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A Historical Perspective of Strategy D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "A Historical Perspective of Strategy D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Historical Perspective of Strategy D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. 1

2 Military Axioms on Effective Strategy ¬Have clear, decisive objectives. ­Maintain the initiative. ®Concentrate resources. ¯Be flexible. °Have coordinated and committed leadership. ±Achieve surprise. ²Have an element of security. 13

3 A Historical Perspective of Strategy D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. D Switch/Split in meaning after the industrial revolution. –definitions stemming from game theory. D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. D Switch/Split in meaning after the industrial revolution. –definitions stemming from game theory. 2

4 A Historical Perspective of Strategy D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. D Switch/Split in meaning after the industrial revolution. –definitions stemming from game theory. D Derivation from the Greek work “strategos”. D Switch/Split in meaning after the industrial revolution. –definitions stemming from game theory.

5 Some Useful Definitions of Strategy ¶ Strategy as the determinant of the long-term goals of the enterprise. - Chandler · Strategy as the pattern of objectives, purposes, or goals and plans for achieving these goals. - Andrews ¸ Strategy as the common thread among a firm’s activities. - Ansoff 2

6 Some Useful Definitions of Strategy ¶ Strategy as the determinant of the long-term goals of the enterprise. - Chandler · Strategy as the pattern of objectives, purposes, or goals and plans for achieving these goals. - ¸ Strategy as the common thread among a firm’s activities. - Ansoff

7 D Strategy is a pattern in a stream of actions over time. Mintzberg’s Definition 3

8 D Strategy is a pattern in a stream of actions over time.

9 Different Kinds of Strategy Intended Strategy 3

10 UnrealizedStrategy Deliberate Different Kinds of Strategy

11 Intended Strategy UnrealizedStrategy Emergent Strategy Strategy Deliberate Different Kinds of Strategy

12 Intended Strategy UnrealizedStrategy Emergent Strategy Strategy Deliberate RealizedStrategy Different Kinds of Strategy

13 Dimensions of Strategy D Strategies contain goals, policies, and action sequences. D Strategies develop around a few key concepts. D Strategies deal with the unpredictable and the unknowable. D Strategies require hierarchies of mutual support strategies. D Strategies contain goals, policies, and action sequences. D Strategies develop around a few key concepts. D Strategies deal with the unpredictable and the unknowable. D Strategies require hierarchies of mutual support strategies. 12

14 The Five P’s Plan 14

15 The Five P’s Ploy Plan

16 The Five P’s Ploy Plan Pattern

17 The Five P’s Ploy Plan Pattern Position

18 The Five P’s Ploy Plan Pattern Position Perspective

19 Questions ?

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