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My Vacation Bora bora Travel Plan L eave Wednesday Morning: Pack car. Leave House. Drop off car at car garage. Get on the plane. From airport take.

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2 My Vacation Bora bora


4 Travel Plan L eave Wednesday Morning: Pack car. Leave House. Drop off car at car garage. Get on the plane. From airport take helicopter to the hotel. Stay Friday through Thursday. Leave Thursday Morning: Pack rental car. Get on the plane. Pick up car from garage. Head home.

5 What entertainment and attractions are available on this trip? Boating Jet skiing Water skiing Kayaking Island le truck tour Snorkeling Shark and ray feeding Scuba diving Swimming with dolphins, fish, sharks, rays, or turtles. Tanning

6 Materials & Cost Hotel$5,118 Food/Drinks$200 Scuba Diving$193 Boating$162 Island le truck tour $94 Spa$100 Airplane$2,656 Helicopter$145 Rental car$260

7 Every Destination has a Life Cycle… Bora bora would be considered to be in the Maturation cycle. Good business but it’s at a point were it will not grow or improve any more.

8 Who Would is Vacation Appeal To… Couple Families Celebrities

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