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JOSHUA Chapter 11 FIGHTING FROM AND NOT FOR VICTORY I.INTRODUCTION A. “Southern Campaign” = defeat of the 5 kings.

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Presentation on theme: "JOSHUA Chapter 11 FIGHTING FROM AND NOT FOR VICTORY I.INTRODUCTION A. “Southern Campaign” = defeat of the 5 kings."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOSHUA Chapter 11 FIGHTING FROM AND NOT FOR VICTORY I.INTRODUCTION A. “Southern Campaign” = defeat of the 5 kings.

2 1.They called upon Joshua. 2.Joshua continuing on through the land! a) Joshua 10:40-43 (1) There are still enemies in the land! (2) Much of the North yet to be conquered.

3 II.JOSHUA 11:1-23 A.There will be other wars. 1.Made POSSIBLE by driving out strongholds! a) Applications to our Christian walks! III.Jesus defeated our enemy!

4 A.We know from the evidence of the cross? 1.If just “theory” it means little to us! 2.Lack of faith does not diminish work of the cross! a) Verse 16a b) Verse 23b

5 (1) Spiritually Jesus has done same thing! IV.WHAT DOES that mean to the Christian? A.We fight FROM victory not FOR victory!

6 1.Joshua has shown Israel how to win. 2.Shown Israel not listening = sure defeat! 3. “Sin” makes it impossible for the Lord to bless! a) Need to follow that pattern and they WILL be victorious!

7 B.So it is with God’s children: 1.Jesus promised us victory! a) Must follow pattern. b) IF cross is just a “theory” we will forsake the pattern!

8 V.What does it mean to fight from victory? A.Do you know you are forgiven? 1. Free from trying to “earn” God’s love. 2. Some find themselves at the foot of the cross!

9 a) Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED! (John 19:30) b) Romans 8:1 c) John 8:36 (1) We stand clothed in righteousness of our Savior! (2) Jesus has done it all!

10 (3) NOTHING can touch the child of God. (a) There will still be trials! (b) NOTHING my enemy can do to me! (c) I will have peace. (i) That is fighting from victory!

11 VI.CONCLUSION A.Victory does not come from us. 1.Just the opposite. 2.Look in the world – we replace the pattern. a) MUST come from the Lord:

12 (1) Psalms 37:4-5 (2) He will become “delight” of our life. (3) Will not imagine a moment without Him! B.Close with first verse of Joshua chapter 13: 1.Joshua 13:1

13 a) Still much land that needs to be possessed!

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