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Incomplete & Codominance

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1 Incomplete & Codominance
Genetics Biology 30 Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud

2 Reviewing All photos from:

3 Incomplete Dominance (a.k.a. partial dominance or blending)
occurs when both alleles contribute to a trait that is not like either parent.  this condition is only seen in the heterozygous individual  ex.. Snap Dragons or Four O’Clocks or Morning Glory or Primrose (Flowers) Curly (homozygous) or straight (homozygous), but if you are heterozygous you have wavy hair.

4 Example: Snap Dragons Parents: Red X White W = red w = white
 Parents are both true breeding red and white. WW  X ww  Genotype: All Ww Phenotype: All Pink W w Ww

5 F1 x F1 Cross Ww X Ww Genotypic Ratio: 1WW: 2 Ww: 1ww
F1 x F1 Cross Ww X Ww Remember: W = red  w =  white Ww = pink Genotypic Ratio: 1WW: 2 Ww: 1ww Phenotypic ratio: 1 Red: 2 Pink: 1 White W w WW Ww ww ***NOTE:  Because there is no dominance in the heterozygote the phenotypic ratio is identical to the genotypic ratio**** 

6 http://courses. bio. psu

7 How the coloring works . . . WW – have enough pigment to be red
ww  -  flowers don’t have any pigment = no color Ww – only have enough pigment to be pink

8 Codominance the two dominant genes are expressed at the same time
both traits appear in the heterozygous individual at the same time ex.. Roan (Red or Blue) coat color in horses and cattle  Chestnut and White color in horses are both dominant traits; the heterozygous individual is a palomino (golden).

9 Blue Roan Example: http://www. virginiacowboy
Red Roan Example:

10 Coat Color in Horses CR CW CR CW C= Color gene
CR CR  = Red CW CW = White CR CW = Red Roan If you cross a true breeding Red horse with a true breeding white horse, what ratios will you get? Genotypic Ratio: All CR CW Phenotypic Ratio: All Red Roan CR CW CR CW

11 Example: MN Blood Group
MN blood group – is characterized by a certain type of glycoprotein on the surface of the RBCs.  There are two forms: M and N Designate is L LMLM = M LNLN = N LMLN  = MN type 

12 MN Blood Group LMLM = M LNLN = N LMLN  = MN type  What types of offspring would be produced from a cross of a homozygous M type with an MN type? Parents: LMLM X LMLN Genotypic Ratio: 1 LMLM : 1 LMLN Phenotypic Ratio: 1 M blood type: 1 MN blood type LM LMLM LN LMLN

13 Resource Sites

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