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Foundations of Cryptography Rahul Jain CS6209, Jan – April 2011

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1 Foundations of Cryptography Rahul Jain CS6209, Jan – April 2011

2 Foundations of Cryptography : Basic Applications Encryption Schemes. Digital Signatures. General Cryptographic Protocols.

3 Encryption Schemes

4 Private key v/s Public key encryption schemes, Fig. 5.1, 5.2. Definition of encryption schemes (Def. 5.1.1). Definition of security : Semantic security – private key (Def 5.2.1), Semantic security – public key (Def 5.2.2). Indistinguishability of Encryptions : Private Key (Def. 5.2.3), Public-key (Def 5.2.4). Thm 5.2.5 : (Equivalence of definitions – private key) A private-key encryption scheme is semantically secure if and only if it has indistinguishable encryptions. Proof done in class.

5 Encryption Schemes : Multiple Messages Semantic Security – Multiple messages (Def. 5.2.8) Indistinguishability of encryptions - Multiple messages (Def. 5.2.9) Thm 5.2.10 (equivalence of definitions – multiple messages) : A private-key (resp. public- key) encryption scheme is semantically secure for multiple messages if and only if it has indistinguishable encryptions for multiple messages. Proof on similar lines as that of Thm 5.2.5. Thm 5.2.11. (single-message security implies multiple-message security) : A public-key encryption scheme has indistinguishable encryptions for multiple messages if and only if it has indistinguishable encryptions for a single message. Proof done in class. Propositions 5.2.12 (Effect on the private-key model) : Suppose there exists pseudorandom generators (robust against polynomial size circuits). Then there exists a private-key encryption scheme that satisfies Def. 5.2.3. but does not satisfy Def. 5.2.9. Proof done in class.

6 Constructions of Encryption Schemes Block-Ciphers (Def. 5.3.5 ), Semantic-security – private-key block-ciphers (Def. 5.3.6), Public-key equivalent definition can be given similarly. Construction 5.3.7 (from block-ciphers to general encryption schemes) Proposition 5.3.8 : Suppose (G,E,D) and (G’,E’,D’) be as in Construction 5.3.7. Suppose that the former is a secure private-key (resp. public-key) block cipher. Then the latter is a secure private-key (resp. public-key) encryption scheme. Proof done in class. Construction 5.3.9 (a private-key block-cipher based on pseudorandom functions)

7 Constructions of Encryption Schemes Proposition 5.3.10 : Let F and (G,E,D) be as in Construction 5.3.9 and suppose that F is pseudorandom with respect to polynomial size circuits. Then (G,E,D) is secure. Proof done in class. Theorem 5.3.11 : If there exists (non-uniformly strong) one-way functions, then there exists secure private-key encryption schemes. Proof done in class. Public key encryptions schemes : Trapdoor permutations, definition. Construction 5.3.13 (public-key block-cipher with block length 1 using trapdoor permutations with a hard-core predicate). Proposition 5.3.14 : Suppose that b is a (non-uniformly strong) hard core of the collection {p α }. Then Construction 5.3.13 constitutes a secure public-key block-cipher with block length l = 1. Proof done in class.

8 Constructions of Encryption Schemes Theorem 5.3.15: If there exists collections of (non-uniformly hard) trapdoor permutations, then there exists secure public-key encryption schemes. Proof done in class. Large Hard-Core Conjecture for RSA. Construction 5.3.16 (Randomized-RSA, a public-key block-cipher scheme) Proposition 5.3.17 : Suppose that the large hard-core conjecture for RSA does hold. Then Construction 5.3.16 constitutes a secure public-key block-cipher (with block- length l(n) = n ). Proof done in class.

9 Constructions of Encryption Schemes Construction 5.3.18 (an alternate public-key encryption scheme based on one-way permutations) Proposition 5.3.19 : Suppose that b is a (non-uniformly strong) hard core of the collection {p α }. Furthermore, suppose that this trapdoor collection utilizes a domain sampling algorithm S so that the statistical difference between S(α) and the uniform distribution over the domain of p α is negligible in terms of |α|. Then Construction 5.3.18 constitutes a secure public-key encryption scheme. Proof done in class. Construction 5.3.20 (the Blum-Goldwasser Public-Key Encryption Scheme) Corollary 5.3.21: Suppose factoring is infeasible, then Construction 5.3.20 constitutes a secure public-key encryption scheme.

10 Digital Signatures and Message Authentication

11 A scheme for unforgeable signatures must satisfy: 1)Each user can efficiently produce his/her own signature on documents of his/her choice; 2)Every user can efficiently verify whether a given string is a signature of another (specific) user on a specific document; but 3)It is infeasible to produce signatures of other users to documents that they did not sign. A scheme for message authentication should satisfy: 1)Each of the communicating parties can efficiently produce an authentication tag to any message of his/her choice; 2)Each of the communication parties can efficiently verify whether a given string is an authentication tag of a given message; but 3)It is infeasible for an external adversary (i.e. a party other than the communicating parties) to produce authentication tags to messages not sent by the communicating parties.

12 Digital Signatures and Message Authentication Definition 6.1.1 (signature scheme) A chosen message attack is a process that can obtain signatures to strings of its choice, relative to some fixed signing-key that is generated by G. We distinguish two case: The private-key case: Here the attacker is given 1 n

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