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The Sacraments: Source of Our Life in Christ Mr. Michael Borges Cardinal Spellman High School Theology 11.

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1 The Sacraments: Source of Our Life in Christ Mr. Michael Borges Cardinal Spellman High School Theology 11

2 Chapter Three: The Sacrament of Baptism

3 Through Baptism (1) we are freed from sin and (2) reborn as children of God; (3) we become members of Christ, are (4) incorporated into the Church, and (5) made sharers in her mission.

4 Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism Baptizein (Greek) : “to plunge or immerse” Being buried with Christ (death) and emerging as a “new creation” (Resurrection)

5 Baptism Prefigured in the Old Testament Creation (Gen 1)Creation (Gen 1) The Great Flood (Gen 7-9)The Great Flood (Gen 7-9) The Red Sea Crossing (Ex 14)The Red Sea Crossing (Ex 14)

6 Baptism revealed in the New Testament  The ministry of John the Baptist (Mk 1:1-8)  The Baptism of Jesus (Mt 3:13-17) 1.Jesus’ baptism shows us the value of “humility” 2.Jesus’ baptism prefigures his baptism in blood at the Cross 3.Jesus’ baptism is a revelation of his true identity - the Messiah

7  “Born Again” (Jn 3:1-5)  The Great Commission (Mt 28:16-20; Mk 16:14-16)  St. Peter at Pentecost (Acts 2:37-39)  St. Paul’s epistles (Rom 6:3-4; Tit 3:5; Eph 5:26)  St. Peter’s letter (1 Pet 3:21)

8 The Sacraments of Christian Initiation  Baptism brings new life in Christ  Confirmation strengthens the new life  Eucharist nourishes the new life with Christ’s Body and Blood  Baptism brings new life in Christ  Confirmation strengthens the new life  Eucharist nourishes the new life with Christ’s Body and Blood They “gather in” God’s people and make us members of Christ’s Body, the Church They give us the life of Christ and bestow the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can be Christ for others

9 Christian Initiation in the Church Catechumenate: a period of study and instruction in preparation for Initiation Catechumen: a new convert being instructed in the Christian Faith before Baptism.

10 Initiation in the Early Church   Most converts were adults and initiation was seen as a journey that took place in stages   Sponsors helped them prepare through a three-year period of prayer, fasting, and self-denial   After a forty-day period of prayer and formal instruction in the faith during Lent, they received all three Sacraments at the Easter Vigil   The bishop was the main celebrant   Catechumens were questioned and anointed with oil   Most converts were adults and initiation was seen as a journey that took place in stages   Sponsors helped them prepare through a three-year period of prayer, fasting, and self-denial   After a forty-day period of prayer and formal instruction in the faith during Lent, they received all three Sacraments at the Easter Vigil   The bishop was the main celebrant   Catechumens were questioned and anointed with oil

11  They were plunged into the baptismal waters three times  The five senses were anointed and the Holy Spirit invoked (Confirmation)  The neophytes received white garments to symbolize a new life in Christ  The neophytes received candles to remind them of their new vocation to be the light of Christ  The Eucharist was celebrated and they received their first Holy Communion  They were plunged into the baptismal waters three times  The five senses were anointed and the Holy Spirit invoked (Confirmation)  The neophytes received white garments to symbolize a new life in Christ  The neophytes received candles to remind them of their new vocation to be the light of Christ  The Eucharist was celebrated and they received their first Holy Communion

12 Initiation today  After AD 313, most Catholics were baptized in infancy  Holy Communion is typically received at age seven  The Second Vatican Council restored the ancient way of initiating adults into the Church  The Catechumenate has distinct steps, consisting of four periods and three stages and are found in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)  After AD 313, most Catholics were baptized in infancy  Holy Communion is typically received at age seven  The Second Vatican Council restored the ancient way of initiating adults into the Church  The Catechumenate has distinct steps, consisting of four periods and three stages and are found in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

13 Infant Baptism  The practice of infant Baptism shows that salvation is a pure gift of Christ’s grace that extends even to children.  It shows that that the Church relies on the faith of the parents, godparents, and all the Church to ensure that infants are baptized in a faith-filled environment  The practice of infant Baptism shows that salvation is a pure gift of Christ’s grace that extends even to children.  It shows that that the Church relies on the faith of the parents, godparents, and all the Church to ensure that infants are baptized in a faith-filled environment

14 The Celebration of Baptism  The essential rite of Baptism consists in (a) immersing the candidate in water ( Immersion ) or (b) pouring water on the head of the candidate three times ( Affusion ) and (c) pronouncing the words, “N., I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”  The ordinary minister of Baptism is a bishop, priest or deacon.  Extraordinary minister = ANYONE

15 Symbols of Baptism SymbolWaterOilWhitegarmentCandleSymbolWaterOilWhitegarmentCandleMeaning cleansing, death to an old life of sin and rebirth into new life with Christ anointing with Christ (the “anointed one”), we belong to him, we receive the Holy Spirit who protects, guides, strengthens purity, happiness, and a new identity of living in union with the Lord Christ is the light of the world and his followers should be Christ’s light to others Meaning cleansing, death to an old life of sin and rebirth into new life with Christ anointing with Christ (the “anointed one”), we belong to him, we receive the Holy Spirit who protects, guides, strengthens purity, happiness, and a new identity of living in union with the Lord Christ is the light of the world and his followers should be Christ’s light to others

16 Effects of Baptism Baptism forgives both Original Sin and personal sin and remits all punishment due to sin Baptism gives us birth into a new life in Christ Baptism initiates and incorporates us into Christ’s Body, the Church Baptism seals Christians with an indelible spiritual character that marks us as belonging to Christ

17 The Necessity of Baptism Baptism is necessary for Salvation (John 3:5)Baptism is necessary for Salvation (John 3:5) God has bound Salvation to the Sacrament of Baptism... He himself is not bound by his sacramentsGod has bound Salvation to the Sacrament of Baptism... He himself is not bound by his sacraments Baptism of BloodBaptism of Blood Baptism of DesireBaptism of Desire Infants who die are entrusted to the mercy of GodInfants who die are entrusted to the mercy of God

18 Living the Sacrament of Baptism The graces of Baptism remain stagnant unless we put them to use, so the Church has many reminders:  Holy water fonts from which we make the Sign of the Cross  Reading the creation account at the Easter Vigil  Blessing the baptismal water at Baptism  Renewal of our baptismal promises at the Easter Vigil

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