perkins Requirements: Federal Recommendations for POS PA Process to Implement POS Data to Support College and Career Ready POS Action Plan for Marketing Today’s Topics to be Reviewed

5 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 5 BCTE POS Overview Program of Study (POS) – Career Pathways Leading Career & Technical Ed into College- – BCTE Careerzone – Website- Assessments, PA Labor Market Job Data, Jobs, Schools, & Budget Lifestyles- Standards Align System (SAS) – Information and Resources for Implementation- NEW - Lesson Plans-

6 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Federal Program of Study Components 1.Legislation and Polices – Perkins, CATS 2.Course Sequences – Secondary & Postsecondary 3.Partnerships – Educators, Administers, Institutions 4.Guidance Counseling – Career Pathways 5.Credits Transfer Agreements – Statewide 6.College and Career Readiness – Rigor courses, Industry Certifications 7.Accountability and Evaluation Systems – PIMS, CATS 8.Professional Development- PDE, Tech-Prep, Centers 9.Teaching and Learning Strategies- Integration of Academics 10.Technical Skills Assessment- Student Attainment

7 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Approve articulation for POS Develop POS Formats Review Perkins policy Built Partnerships Marketing Plan SOAR – T-P Train school educators, counselors, administrators Develop verified technical standards Scope & sequence HPO/ Industry Certifications BCTE POS committees review blueprints Sites test pilot assessments PIMS Training to schools academic alignment Develop & validate end of program tests Programs of Study Update POS very 3 to 4 years Compile data on POS/Perkins Report data for POS Indicators Establish POS Committees Establish frameworks & process NOCTI Finalized Articulation Agreements Return to development stage and start the process of revisions POSTSECONDARY DevelopmentDevelopment DevelopDevelop SECONDARY ImplementImplement AssessAssess AccountAccount ReviseRevise Program Approval Process Signed Articulation Agreements placed on Academyone Website Perkins contracts Write test questions Schools review data & analysis Articulation is also revisited and agreements Updated Review Perkins policy Develop verified technical standards HPO/ Industry Certifications BCTE Programs of Study Establish frameworks & process

8 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of k2009.xls High Priority Occupations (HPOs) are direct results of Pennsylvania’s industry-driven approach to workforce development. The purpose of the statewide and regional HPO lists is to align workforce training and education investments with occupations that are: * High Demand * High Skill; * Family Sustainable Wages. Access the 2010 HPO lists for PA or WIA to see if your occupation or training program met the latest criteria. If not, you may need to petition occupations to be added. All petitions are due to the state no later than June. The final 2010 HPO lists will be released on July 1, 2010. PA has 110 CIPs, 55 are HPO, and currently 35 of those are POS. High Priority Occupations (HPOs)

9 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Accounting Technology/Technician & Bookkeeping 52.0302 Agricultural Mechanization, General 01.0201 Carpentry/Carpenter 46.0201 Child Care & Support Services Management 19.0708 Dental Assisting/Assistant 51.0601 Health/Medical Assisting Services, Other 51.0899 Welding Technology/Welder 48.0508 The First Seven POSs

10 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Machine Tool Technician Commercial/Advertising Art Medical/Clinical Assistant Health Prof and Rel Clinical Other Adm. Asst/Secr. Science, General Gen Office Occ. & Clerical System Sales/Distribution/Marketing Graphic Communication Other Computer Network/Telecom Electronic/Comm. Eng Tech Drafting/Design Tech, Gen Elec/Pwr Trans Installer Other Heating, AC, Refrig. Mechanic Auto body Repair Tech Automotive Mechanic Tech 15 POSs for 2009

11 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Institutional Food Worker Electromechanical Tech Computer Technology Biotechnology Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other Phase III POS- 2010 Mason/Masonry Building/Property Maintenance Plumbing Technology/Plumber Construction Trades, Other Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Tech/Technician Vehicle Maintenance Tech, Other Cabinetmaking & Millwork Logistics, Materials & Supply Chain Management

12 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 15.1303 Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD 52.1201 Management Information System General (CIP 52.5999 will be phased into this CIP and teachers in CIP 11.0201 are invites to participate) 15.9999 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other New CIP - 10.9999 Communication Technology and Support Services, Other (CIP 50.5999 will be phased into this new CIP and teacher in CIP 50.0602 are invited to participate) Phase IV POS- 2011

13 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 21 st Century Economic Realities Unskilled jobs are disappearing; demand for high skills is rising

14 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 21 st Century Economic Realities Annual Income By Education

15 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 78.9 % - Graduate from HS 49% - Enter College 39 % - 2-year in College 28% - Complete College- 6 years 2007 The National Center for Higher Education Management SystemsThe National Center for Higher Education Management Systems

16 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Few College Completers 16 PA ranks 5 th in the nation for sending HS students to college. PA ranks 45 th in the nation for graduating the same HS students from college. This data is also similar for 2008.

17 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of This agreement outlines the general conditions between secondary and postsecondary institutions. The qualifications listed allows students to acquire postsecondary education credits leading to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level or an associate or baccalaureate degree. Student will receive 9 credits or more from postsecondary by meeting the requirements: 2.5 grade point average or above Pass the NOCTI test Graduate from High School Perkins Statewide Articulations with Postsecondary institutions: Statewide Articulation For (POS) Save time and save money!!

18 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of SOAR Articulations Webpage 18 Student Documentation Articulation Opportunities Links to

19 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Statewide Articulation Overview Examine SOAR Programs and award college-level course credit in a CTE-related POS leading to a certificate diploma, associate or baccalaureate degree at the postsecondary level. General Agreement Conditions Credit Validation Measures Student Qualification Data Collection Current Articulations 19

20 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Student Documentation Required Earn a high school diploma, achieve a minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in the technical courses and complete the Secondary School component of the approved PDE Program of Study. Achieve competent or advanced level on the Secondary School end-of- program assessment that is appropriate to the approved PDE Program of Study. Achieve proficiency on all of the approved PDE Program of Study Secondary Competency Task List. Furnish documentation to verify qualification. 20

21 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Student Documentation Flowchart POS Student Documentation Items Needed: Official Transcript Copy Student Diploma POS Documentation Items & signed POS coversheet Industry Certification(s) earned Secondary Competency Task List & Sign off Sheet Technical Core Courses GPA in Technical Core Courses End of Assessment Program Skill Certificate earned Postsecondary Admissions Office where student is applying 21

22 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of SOAR Students Occupationally and Academically Ready Benefits of SOAR: Saving Money on College Tuition Saving Time by Shortening College Attendance Getting on the Right Career Pathway Entering the Job Market Ready Getting a Consistent Education Marketing For Program of Study (POS)

23 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Marketing For Program of Study (POS) 1.Develop a awareness plan to inform educators of POSs * Develop PR Marketing Plan – T-P Regional Support 1.Inform students on the benefits of POS * Develop career plans for lifelong learning and for postsecondary continuation 3.In-service POS partners on connections with teachers administrators, parents, industry, postsecondary * Review scope & sequences of courses with home schools * Support connections with partners of the POS articulations

24 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of 4. Implement the POS in your school * Review current career pathways and update to POSs * Inform teachers of the need for them to incorporate POS into their curriculums. New regulations for 2011- 2012 program approvals 5. Encourage testimonies on POS for documentaries * Students career pathways success stories * Teachers receiving follow ups from the community * Best Practices share with PDE Marketing For Program of Study (POS)

25 Edward G. Rendell, Governor ▪ Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of For additional questions or information contact BCTE : Division Manager, Division of Professional Development and Support Services K.C. Simchock (717) 783-6964 POS/SOAR Programs: Dr. John Brown, Division of Professional Development and Support Services, (717) 783-6867 Perkins IV Statewide Articulation Agreement Mr. David C. Garnes Division of Adult & Postsecondary Career and Technical Education (717) 783-6859

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