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GERMAN VIEWS ON NUCLEAR POWER Christian Wilson Press Officer, Deutsches Atomforum e. V. PIME 2004, 9 February 2004 to:

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Presentation on theme: "GERMAN VIEWS ON NUCLEAR POWER Christian Wilson Press Officer, Deutsches Atomforum e. V. PIME 2004, 9 February 2004 to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GERMAN VIEWS ON NUCLEAR POWER Christian Wilson Press Officer, Deutsches Atomforum e. V. PIME 2004, 9 February 2004 E-mail to:


3 Nuclear Power in Germany: The Facts  today 18 NPPs cover a third of electricity supply; 50 % of baseload electricity  since 1961 3.600 TWh produced  not one person killed or badly injured by the effects of radiation  Germany‘s strict safety management and nuclear expertise enjoy a high reputation worldwide  but: latent fear of nuclear power

4 Nuclear Power in Germany: „Social“ History 50s/60s:euphoria, nuclear power as a virtually inexhaustible source of energy 70s/80s:intensive discussions, often ideological in nature 90s:social dabate took a more sober and pragmatic dimension 1998:new Government‘s goal ist the nuclear phase-out 2000:agreement reached between the Federal Government an the energy utilities 2002:new Atomic Energy Act

5  About 50 % of the Germans believe that the agreement is reversible  Estimation of the future role of nuclear power in Germany: Source: Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, 2001

6 Q:Which source of energy would be ideal – in the long term – for playing the main role? Source: Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, 2003

7 (One out ten energy related statements) Do you agree with the following statement? „Nuclear power is an acceptable source of energy“ Source: P.M. Magazin / tns emnid, June 2003

8 Q:Will we be able to manage the nuclear phase-out, or will it be impossible – also in the long term – to do without nuclear energy? Source: Capital, November 2003

9 Q:The SPD intends to allow Siemens to sell the mothballed fuel element plant to China although the „green“ Coalition Partner strongly opposes this plan. What do you think: should the plant be delivered to China? Source: Polis, December 2003

10 „The nuclear phase-out is also in the long term undesirable due to the CO 2 problem.“ „I agree“ journalists (covering business themes) Source: Dr. Doeblin, Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftskommunikation mbH *** * no survey

11 „The nuclear phase-out is also in the long term undesirable due to the CO 2 problem.“ „I agree“ journalists (covering business themes) Source: Dr. Doeblin, Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftskommunikation mbH *** * no survey

12 Opinion about the different energy sources „risk for the environment“ journalists (covering business themes) Source: Dr. Doeblin, Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftskommunikation mbH

13 Conclusions  the majority of the average German population rejects nuclear power  the acceptance of nuclear energy is higher in the western part of Germany than it is in the eastern part (the NPPs in the former GDR were closed in 1989/1990 and not replaced by new ones)  women are much more against nuclear power than men  the standard of education influences the attitude toward nuclear energy  this doesn‘t necessarily mean that the Germans would vote against a further use of NPPs (if they were asked like in Switzerland)

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